
Reborn In DxD As Rias Gremory With Rimuru’s Overpowered Powers

A degenerate reincarnated soul who isn’t new to the process of reincarnation was reincarnated once again. This time into the world of DxD as Rias Gremory with the soul, body and powers of Rimuru Tempest. A Devil/Slime/True Dragon hybrid AU, Yuri, Incest

StormWolf16 · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs


Kuroka became very confused when she suddenly sensed her master's death through her two bishop evil pieces. She had been talking to Shirone when it occurred. Her pure shock soon became pure gratefulness, recently she's been thinking of the possibility of her having to kill her master herself. The reason being that she was worried about him turning more of his attention to Shirone. Under no circumstances did Kuroka wish for her younger sister to be put through the same experiments she's had to suffer.

"Nee-san, what's wrong? Did you sense something?" Shirone looked at her sister weirdly.

"Master died." Kuroka said.

Shirone's eyes widened. "What? How do you know?"

"I guess my evil pieces alerted me nya~." Kuroka shrugged.

After a minute, Shirone quickly got over the news. "So what now?"

Kuroka stood up on her feet, a serious expression on her face. "We have to get out of here immediately if we want a chance at escaping this place. There's no guarantee if any of the others may try something with us."

"You're right about that."

Kuroka and Shirone blinked, hearing another voice that sounded unfamiliar to them. When they turned around, they saw Rias standing a few feet away with her arms crossed.

The black Nekoshou quickly stood protectively in front of her sister. "Who are you?!" She summoned her magical power.

"N-Nee-san?!" Shirone gasps, feeling her older sister release her power.

Now imagine both of their surprise when Kuroka's magical power stopped releasing. In fact Kuroka felt that she could no longer access either her magical or demonic power. Meaning no Senjutsu or Youjutsu either. This frightened both sisters, more so Kuroka.

Without either of them noticing, Rias had placed an anti-magic and soundproof barrier around them.

"Sorry about that but I'd rather you not alert everyone else and draw attention to us. More lives can be saved that way." Rias said.

Yeah, more lives saved from her potentially erasing them out of existence.

She continued on. "Also to answer your question, I am-"

"Rias Gremory!" Both sisters shouted, shocked that they were standing in front of the young crimson-haired Devil.

Rias blinked, slightly surprised that they knew of her. "Yes, I am Rias Gremory. Heiress of the House of Gremory. I'm surprised you two know of me."

"Of course we do, you're pretty famous in the Devil faction. The little sister of Satan Lucifer who is said to be more of a monster than Satan Lucifer himself." Kuroka replied. Seriously, who in the Devil faction wouldn't know about the monstrous existence in front of them?

"The Crimson Chaos Creator." Shirone added.

"The Young Red Queen of Chaos." Kuroka also added.

Rias couldn't help but sweatdrop a bit and chuckle. She didn't realize her chaotic nature is that known.

More like she didn't pay attention to gossip about herself.

"Right, I sometimes forget about my reputation. Anyways, I know this seems odd and random but I'm here to offer you two opportunities that come under my protection." Rias said.

"Protection? My nee-san is strong enough to protect us both and I can handle my own well enough nya~." Shirone responded with a raised eyebrow.

"True, do you believe your sister is strong enough to protect you against multiple Ultimate-Class Devils at once? Or even Satan-Class for that matter? Because I assure you, without someone to shield you from the political nonsense. You two will likely be hunted down due to either being directly or indirectly involved with Super Devil experiments. I can already imagine some members of the Devil Council suggesting to put Kuroka through more suffering to test the results of your deceased master's experiments. I will admit the Youkai faction can offer you some protection, but that won't stop some Devils from trying to eliminate you once they discover your exact location." Rias explained.

Hearing Rias' words, Shirone and Kuroka felt a little worried once they truly thought about their current situation. They really didn't have any other options.

Kuroka spoke up. "You're the one who killed Master, right?"

Rias nodded. "Yeah, he pretty much had it coming."

"Can you guarantee my Shirone's safety?" The black Nekoshou questioned seriously.

"Nee-san! I'm not a child! I'm 16!" Shirone complained.

Kuroka is only 3 years older than her.

"You'll always be my little Shirone-chan nya~." Kuroka hugged her sister and kissed her on the forehead.

Rias giggled lightly. "That goes without question, however I am curious if either of you are interested in joining my peerage? If you decline, I will still take you under my protection so don't worry."

Kuroka and Shirone knew there was a catch somewhere in Rias' offer of protection. But she seemed to have no ill intentions.

"Can you give us some time to think about it?" Shirone asked.

"That's fine." Rias shrugged.

"Ok, Shirone, what do you want to do?" Kuroka asked her sister.

"I…I think we should go with her nee-san. I feel like we can trust her. Plus we are out of options since we can't stay here anymore." Shirone answered.

Kuroka nodded in agreement. "Nya~ yes I agree. We don't really have a choice."

Both Nekoshou sisters looked back to Rias, knowing she heard their answer.

Rias clapped her hands and grinned. "Fantastic choice, I promise you will never regret this decision."

"I hope you're right nya~" Kuroka said.

"Should we go now?" Shirone wondered.

"Yeah, though we're gonna take a little detour with our exit." Rias said as she canceled the barrier.

While confused at first, soon the Nekoshou sisters figured out what Rias meant by 'detour'. Basically Rias captured every other member of the deceased Naberius branch family head's peerage and their family members who were also experimented on. Temporarily imprisoning them in her stomach.

It was very odd and shocking for Shirone and Kuroka to see Rias suddenly change her arm into red slime. Since when can Devils do that?

Eventually the trio was hovering high in the air over the research facility, Kuroka was carrying Shirone since the white-haired Nekoshou cannot fly.

The Crimson-Haired Ruin Princess held up her index finger on her left hand, channeling her demonic power she formed a small sphere of Power of Destruction.

Aiming her finger at the research facility, Rias fired off, by her standards, a weak beam of Power of Destruction that shot at high speeds directly to the facility.

Once the beam made contact, not only was the entire facility and all who were affiliated with the Naberius Clan inside were erased. But the ground under it also suffered from the effect of Rias' PoD. Thankfully because Rias has perfect control over her clan trait and demonic power, nothing else in the surrounding area was affected.

Kuroka and Shirone had watched on, stunned by her display for different reasons.

'Strong.' Shirone acknowledged that her potential new master is as powerful as the rumors about her say.

'Her control is incredible…to have such amazing control over such destructive energy at her age…if I remember correctly she cannot be any older than 12 currently…what a monster nya~.' Kuroka thought.

"Hmmm I'm not satisfied with this insignificant amount of chaos at all…whatever there's always next time. Shirone, Kuroka, we are leaving." Rias sighed.

She teleported herself and new companions to the Gremory mansion.