
Reborn In Dragon Ball As Goten

Accidentally traveled to the world of Dragon Ball and became Son Goten, the second son of the Son family. And the Son Goku, Son Gohan and other fighters of this time and space all died in the Cell game, but Cell is still at large. Son Goten has become the only warrior who can save the earth in this time and space... Fortunately, the god-level golden finger activated. Now lets see what adventure awaits on Son Goten path.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 62: !!!!God of Destruction, Beerus Vs Legendary Super Saiyan, Goten!!!!.

Chapter 62: !!!!God of Destruction, Beerus Vs Legendary Super Saiyan, Goten!!!!.

"Don't become too overwhelmed, young Saiyan."

"It's undeniable that you possess a Above Average Skill that others lack, but do you believe you're qualified to challenge the Gods of Destruction?"

"I've come here this time in search of the Super Saiyan God. I have no interest in you, little insects."

Beerus frowned slightly and then regarded Goten with disdain. In his eyes, this young individual appeared to be like any ordinary mortal with a slightly enhanced vigilance, nowhere near the caliber of his dream rival.

It was inconceivable that Goten could possess even a fraction of his power. Thus, facing such an opponent failed to pique his interest. He clearly preferred the spectacle of planetary explosions to battling these uninspiring adversaries.

"How can you know if you don't try?" Goten responded earnestly. Even though he was reluctant to face Beerus directly at the moment, he understood that if no one intervened, Earth would likely face catastrophe.

Perhaps by sacrificing his Saiyan pride and offering Beerus gourmet food, he could deter the deity, who was known for his love of fine cuisine. However, Goten found this task daunting. This is the real world where he live with with loved once, He cannot rely on via what he watched in his past life and doing same thing, hoping it goes that way. Hoping for things to get better are for losers, for him hopelessness is also an opportunity to grow stronger.

Furthermore, engaging in combat with Beerus has high risked and high reward. Possibility of his godly ability dropping. But this might also inadvertently causing Earth's destruction. Despite the danger, it seemed worthwhile. If Beerus approved of his performance, it might spare Earth from destruction, much like in Dragon Ball Super.

"You insolent child who doesn't recognize the gravity of the situation," Beerus retorted. "It appears you fail to comprehend the power of the Gods of Destruction. Nevertheless, since you're so eager to attempt it, I'll grant your request in a few moments."

Initially indifferent, Beerus reluctantly agreed to Goten's plea. After all, it was only a matter of seconds. Yet, after those few seconds, the planet ceased to exist.

"Then... can you refrain from harming innocent people on Earth until our battle concludes?" Goten implored. He knew that once they clashed, Earth could be obliterated in an instant. He wanted Whis to ensure Earth's safety during the confrontation.

"Ugh, what a nuisance," Beerus grumbled. Reluctantly, he glanced at Whis. "Whis..."

Acknowledging Goten's bravery, Beerus assented to his request. "Yes, Lord Beerus," Angel Whis replied respectfully. With a gentle tap of his staff on the ground, a green energy swiftly enveloped Earth. Every living being on the planet acquired a faint green aura, a simple task for an Angel.

"Brat, I can't fathom why I agreed to your unreasonable request," Beerus muttered. "However, if your strength fails to intrigue me even a little, I'll destroy this planet without hesitation, including you."

Beerus couldn't believe he had agreed to a mere mortal's request. Perhaps he held a glimmer of hope for the young Saiyan before him. Still, he wouldn't hesitate to destroy them all if they disappointed him.

"Yes..." Goten nodded.


"Goku, will our son be okay?" Chichi asked Goku with concern. She couldn't gauge the strength of the cat-like being they were facing, but Goku and Vegeta's expressions indicated that he was a formidable adversary. Moreover, Goten had admitted they couldn't defeat Beerus, heightening her anxiety.

"Don't worry, Chichi," Goku reassured her. "If Goten's in danger, we'll rush to protect him without hesitation." It was a comforting gesture, even if their odds against Beerus seemed slim.

However, their only hope rested on Goten's shoulders now: that he might defeat Beerus or not. Gohan added his own silent prayer.

"Little Brat, even though your strength makes me uneasy sometimes, give it your all to defeat Lord Beerus and show him the Saiyan spirit," Vegeta thought to himself, clenching his fists. He might not like Goku and his son Goten, who has surpassed his son, but he disliked Beerus even more.

"Come on, Goten! You can do it!" Krillin cheered, lending his support.


As Goten and Beerus ascended into the air, the tension mounted. They stopped at a height of about a few hundred feet above the ground. Beerus broke the silence, saying, "Brat, Saiyans possess those flashy transformations, right? They seem to enhance your strength, even if it's futile. Transform quickly! Otherwise, you might not even get a chance to fight with your current power."

