
Reborn in DxD world with a Fate System

Jason, a fan of the DxD and Fate series, dies rescuing a girl, who was a disguised goddess, from a traffic accident. As a reward she grants him three wishes. Follow Jason on his journey through the multiverse, pursuing power, influence and women. The cover is not mine!!! I took it from here: https://www.deviantart.com/jeffchendesigns/ Discord: https://discord.gg/9UV2P8 P.ATREON HERE: https://www.patreon.com/GreatSage_Master1

GreatSage_Master1 · Anime & Comics
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144 Chs

Returning home, healing Ingvild Leviathan

Today was the last day of stay at the Gremory Palace. During these two weeks Jason had been training from morning till night fully using the grounds of the Gremory family. His training with Souji had also improved both his footwork and his skill with the sword and the special gymnasium of the Gremory along with his new bloodline had given a boost to his strength.

[Name: Jason Frey

Age: 8

Title: Murder of criminals

Bloodline: Dragon of the blazing blizzard / Descendant of Hero Jason the Argonaut

Shop Points: 800

Summon Points: 4800

Ability Points: 0


Strength: 350 -> 750

Speed: 300 (X5 gravity) -> 1500

Lifespan: 200000 years

Mana: 3000


Sharingan 3 tomoe (129/1000)

Sword Master Lv 5 (270/2000)

Fire Magic Lv MAX

Ice Magic Lv MAX

Icycal flame Lv 1 (0/100)

Noble phantasm:

-Balmung (A+) (sealed B) -> B+: 1500 mana every shot



-Noble Phantasm

-Lottery (next ticket 5000 shop points)

-Servant summon

-Random Servant (Next ticket 5000 summon points)



Jason was satisfied with the improvement in his stats, especially his sword skills. Souji was really impressed with the speed of Jason´s improvement, according to him it won't be long before he becomes the best swordsman in the world.

Rias tried to challenge Jason more than once, but as she was rejected again and again, she spoke to Grayfia and began to train her magic seriously. Sirzechs came back the day before leaving and he spent some time with Jason in the onsen talking. Knowing that Jason was satisfied with his stay in the house Gremory Sirzechs was obviously happy.

At this time Venelana and Zeoticus were sending Jason and Medea away, Rias was hiding behind a pillar. Seeing that they were leaving and that Jason said nothing about her, she was saddened, but thought of something, she went out and shouted to Jason.

Rias: "Wait and see, I'm going to train hard to beat you!"

Jason: "You'll never be able to beat me on your own."

Rias already knew, she had been watching Jason train and had realized that he was a monster. But that didn't depress her and only strengthened her determination.

Rias: "I know! But I won't give up, I'll form my peerage and defeat you with them!"

Jason smiled broadly at her words.

Jason: "I'll be waiting for it."

Zeoticus, Venelana and Grayfia smiled when they saw that their little princess had grown a bit and were grateful to Jason for giving her a goal to grow up with.

Grayfia: "Are you ready?"

Jason: "Yes."

The magic circle began to shine.

Jason: "Thank you all. Rias, we'll see each other again."

With that they vanished from Gremory territory and appeared on a street near Jason's house.

Jason: "Finally at home, you can undo your clone."

Medea next to Jason disappeared and from the shadows of the street came the real Medea.

Medea: "Welcome back Jason."

The real Medea had finished her mission in the underworld and returned to the human world not to arouse suspicions about the disappearance of Ingvild Leviathan. The girl in question was in a bed in the forest temple under the care of Medea.

Jason went directly to his parents' house, he missed them since he hadn't seen them for two weeks.

Once he entered the house, Mrs. Frey ran and gave her son a big hug. Mr. Frey was behind looking at them with warm eyes. Jason's parents asked him how these two weeks had gone and Jason told them the truth halfway. He had had fun and had met new people (Fun/Training).

After talking about the trip, Mr. Frey put on a serious face.

Mr. Frey: "Tomorrow you start school again".

Jason: "Yes father"

Mr. Frey: "Do you remember what you promised us?"

Jason: "Yeah, this year I'll be the best in the class again."

Mr. Frey nodded satisfactorily and Mrs. Frey smiled warmly at the sight of the parent-child.

Medea brought Jason to the temple in the afternoon to see Ingvild. Once in the temple Jason entered the room where he had slept in the past and there he saw Ingvild. When he first saw her he was fascinated to see how beautiful she was. She was a beautiful young woman with long purple hair, with her appearing in her late teens and she was wearing a white noble dress.

Medea threw a cold Look at Jason as she saw him stunned looking at Ingvild. Jason who felt a chill and when he saw her look forcibly laughed before adopting a serious look.

Jason: "Couldn't you even heal her with your potions?"

Medea: "Apparently my potion has had no effect on her, she has a very rare disease".

Jason frowned before an idea reached his head. (The system!)

(System, Can I buy potions in the store?)

[User has not yet unlocked that option]

(What do I have to do to unlock it?)

[Under normal circumstances the user should pass a special mission, but because this is the first time the user needs a sealed store option he will be given the option to buy an item]

(Wow, I didn't know the system could be generous)



+ Devil disease potion -> 800 shop points]

Jason didn't hesitate and bought the potion. Jason took the potion out of the storage system and prepared to give it to Ingvild.

Medea was surprised to see the potion but quickly calmed down as she was accustomed to things like this.

When he was about to give the potion to Ingvild, Jason remembered that she was unconscious and could not drink the potion on her own. Jason hesitated at first, but eventually decided to give the potion mouth-to-mouth.

Jason opened the lid of the potion and threw it in his mouth, then approached Ingvild and kissed her.

Medea was staring in shock at his actions. Even though she knew he was kissing her to give her the potion she was still mad by the fact that he was kissing another girl in front of her.

Jason's lips touched Ingvild's and he used his tongue to open them. Once opened he put his tongue between Ingvild's teeth and began to pass the liquid into his mouth.


Jason couldn't help but enjoy the sensation of touching tongue with tongue. This was a new sensation for him after all, Jason mentally swore that he could become addicted to it.

5 minutes later Jason was still kissing Ingvild although the potion had been over for a while. Medea was clenching his teeth in rage at the sight of him.

Jason felt a chill. He separated his mouth from the Ingvild, a trace of saliva could be seen between their mouths. When Jason opened his eyes he found an Ingvild with a red face like a tomato and wide open eyes.

Jason scratched his head because he didn't know what to say.

Jason: "This..."

Before Jason could say anything, Ingvild screamed and hit Jason in the face.


Jason: "Hey, have I healed you of your disease, you know? You should be..."

Jason decided to shut up when he felt the murderous look Medea was giving him.

After she calmed down, Ingvild came to her senses and realized it was true that Jason had healed her.

Ingvild: "Thank you so much for healing me and I'm sorry about before.

Jason: "You don't have to thank me."

Jason proceeded to introduce himself and Medea followed. After introducing himself, Medea retired and Jason and Ingvild sat down to talk.

Jason: "Before we start with business, you can ask any questions you have."

With this we drive out the demons for a while, add Ingvild to the faction, save some waifus and start with fallen angels and Khaos Brigade.

GreatSage_Master1creators' thoughts