
Reborn in DxD world with a Fate System

Jason, a fan of the DxD and Fate series, dies rescuing a girl, who was a disguised goddess, from a traffic accident. As a reward she grants him three wishes. Follow Jason on his journey through the multiverse, pursuing power, influence and women. The cover is not mine!!! I took it from here: https://www.deviantart.com/jeffchendesigns/ Discord: https://discord.gg/9UV2P8 P.ATREON HERE: https://www.patreon.com/GreatSage_Master1

GreatSage_Master1 · Anime & Comics
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144 Chs

New faction member, awakening of the dragon.

Ingvild actually had a lot of questions to ask Jason.

Ingvild: "Yes, why did you heal me, the potion you used must be very expensive."

Jason thought (800 shop points has cost me, but compared to a longinus carrier that can affect dragons is nothing).

Jason: "I've healed you because you have potential, and it wouldn't be bad to have a pretty girl like you in my faction."

Ingvild felt strange to hear a boy who seemed no older than 13 say she was pretty, when she remembered that the previous kiss her heart began to beat quickly and blushed. When she thought about his words she was surprised by a detail.

Ingvild: "Your own faction?"

Jason: "That's right, I want to create my own faction and get it to be at the same level or higher than the top factions in this world and I would like you to help me get it.

Ingvild: "But I don't know how I can help you achieve that."

Jason: "You are a descendant of the original Leviathan so only your magical power would be of great help, putting that together with your sacred gear will make you a very powerful individual."

Ingvild: "Sacred Gear? I don't get it."

Ingvild had been sleeping for a long time, and only knew a little about the devil´s world.

Jason:" Sacred Gears are abilities given by the God of the Bible to humans or hybrids of humans and another race. Among them are some who are especially powerful, the longinus."

Ingvild: "And I have one of those?"

Jason: "That's right. Your sacred gear is called Nereid Kyrie, A High-tier Longinus with the ability to manipulate Dragons and the Sea."

Ingvild opened her eyes wide to the incredulity she felt when she heard that she possessed such a longinus. Suddenly she remembered something she felt as she 'kissed´ with Jason, specifically the aura she had detected.

Ingvild: "You're a dragon, aren't you?"

Now it was Jason's turn to be in shock. Medea had sealed his aura so they couldn't detect him as a dragon and he wasn't expected to be detected by Ingvild. (Could it be that his sacred gear is acting unconsciously?) He asked himself mentally.

Jason: "I'm a dragon, how do you know?

Ingvild: "Ehh... when you were giving me the medicine... you know, I could feel a powerful dragon aura in your body."

Jason laughed dryly as he found out how she had discovered it and Ingvild blushed and looked away.

Jason: "I'm actually an Ice and Fire Dragon, to be more exact my bloodline now is Dragon of the blazing blizzard."

Seeing that she wasn't mistaken and thinking about the skill of her sacred gear, a feeling of revenge for Jason formed in her mind before fading quickly. (But what am I thinking! He's my saviour and although he took a little advantage of me and stole my first kiss, the feeling wasn't so bad.) Ingvild put his fingers to her lips and laughed silly.

While Jason had overlooked that gesture as he was immersed in his thoughts, Medea had clearly seen it and made her jealous inside.

Jason: "So, would you join my faction, Ingvild?"

Ingvild thought it over carefully. As far as she knew she no longer had anyone to trust and apparently they had her in the hospital just because she was Leviathan's descendant. Her family had died many years ago.

Jason had cured her of her illness and offered her a place to live. Although it is obvious that she was going to have to work for him, she did not feel any bad intentions on his part but care, sympathy and... affection?

Ingvild did not hesitate and answered.

Ingvild: "I accept!"

[DxD World's Major Mission

Start to create your faction for future battles againts people from higher worlds.

Convince talented people within this world to follow you to subsequent battles against members of the rival faction to your original family.

For each member who voluntarily follows you, you will receive rewards equivalent to their talent and difficulty in getting them to join.]

[Faction: Unnamed (Suggest in the comments)

Leader: Jason Frey


- Medea (Servants do not give rewards as they join the faction as soon as they are summoned)

- Ingvild Leviathan

Ingvild Leviathan joining Faction reward: Item is now available in the shop, 1 lottery ticket]

Jason showed a big smile both for getting Ingvild to join his faction and for the system's reward.

Ingvild felt a strong connection between her and Jason, and a weaker connection between her and Medea.

Ingvild: "Why do I feel a strong connection to you Jason?"

Jason: "Connection?"

Ingvild: "Since I've agreed to join your faction I feel a strong connection to you and a weaker connection to Medea."

Jason plunged into his thoughts and came to the conclusion that the system had something to do with this.

(System, what is the connection she is talking about?)

