
First Fight


i opned my eyes, and found myself sitting on the sofa on the living room, jiwoo's three cats on top of me looking at me

"hyung-nim, you are awake" jiwoo said

"what happened" i asked

"you tried evolution and fell unconscious" kayden said

"you need to take your time while evolving, i'm suprised you managed to pull it off on the first try"


i got up and fully opned my eyes, the moment i did that i felt a pain on my eyes like needles piercing it


"what's worng" jiwoo shouted

"my eyes.....it's hurting" i said

kayden approched and the put his palm on my forehead, his arm emitted a blue radience, then the lightning reduced the pain in my eyes until the pain is no more

"try opening it fully now" he said

i opned it and after seeing my eyes, jiwoo grasped and said

"your eyes, it became more lighter"


he brought a hand mirror for me to look, me and my brother both have golden eyes, the difference is he have a light shade eyes while i have dark shade eyes but now my eyes have also turned to the same light shade

"maybe it's the result of the evolution" i said

"maybe" kayden said

after that they both told me the story of Dr.daelin and wooin, how they were experimenting on the animals to make them awakned, i pretended to be suprised but i was also happy that jiwoo didn't got hurt like it happened in manhwa

when we were children i forced jiwoo to learn taekwondo with me, he first refused but i somehow forced him, i knew it would be useful and due to his super speed ability it became even more useful

this time jiwoo's leg isin't broken, i forced him to learn martial arts is to make him a versatile combatant, due to his super speed and martial arts he will be a good close combatant while his lightning will make him a great long range damage dealer

after i woke up kayden transformed into his cat form and told that story, after the story is finished we ate dinner and went to sleep

the next day is weekend, we were inside the living room while kayden is in his cat form, then jiwoo's phone rang, i know whose it is, inhyuk goo, so you finally arrived.

the conversation on the phone wen't just as the manhwa, inhyuk came inside and started explaning us about the awakned organisitions, their territorys and how the awakned one try to hide from the common people

after this i can focus on healing kayden seriously, yes, i wasan't healing him properly all this time, if i did then kayden would have erased all traces of the battle and shinwa woudn't have found out about him

i wanted shinwa to find about us, the reason, according to manhwa it is shown that shinwa is a good organation totally unlike bakedu, it would be great to get the backing of such an organisation

inhyuk explained all the awakned stuff to us and left, after that we went to train our fource control, i noticed that i can precieve the inside of my body on an atomic level, this will be my own force control

the next day jiwoo went to school while i stayed home, today is the day he will be bullied and he will also beat the shit out of those guys

i stayed home and started healing kayden, i told him how i merged all three abilities together to create a better force control, and due to this my abilities had increased including healing

my abilities have definetly improved but not to the point i am showing it right now, it was just a lie to convience kayden as to how my healing ablities suddenly increased.

The next day i decided to go to school, reason, i have lagging behind in atendence and today is the day when jisuk yoo will approch us

the day went just as planned, the teacher was geniunely concerned about my health, specially i am good in studies and due to that he favours me quite a bit

"hey you there"

a voice came from our side, we looked and saw a white haired youth, behind him are his goons who tried to bully jiwoo yesterday

"can you two come with me" jisuk said

"sure, but what's the point of bringing your goons" i said

"what did you say you bastard" one with the broken nose said

"i said leave you useless trash" i replied

"why you" the student tried to lash out toward me but a hand stopped him

it is jisuk, he stopped his goons and said

"i wasan't planning on bringing them along either way"

"what, but why" his goons said

"don't worry, it will be over soon" jisuk said

"you two, follow me"

he brought us to an empty playground, his goons are waiting outside, jisuk explained that he want to test our abilities and he want to fight us

"now come at me with everything you've got" he said

"it would be unfair to fight you two on one, my brother will take you on first" i said

"hahahah, you idiot do you really think you are equal of mine" he said

man he is so arrogant, but i know his circumstances, he had gone through a lot, but that still dosen't give him any reason to beat my brother up

"dosen't matter, fight fair or leave" i said

"allright bring it on"

the fight between jisuk and jiwoo begain, it wen't a bit different from manhwa beacuse of jiwoo learning martial arts, but he got defeated, jisuk is still very powerful, jiwoo is fallen down when jisuk made a punch and said

"do you think being an awakned is a joke" he said and threw his punch

his punch didn't hit jiwoo, i dashed forward and stopped it, jisuk is suprised but retracted his hand

"i know, being an awakned is not a joke but that isin't any reason to beat new awakned one" i said

"hump, so are you ready to get beaten up now"

he thinks he can beat me up thinking i am a newbie but what he dosen't know is that not only my ability gives me an advantage over him but also i am way stronger then him

"we'll see about that" i said

we made a distance between us dashed toward each other, he used his wind to move fast while i used my super speed, that's what he thinks anyway

normally jisuk would think that i can only move at high speed and my strength is nothing cause i am a newbie but what he dosen't know is that my sonic ability increases my speed as well as strength

before i met kayden whenever i would use my sonic ability a bulish purple aura would surround me and other awakned ones would be able identify that i am vibrating my body at sonic speed and they would be able to figure out my abilities

but now due to my evolution, i have a better preception of the abilities, and i can control it to a level where most awakned will not be able to find out about my abilities, awakned ones like jiyoung or kayden would notice this, for now though

back to the fight, i am just hitting jisuk and running, he can't attack me in close combact due to my speed, and whenever he tries to use his wind in long range attack i would either dodge or take it head on

for jisuk it would seem i am taking his attacks head on but i'm actually sending my sound waves into the attack to dispell it just before it touches my skin

"how are you this strong" he said

then a red aura enveloped jisuk, he is using his trump card but i won't let him, i could easily take that attack head on and come out unscathed but that would reveal my true power

i dashed forward at a speed jisuk coudn't see, i gathered some of my strength and punched him in the stomach knocking him out

"hyung-nim, are you ok" jiwoo said

"yeah, don't worry"

"should i call inhyuk here" jiwoo said

"no, let's leave it to his goons"


"come with me"

me and jiwoo came out of the playground, i stopped and said

"come out you idiots, your so called leader is lying unconscious in the playground, take care of him" i said

jisuk goons came out from their hiding spot, they were suprised to know that i beat jisuk, but this is reality.

later that evening inhyuk came to our house but i was at the convinience store to buy cat food, inhyuk came to apologise about jisuk's behaviour and also ask about me, he seemed suprised to know that i beat up jisuk, jiwoo however was ashamed over his weak display so he want to challance jisuk again in five days.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Omega200creators' thoughts