
Past life

Today was Adam's 23 birthday like many others he complained about how dull his life was wishing he was a character from a light novel hoping to get isekaid into another world.

He was walking back from a book store after picking up the new volume of Highschool DxD he was so hyped to read it that he didn't pay attention and tripped and hit his head on a rock and died during his last few seconds of consciousness he thought how fucking bad his luck was.

He woke up in an endless void, he probably thought how much this sucked.

Adam: FUCK I can't believe I died a virgin

He then heard a strange voice speak to him

????: If you help me fulfill a task I can grant you another chance at life

Adam: Who are you?

????: I'm the God of Reincarnation, Zero

Adam: Ok I accept I'll accept whatever task you want me to do.

Zero: Are you not gonna ask what kind of task you want me to do?

Adam: I don't care as long as you can grant me another life I'll do whatever it is you want me to do

Zero: HAHAHAHHA I really like you kid I'll give you a gift before I send you on your way.

During the reincarnation process Zero sent a orb of light into Adam's soul.

Opening his eyes he found himself standing in the middle of a forest but before he could do anything he saw a screen before him.

[Welcome To The World of DxD]

[Would you like to read the note left behind by Zero]

Of course, Adam thought to himself.

[Hey, there Zero here if your reading this note that means you successfully received my gift, its a system exactly like the ones the main characters have from those novels you read, well the main task you have in this world is to guide and help the main cast of DxD but if you're wondering why they need help its because other Gods have started to meddle in this world and with the main God of this world being dead this world is fair game for those other Gods trying to expand their reach and to help you with your task I gave you The System its main abilities come from one of your favorite series the Nausverse so you'll be familiar with it and I'll let you figure out its features by yourself :) well if fate has it we'll meet again -Zero]

The world of Dxd Adam thought to himself how interesting he also was curious how different this was going to be from the original work but he put those thoughts aside for now and decide to check out his system

[System]: Would the host like to name the system?

Adam: Hmmm how about I call you Fate

[Fate has been bound]

[Fate]: Would host like to see his stats?

Adam: Yeah, show me my stats and the feature of the system

[Name: Adam]

[Level: 1] [1/1000]

[Hp 1000/1000]

[Mp 1000/1000]

[Age: 14]

[Rank: Mortal]

[Affiliation: None]

[Titles: None]

[Fate Points/FP:0]

[Stat Points/SP: 0]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Endurance: 10]

[Mana: 10]

[Charisma: 50]

[Luck: 0]

Adam: Fate what are the uses of FP

[Fate]: FP can be exchanged for items in the shop and 100 FP is equal to a stat point and you can also use the gacha system

Adam: Do I have an inventory or a gift package or anything like that?

Adam saw a grid of 10x10 appear before him and saw a gift box so he thought about it and another screen appeared before him.

[Gift Box}

[Summary]: A gift from Zero contains helpful items

[Fate]: Would you like to open it?

Adam: Yeah

[Items Gained]

-10000 FP

-Permanent Class Card x2

Adam decided to look over the class cards

[Permanent Class Card]

[Summary]: A permanent class card allows you to use a class card permanently but there are more restrictions on power

[I gave you an extra one because the enemies you'll face will be extremely powerful but you won't be able to use the other one until you become elite rank -Zero]

Adam: Fate what are ranks?

Fate: Ranks are the human classifications of power similar to the devil ranking system

Adam: What are the ranks for humans

Fate: From lowest to highest Mortal, Elite, Epic, Legendary, and Mythical, humans have one more rank because a regular human won't be able to beat a low-class devil.

Adam: How do I increase my rank?

Fate: Every 25 levels you have to complete a quest to rank up to the next stage

Now that Adam understood the system enough he decided to get out of this forest so he picked a random direction and decided to walk in that direction.

After walking for 30mins he finally came to a town after looking around he realized that he was in Kuoh Town he decided to walk the streets he saw a kid he recognized to be the main character of DxD Issei he ran and grabbed him by the forearm and dragged him away from the kidnapper they kept on running until they found a police officer they then explained the situation to them.

Issei: Hey thanks for saving me back there what's your name.

Adam: My names Adam

Issei: Oh cool my names Issei and my future goal is to become a Harem King

Adam: How old are you Issei

Issei: I'm 13 years old

Adam: Oh Im one year older than you

But before they could continue getting to know each other a police officer interrupted them. Announcing that Issei's parents were here.

Miki Hyodou: Are you ok Issei?

Issei: Yeah Im ok thanks to Adam who saved me

Miki: Thank you for helping my son and where are your parents and where are you staying we'll give you a ride home

Adam: Oh Im an orphan and I'm currently homeless

Miki: WHAT, well since you have nowhere to stay would you like to stay with us

Adam: Sure, if it's not a problem with you and your husband

Miki: Yeah it's no problem and we have a spare room at our house and we can set up the adoption papers for you and we can enroll you in Highschool since it Summer break ends in a month.

