
Important Info

This is my first fanfic so my grammar might be bad or the flow might be kinda crappy so please bear with me and feel free to leave comments and reviews on how I can improve my release rate will really depend on how I'm feeling that week but at minimum, I'll try to release 3 chapters a week.

The power scaling will be divided into tiers and stats into ranks just like the servants in fate. Some of the characters might have lower stats than E. The world won't be exactly like the original world I might add other stories into it to make it more interesting. There also might be changes too the original plot of dxd to make it flow better or to make it with different events I have planned.

Here is an example of how his status will look like

Name: Adam

Rank: Mortal

Affiliation: None

Titles: None

Stat Summary: E

Strength: E

Agility: E

Endurance: E

Mana: E

Luck: E

Skills: Breathing[Expand]

Breathing Passive

Lvl 1

Exp 1/100

Summary: To draw air in and out of your lungs