
Reborn In Dragon Ball As Goten

Accidentally traveled to the world of Dragon Ball and became Son Goten, the second son of the Son family. And the Son Goku, Son Gohan and other fighters of this time and space all died in the Cell game, but Cell is still at large. Son Goten has become the only warrior who can save the earth in this time and space... Fortunately, the god-level golden finger activated. Now lets see what adventure awaits on Son Goten path.

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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85 Chs

Chapter 61: God of Destruction, Beerus Arrive!!!!.

Chapter 61: God of Destruction, Beerus Arrive!!!!.


"Indeed, Lord Beerus,"

"He was able to spot us so quickly. This isn't really the level of vigilance one would expect from mortals." Whis also chimed in with mild surprise.

Mortal beings usually can't sense the presence of gods, so the fact that this young man could was quite remarkable. His ability to assess danger was equally impressive.

In fact, this talent could make him an excellent candidate to learn Ultra Instinct.

Only after hearing Whis and Beerus converse did Goku and Vegeta react. They immediately set down their food and turned their heads to look at Beerus and Whis.

"Huh?! Who are those two guys? They're dressed quite oddly."

"It's somewhat reminiscent of King Kai and the others." Goku scratched his head, expressing his uncertainty. He couldn't detect any Ki from their bodies.

"I haven't seen them before. They can't be from Earth," Krillin shook his head. Such attire and appearances were rare on Earth.

Everyone began trying to sense the Ki of the two newcomers but couldn't detect anything.

"Despite appearing behind us so quietly, we didn't notice them at all. These two must be incredibly powerful!" Piccolo remarked, turning to Goku.

Guardian Dende, standing nearby, shivered involuntarily when he saw Beerus and Whis. He sensed an overwhelming oppression from the depth of his soul, filling him with extreme fear. He was well aware that this oppressive force stemmed from gods, indicating that the two individuals before them were indeed gods, and likely of a very high order. Otherwise, they couldn't exert such a terrifying presence.

"That face... seems familiar!"

"I think I've seen it somewhere before." Vegeta stared intently at Beerus, feeling a nagging familiarity but unable to place it.

Suddenly, Beerus looked back at Vegeta, narrowing his eyes and emitting an overwhelming aura of power.

Vegeta's pupils constricted, and he began sweating profusely.


"Beerus... the God of Destruction!" With Beerus' gaze, Vegeta finally remembered. He had felt this same paralyzing fear when he was just five years old, as Beerus had ruthlessly defeated his father and treated his father like a dog. The eyes he saw now were identical to those from his childhood memory. Vegeta had recognized Gods of Destruction Beerus.

"Gods of Destruction Beerus?"

"Why have I never heard you mention this name, Vegeta? Is he your friend?" Goku inquired, puzzled by the unfamiliar name and Vegeta's reaction.

Goku and the others were surprised by Vegeta's fear. Not much could intimidate him. However, Beerus had succeeded in doing so with just a glance.

"He's a god, a very powerful one," Dende interjected, affirming everyone's suspicions. The inability to sense their aura confirmed their divinity.

Beerus turned his attention to Vegeta and spoke, "Long time no see, Prince Vegeta. But daring to address me by my first name—do you value your life so little?" Beerus spoke calmly, yet his presence was deeply unsettling.

Vegeta trembled and replied respectfully, "My apologies, Lord Beerus. I momentarily lost my composure."

Goku and the others witnessed this unprecedented display of respect. Not even Vegeta had shown such deference to Frieza in the past. It was clear that the fear ran deep.

"Tsk tsk tsk! How disappointing! The Saiyan prince has lost his edge," Beerus commented disdainfully. he had hoped Vegeta would provide some entertainment.

Goku wasn't pleased with Beerus' arrogance. He shook his fist in response.


Goten suddenly appeared in front of Goku and advised in a hushed tone, "The power of Gods of Destruction Beerus is beyond our understanding. We shouldn't even consider challenging him. We wouldn't stand a chance."

Goten wasn't downplaying their abilities; he was emphasizing the importance of not being rash. He also knew that Beerus was particularly irked by those who disrespected gods.

"Is he stronger than you, Goten?" Goku asked, surprised by Goten's caution.

This surprised him but also piqued his interest even more!