The day before the first day of school

[Fate]: Your soul has been in this world long enough that you should be able to use your first class card now

Adam brought out the class card from his inventory and put it on the floor and said

Adam: Install, Grand Caster Solomon

Then a large pillar of mana formed around him and his skin got tanner and his already white hair grew out longer and the mana started engraving tatoos onto him and a ring and book appeared before him but lucky for him Fate managed to contain his mana in the room. Then a bunch of prompts from Fate appeared in front of him.

[New Noble Phantams]

[Ars Nova]

[Mana Cost:1000000]


[Rank D]

[Incantation]: « [The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All."

"The Time of Crowning has Come, He is the One who Begins All."

"And ― The Time of Parting has Come, He is the One who Lets Go of The World."

"Ars Nova. ]»

[Summary]: Sacrifices the User's Life and Solomon's 10 rings to destroy the 72 demons and there descendants

[Ars Paulina]: [The Time of Crowning has Come, He is the One who Begins All]

[Mana Cost: 10000]


[Rank A]

[Summary]:Solomon's reality marble as long as it isn't destroyed the user is immortal it exists outside of time and space

[Ars Almadel Salomonis]: [The Time of Birth has Come, He is the One who Masters All]


[Rank EX]

[Summary]: It cast 100 of millions of light beams with each equivalent to that of Excalibur the total size is the equivalent of North America, total light beams depend on the amount of mana caster has and the amount of rings he poseses

[Gained skills]

[Territory Creation]

[Mana Cost 1000 per second]

[Rank A]

[Lvl 1 1/10000]

[Summary]: A created territory in which magus abilities are increased and buffed. User is capable of summoning the Temple of Jerusalem in which all holy/angel types are buffed



[Mana Cost 10000

[Rank EX]

[Lvl 1 1/10000000]

[Summary The magical skill of summoning that Solomons was known for that allowed him to summon demons and angels and more magical creatures]



[Rank EX]

[Lvl 1 1/10000000]

[Summary Enhances the eyes to the level of certain Gods allows the user to see into the future, the past, and in any of the dimensions connected to this Earth]


[Rank B]

[Summary useless because the current God is dead]

After watching that DxD anime he wasn't surprised at that last part.

[Gained Item]

[Solomon's Rings 1/10


[Rank A]

[Summary]: Currently only 1 is passed complete ???? Quest to gain the rest +100 to mana stat

[Ars Goetia]


[Rank EX+++]

[Summary]:The original grimorie used by Solomon all magic spells across space and time used by the human race are recorded in here and the knowledge on the 72 demons +1000 to mana stat and Higher Affinity with demons

He decided to check his stats before he went to bed.

[Name: Adam]

[Level: 1] [1/1000]

[Hp 1000/1000]

[Mp 111000/111000]

[Age: 14]

[Rank: Mortal]

[Affiliation: None]

[Titles: Grand Caster]

[Fate Points/FP:10000]

[Stat Points/SP: 0]

[Strength: 10]

[Agility: 10]

[Endurance: 10]

[Mana: 1110]

[Charisma: 50]

[Luck: 0]

He was safisited with his stats and decided to sleep early because tomorrow was his first day of school.

Waking up late that morning he got a look at himself in the mirror while getting dressed he was 6'3 with long curly white hair and had various tatoos courtesy of Solomon he looked like a younger version of Solomon and was wearing a Kouh Uniform similar to that of Issei's but his shirt was black.

On his way down the stairs he woke up his younger brother Issei who was also late for school and ran out the front door while running to school he asked Fate if their was something that could limit his mana or block others from sensing his mana which Fate responded with a mana limiting tatto which costed 1000FP and sealed 3/4 and he was glad it was a tattoo because he already had many of those.

He finally saw the gate before it was about to close and sped up making it before it finally closed seconds after he made it.

Sona: First day of school and your already late Hyoudou

Adam: Sorry about that Pres

Sona: I'll let it slide since its the first day

Adam: I appreciate it Pres and if there's nothing else I'll be on my way

While Adam was walking to his class Sona was wondering how a human could have such mana reserves

Making it to his class he noticed he was in the same class with Rias and Akeno. The moment he came to class everyone gave him strange looks because of his height.

During class Adam already knew most of this stuff so he decided to take a nap. But to others he looked like he wasn't paying attention and slacking off.

He slept through most of the class but once it was time for class he woke up sleapily and made his way to the roof to eat his lunch that his foster mom made for him. Meanwhile the devils at the school had a meeting.

Rias: Is it ok if I recruit him I need more peerage members for my fight against Riser and you sensed the mana coming off of him

Sona: How are you going to approach him about it

Rias: Don't worry I have a plan

On the rooftop, Adam was sleeping when Rias and Akeno approached him

Adam: What do you guys want can't you see I'm sleeping here

Rias: Would you like to join our club we need 3 founding members

Adam: Couldn't you guys have asked someone else

Rias: You don't need to do that much work plus you get somewhere comfy to sleep surrounded by beautiful girls

Adam opened his eyes at the latter part of that sentence that's when he say he received a new quest from the system.