Having learned about Goku and Vegeta's transformations from Whis, Beerus expected Goten to have one as well. He anticipated that Goten's power surpassed that of Goku and Vegeta, so he urged him to transform.

"You're absolutely right," Goten replied, his tone serious. While he might have refrained from using Super Saiyan under different circumstances, facing the immensely powerful Beerus left no room for hesitation. Conservation of strength was no longer an option.

"Then transform already!" Beerus growled impatiently, his teeth clenched in annoyance. In reality, he had little hope for Goten's abilities. He doubted Goten could contend with a God of Destruction.


And at this moment in the Supreme Kai world.

Elder Supreme Kai seethed with anger as he roamed the God Realm.

"Idiots, they're all a bunch of idiots," he muttered.

"I've given them such clear warnings," he continued. "I didn't expect them to still provoke Lord Beerus. Are they all complete fools who don't understand the disaster this could bring to the Universe?"

As he wandered, the Elder Supreme Kai couldn't contain his frustration. They had provided detailed warnings to Goten and the others, but it seemed they had forgotten everything. Trying to confront Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, was a reckless course of action that could lead to catastrophe.

Hearing the Elder Supreme Kai's complaints, Supreme Kai Shin raised an eyebrow. He felt that this matter was not solely Goten and the others' fault. Lord Beerus was excessively tyrannical, destroying planets at a whim. In such a situation, was it wrong for Goten and the others to resist rather than passively await their destruction?

He responded, "Elder Kai, I agree with all your previous statements and opinions. But I can't agree with you on this matter. I don't know how powerful Lord Beerus, the God of Destruction, is, but he's threatening to destroy Earth—the very home that Goten and the others rely on for survival, the place they've protected for so long! For Goten, if Earth is destroyed, all hope is lost. Shouldn't we fight back under these circumstances? At the very least, fighting might give them hope, better than sitting idle and waiting for their demise."

Supreme Kai Shin's words were firm and resolute, a departure from his usual meek demeanor. In the face of such an arrogant God of Destruction, fighting back seemed like the only option. No one wanted to be a helpless lamb led to slaughter, especially not Goten, who possessed incredible strength.

The Elder Supreme Kai looked surprised at Supreme Kai Shin's newfound determination. Though what he had said was true—fighting back was the only way out for Goten and the others—he believed that Supreme Kai Shin had a narrow perspective. From the viewpoint of protecting the entire universe, his words were equally valid.


Back on Earth, Goten clenched his fists.


A deep, primal roar erupted from his throat. Simultaneously, an immense aura burst forth from Goten's body.

A powerful shockwave swept through the air, and visible energy ripples appeared in the sky. Green flames like KI enveloped Goten, piercing through the clouds.

At that moment, Goten's aura reached an unprecedented level of terror. Goku and Vegeta were astonished.

While Goten had transformed before when facing Majin Buu and Janemba, this transformation was on a different scale. Goten was unleashing his full power.

Whis, observing from the sidelines, couldn't help but glance at Goten upon sensing this immense increase in power level. There was a hint of surprise on his face. Although Goten's aura was still incomparable to Lord Beerus, it was undeniably formidable.

In the entire Seventh Universe, aside from himself and Lord Beerus, there was no aura stronger than Goten's. Even Supreme Kai and the others paled in comparison to this young Saiyan.

Beerus, too, was taken aback. He hadn't expected such power from Goten.

"Is there such immense power hidden within such a small body?" Beerus mused. "No wonder you were so confident earlier. It appears you possess considerable strength. I underestimated you."

Before, Beerus had believed he could defeat Goten with just a single finger. However, the current transformation had showcased an unprecedentedly powerful aura. Among all the opponents he had faced, except for Gods of Destruction from other universes, none had been stronger than this Saiyan.

Though Beerus had not found the Super Saiyan God he had dreamt of, Goten might proved to be a worthy opponent.

Goten let out a triumphant roar as grass-green flames continued to envelop his body. His hair turned green, his pupils golden, and his upper body was bare, revealing the immense strength in his well-defined muscles.

This was the Legendary Super Saiyan form—a state of extraordinary power. At that moment, Goten was in the first stage of this form, a power that far surpassed the original Broly's. After all, he had reached a tremendous base power level after his potential abit only half being unlocked by the Elder Kai.

It was undeniable; the current Goten exceeded the power of the Super Saiyan God.

"Lord Beerus, this is my transformed power," Goten said politely to Beerus.

Beerus wore an intrigued expression. "Interesting. You are indeed much stronger than I initially thought. It seems the upcoming battle won't disappoint me too much."

Millions of years had passed since Beerus had last had a worthy challenge. Finally, it seemed, he could fully unleash more than 10% of his power.


Next Time on Dragon Ball Z : Chapter 63: !!!!God of Destruction, Beerus Vs Legendary Super Saiyan, Goten Part-2!!!!.


Saiyan Dragon Ball: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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