"Yes, he's much stronger than me," Goten immediately nodded. The gap between him and Beerus was undeniable.

At that moment, Whis noticed something peculiar—halos above Goku and Vegeta's heads. He informed Beerus, "Lord Beerus, it appears that Goku, Vegeta and his freinds have received special approval to return to the real world after they died. Normally, when people die, only their souls remain. But these guys still have their bodies and have returned to the real world. It seems someone in the underworld made an exception."

This revelation cast an uncomfortable atmosphere. Despite their contributions to the universe, death should be a final state. Returning to the real world was an irregular occurrence.

"Tsk! It looks like those guys need be taught a lesson," Beerus muttered. However, he quickly shifted his focus to his original purpose, saying, "But what concerns me more right now is the Super Saiyan God."

He stared at Goku and Vegeta and asked, "Hey, you two are Saiyans, right? Have you ever heard of someone called the Super Saiyan God?"

Goku and Vegeta exchanged uncertain glances, indicating their lack of knowledge.

"Super Saiyan God? What's that?" Goku asked.

Vegeta, irritated, retorted, "How would I know? Can you please keep quiet, Kakarot?"

Goku had a tendency to ask questions even when he didn't have the answers.


"It seems like you don't know," Beerus sighed. "Well, it's been a wasted trip."

Beerus had traveled for half an hour to reach this remote planet, hoping to find information about the Super Saiyan God. Now it seemed he had come up empty-handed.

Goten frowned, considering whether a good fight with Beerus might dissuade him from destroying the Earth, as he remembered from the original story. Perhaps he could even learn some of the God of Destruction's techniques.

"Lord Beerus, I told you it was just a regular dream," Whis interjected. "There's no such thing as a Super Saiyan God in this universe."

"Shall we go back, then? The ice cream at home won't taste good if it's been frozen for too long," Whis suggested.

While Earth's technology might be behind in some aspects, it boasted a high level of mortal strength, and the planet played a significant role in the universe.

"Since I've come all this way, it's not my style to turn back empty-handed," Beerus declared. "If we can't find the Super Saiyan God, then I'll just have to destroy this backward planet."

Beerus didn't seem to think twice about destroying a planet and its inhabitants, as if it were a casual activity.

Upon hearing Beerus' intentions, everyone clenched their fists. As Earth's protectors, they would not allow anyone to destroy it, regardless of the adversary's strength.

Vegeta, however, was particularly apprehensive. He knew that even if they joined forces, they wouldn't stand a chance against the overwhelming power of the God of Destruction.

Goten was prepared as well. If Beerus intended to destroy Earth, he was ready to fight to the death for the planet and his loved ones.

Suddenly, Goku stepped forward, his expression serious as he looked at Beerus. He declared, "Hey! Even though we don't know who you are, and we're not sure how strong you are, one thing is certain: we won't allow our hard-earned Earth to be casually destroyed!"

Piccolo and Krillin joined Goku, their resolve unwavering. They were ready to confront Beerus, even if he was a god.


"A bunch of little pests think they can challenge the God of Destruction, who has a power that you simple mortal can't even comprehend?" Beerus sneered, dismissing their efforts. In his eyes, they were like insignificant insects, easily crushed.

Goten stepped up and addressed Goku and the others, "You should step back. The gap in your strength and his is immense." He understood that their futile sacrifice was unnecessary.

Goten's declaration prompted everyone to take several steps back. They trusted Goten's strength, and if he couldn't handle Beerus, there was no point in risking their lives.


All eyes were on Goten, awaiting his action. Without hesitation, they retreated, recognizing the vast difference in power.

Goku understood the situation as well and respected Goten's decision. This battle would be an opportunity to gauge Beerus' strength.

Once everyone had stepped back, Goten addressed Beerus, saying, "Lord Beerus, are you searching for the Super Saiyan God to find a worthy opponent to battle with?"

He continued, "Well, then... I'll be your opponent!"

"You?" Beerus looked at Goten with disdain. After all, Goten was just a child, and his strength was seemingly inconsequential.

"That's right!" Goten affirmed. "Since you are here, it won't hurt to give it a try!"


Next Time on Dragon Ball Z : Chapter 62: !!!!God of Destruction, Beerus Vs Legendary Super Saiyan, Goten!!!!.


Saiyan Dragon Ball: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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