[Orc Part 1]

[Summary]: Become a founding member of Orc

[Rewards]: +3lvls +5000FP increase relationship with all devils at kouh

He obviously accepted the quest

Adam: Fuck it I'll join your club

He decided to be ignorant about them being devils for now

Rias: So can you help us move some stuff into the Old School Building after school?

Adam: Sure

After school was over Adam helped move the couches and desk into the main part of the room.

Rias: We have some paper work to do so why don't you sleep here for a while and we'll wake you up when its time to go

Adam laid down on the coach and slowly started to nod away while he was sleeping Akeno kept on staring at him and when he rolled over part of his shirt rolled up and they both say his abs and tatoos.

After an hour Rias woke up Adam and told him it was time to go home so he got up and started to walk home he wondered why Rias and Akeno hadn't left but they stayed behind to talk about more stuff or that's what they told him.

Akeno: How long do you think we should wait to ask him to join our peerage?

Rias: Let's ask tomorrow

The next day during lunch

Rias: Adam can you come with us to the Old School Building we need to discuss somethings

Adam: Ok

At the Orc Building

Rias: Do you believe in the supernatural she asked seriously

Adam: Yeah I've already known

Rias and Akeno both had shocked expressions on there faces

Adam: Yeah I've known about it for a while I'm a magus

Rias: Are you apart of any factions?

Adam: Nope I'm a wandering magus

Adam: But to keep it short I won't be joining your peerage but I'll help you fight Riser but I need a favor.

Rias: She nervously asked What kind of favor?

Adam: My younger brother is the host of a longinus sacred gear and I want him to join your peerage when he gets to highschool.

Rias: Your talking about Issei Hyoudou am I correct?

Adam: Yeah he has a dream of being a harem king but the host of a Longinus sacred gear are always cursed to suffer hard fates so I want him to be protected if anything were to happen to me

Rias: Ok once he gets into high school we'll recruit him but in exchange, you have to help me fight against Riser or help me train my peerage

On his way home he saw another message from Fate

[Quest Completed]

[Lvl up]

[Lvl up]

[Lvl up]


[Quest Orc Part 2}

[Summary]: Aid the devils in the familiar forest

[Rewards]:Powerful +2lvls,familiar,Riding A++ increased rep with ???

He naturally accepted the quest he continued walking until he arrived home.He greeated his faster mother and father and went upstairs and played video games with Issei even though they haven't known each other for that long they acted like real siblings.

Since today was the day they went to the familiar forest he decided to skip class today he was gonna send a message to Sona but he realized that he never got her number so he used Clairvoyance and located her in the Student Council Office and used a spell to send her a note that read Skipping -Adam

Sona was furious even though Adam was incredibly stronger than he still had to be a student she thought.

After school ended Adam teleported to the Orc Building where everyone was already waiting for hin. Including koneko and Kiba. Apprently they were a year younger than Adam and the same age as Issei in this world but when they heard his last name they had a shocked expression on their face because everyone has heard of Issei's perversion.

Adam: Are we all ready to go yet

All: Yeah

When we got their we heard a voice speak

Satoshi: Welcome, to the Familari Forest

Adam: Imma go on ahead and don't worry I wont get lost

I decided to use Clairvoyance to find Tiamat who I wanted to sign a familiar contract with I found the cave she was in and flew their I landed and walked in front of her cave and shouted for her to come out.

Tiamat: Are you her to sign a contract with me?

Adam: Yeah

She then started laughing like crazy and said

Tiamat: You but your pathetically weak

Adam: Mana Limiter off

Adam: Is this powerful enough

Tiamat: Hmph its barely acceptable

Adam: Would you like to form a contract now

Tiamat: Yes, I'm willing

We continued with the ritual until I saw a

[Quest Completed]

[Lvl Up]

[Lvl Up]

I then saw a new skill pop up from the system



[Rank A++]

[Summary]: Allows the riding of anything including dragons

A stat screen for Tiamat appeared before me as well


[Race]: Great Dragon King


[Lvl 82]

Adam then heard screaming and rushed back to find their clothes being eaten away by slimes but before he could do anything the slimes started eating away at his clothes showing to everybody his chiseled body and tattoos everybody was thinking about how good looking he was except for Sona who saw his tattoos and started cursing to herself on how many rules he was breaking.

Adam then casted a bunch of flame spears to get rid of all the slimes and teleported all all of them back to the Orc building he let all everyone take a shower first and but he couldn't help but stare at Akeno's Lingerie and her assets and in return she stared back at his body so while they were waiting he sat down next to her and she kept on flirting with him.

Timeskip End of freshman year

During this time me and Akeno started to get closer until I confessed to having feelings for her so we started to date and I've brought her to meet my parents a couple of times and every time Issei would always gawk at her and talk about how at least they can expect grandchildren from one of there children.

Before the school year ended I asked what they were gonna do over the summer Rias told me they were gonna go to the underworld and train so I asked if me and Issei could tag along and if I could entrust telling Issei about the supernatural to her.

I changed pretty much everything so I actually know where Imma go creatively this chapter was a lot longer than the other ones please and enjoy and leave a review

I also realize that the perspective of writing changes a lot

Azureskybluecreators' thoughts