[Since Ingvild has joined the faction voluntarily she feels a connection with you as you are the leader of this one, the connection she feels with Medea is because being your servant is like being a part of you. In addition, joining the faction will give her some benefits and you will know instantly when she or another member of the faction is in danger.]

(What benefits?)

[The level of the system is very low so I can't reveal that information.]

Jason hesitated for a moment and decided to tell Ingvild what the system had told him, to which Ingvild only responded with a shy smile.

Jason ended the conversation quite satisfied because he had achieved what he was looking for. Thinking about what he could do now, he decided to practice his new skill/magic that he had achieved by fusing his bloodlines.

[Icycal Flame Lv 1 (0/100): The coldest ice can burn more than the most powerful heat.]

Jason left the temple and began practicing in his personal training room. Once there he thought (How do I use this?, fire magic and ice magic came naturally but it seems that this is not so easy).

After 30 minutes trying to use his new skill without any result he decided to stop and reflect. Jason sat cross-legged and began to think why he couldn't use the Icycal Flame.

Another 30 minutes later, Jason thought about why he couldn't use it.

(I acquired Icycal Flame when I fused the bloodlines of fire and ice... fire and ice... I have it! I have to fuse my ice magic and my fire magic to use my new magic!)

With that thought in mind he stood up and summoned his ice magic in his left hand and his fire magic in his right hand.

Jason proceeded to merge the two, once the two magics came into contact they began to repel each other. When he realized that he decided to increase the power in both to force them to unite.

Little by little the ice began to form starting in his left arm expanding all over the left part of his body, back, leg, head and heart. The right side was the same. Half of his hair was made of fire and the other half of ice, behind you could see two dragon wings, one burning in flames and the other covered with ice.

Jason's interior was the same, the blood circulating on the right side was fire red while the left side was sky blue. If one could observe Jason's interior one could see as if both colors were fighting each other.

Jason did not know that although he had fused the bloodlines in the past he had not yet activated his new bloodline. That is, even though he owned the Dragon of the blazing blizzard bloodline it was a sleeping state and Jason's actions were waking it up right now.

The blood that possessed the fire element was controlling Jason's main organs while the ice element was controlling his heart. Little by little both forces were invading the organs that controlled their opposing forces.

By the places where it began to coexist the blood began to change to the previous pale blue. The ice was making its way to the lungs, liver etc... as the fire made its way to the heart.

A layer of ice was forming around Jason's internal organs doing the protective barrier function, in Jason's previously frozen heart a small red flame could be found in its center.

When the process that was occurring inside Jason ended it also made the fusion of fire magic and ice on the outside.

A pale blue flame of the same color was in Jason's hands. The flame radiated a glacial cold and threatened to burn everything in its path at the same time.

Medea had been in her room since the conversation between Jason and Ingvild had ended. She was jealous of how Jason treated Ingvild and didn't understand why he treated her so well even though she was so weak (compared to her).

Medea knew she had fallen in love with Jason during this year. Although he reminded her of the previous Jason for his heroic aura that radiated his soul this was also a part that made him so irresistible, although she would never admit it.

She knew that he was going to be surrounded by women in the future and she didn't complain, that a capable man had many women and concubines in her time was normal. She was only afraid that he would leave her as in the past.

While cursing Jason for the nth time for not realizing her feelings, Medea felt a great power from the training room that Jason had asked her to do in the past. Concerned that something had happened to her beloved Master, she teleported to the training room. What she saw there surprised her.

A boy, no, a man of 1.80m was standing naked. His left side was covered in ice and his right side in fire with two dragon wings of both attributes. The left side of his head was covered with white hair while the right side was covered with red hair. His left eye was blood red contrary to his hair and his right eye was white contrary to his red hair. (Todoroki is it you?)

Medea was surprised to see Jason's condition and blushed to see Jason's mature body and more as she saw the dragon between his legs (that can even enter `that´ place!?), she began to tremble in fear at the thought that it is possible that this dragon would penetrate her in the future (Although Medea was once the fiancée of Jason the argonaut never got married so here she is going to be an inexperienced virgin).

Then she noticed where that great power came from and was surprised to see the pale blue flame in Jason's hands and couldn't help but feel danger from it.

Jason had noticed Medea but did not bother with her as he was attentive to the system.

[Icycal Flame has gone up in level.

Icycal flame Lv 1 (0/100) -> Lv 3 (0/2000)]

Dragon of the blazing blizzard mode unlocked.

All Stats x3 while Dragon of the blazing blizzard mode.

Dragon of the blazing blizzard mode -> 500 mana every 15 minutes]

A long one for today, I really enjoy writting these chapter, hope you enjoy it too.

Clearing up the relationship within Medea and Jason in the near future.

Some ideas for the name of the faction?

GreatSage_Master1creators' thoughts