
Reborn In DC Universe With The Dice System

Miles Brown's life takes a dramatic turn when he is killed by his vengeful girlfriend, only to awaken in the DC universe as an eighteen-year-old college student. Initially thrilled but soon disillusioned by the lack of superpowers, Miles's mundane existence is shattered on his 18th birthday by the mysterious arrival of The Dice System. This enigmatic force offers him a chance to attain powers and personas from a pool of DC's mightiest abilities and iconic characters. The Dice System challenges Miles with tasks that unlock new abilities and characters, altering his physical form and capabilities. As he navigates this power, Miles seeks to balance his aspirations for heroism with his desires for fame, admiration, beauties and a lavish lifestyle. His unconventional methods draw both ire and intrigue from DC's established heroes and villains alike. _____________ Disclaimer: Contains mature content. MC wil also go through a lot of character development.

TimVic · Anime & Comics
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21 Chs

Close Call

Authors Note: Sorry about the late updates. Chapters will go back to being released as usual. Two chapters daily.


"It's a monster!" one of them yelled, trying to free himself from the entangling vines.

Using his immense strength, Miles disarmed some of the men with ease, knocking their weapons out of their hands.

He moved with the power of Swamp Thing, landing precise attacks and restraining some of them.

One of the men managed to break free and rushed at him with a knife, but Miles deflected the attack effortlessly, the blade shattering against his tough, bark-like skin.

The man stumbled back, fear in his eyes. "What are you?" he gasped.

"I would like to say Swamp Thing, protector of nature but... I am Dice! protector of this city!" Miles replied, his voice deep and commanding.

With a flick of his wrist, more vines emerged, wrapping around the man's torso and pinning him to the ground.

Another armed man tried to shoot him, but the bullets were absorbed by Miles's thick, plant-based armor. He advanced on the shooter with heavy and deliberate steps.

The man's eyes widened in terror as Miles grabbed the gun, crushing it in his hand. With a powerful shove, he sent the man flying into a stack of crates, knocking him unconscious.

As the fight continued, Miles noticed that the crates they were trying to steal contained ordinary items—tools, household supplies, and electronics of barely any value.

It didn't make sense to him until he checked a particular crate and found a strange-looking item. It was a mixture of technology and something mythical, pulsing with unusual energy.

The item was shaped like an ancient artifact, yet it had glowing circuits embedded in it. It seemed to be a fusion of an ancient relic and advanced technology, with intricate designs carved into its metallic surface. Strange symbols glowed softly, and there was an aura of power emanating from it.

"What is this?" Miles muttered, examining the item closely.

There was no doubt that it carried a unique power. He decided to take it before the police arrived. Using his abilities, he wrapped the remaining assailants tightly in strong vines, ensuring they couldn't escape.

The sound of approaching sirens grew louder. Miles quickly made his exit, blending into the trees and disappearing from sight. He watched from a distance as the police arrived, securing the scene and arresting the criminals.


The police noticed the wordings constructed from vines on the ground and wondered who Dice was. They focused on the criminals, sure that they would get answers from them.

Satisfied with his work, Miles headed back to his car, still in his Swamp Thing form. He placed the strange item in the trunk, covering it with a blanket to keep it hidden. His mind raced with questions about the item and its significance but the night wasn't over yet.

Later that night, while he was out intercepting crimes and completing tasks, real-time memories from Swamp Thing began to flow into his mind.

The memories were vivid and intense, disrupting his focus. He would occasionally freeze, overwhelmed by the sudden influx of information.

At one point, while confronting a group of thieves, he felt a powerful connection to the earth and the memories of Swamp Thing's actions just a few minutes ago. The experience was disorienting, and he had to struggle to maintain control.

"Who are you?" a voice echoed in his mind, demanding an answer.

"I... I should be asking you that... You're the one in my head," he replied, struggling to maintain his own identity.

The voice belonged to Swamp Thing himself. The two minds began to fight for possession of Miles's plant based body, each trying to assert dominance.

Swamp Thing's control over plant life made the struggle even more intense.

"Are you like me? Or are you a threat that needs to be put down?" Swamp Thing's voice boomed, filled with authority.

"Are you saying that if I am not like you, I should be put down? Fuck you!" Miles shouted back, his mind reeling from the clash.

Just when it seemed like Swamp Thing would overpower him, a notification from the system appeared, breaking the mental struggle.

**[ System Notice: Synchronization with character complete ]**

The mental battle ceased, and Miles felt a sense of relief wash over him. Swamp Thing's presence faded, leaving Miles in control of his own mind once more.

Exhausted and shaken, he made his way back to his dorm as the night's events replayed in his mind.

[ Task Complete: Transform Into A DC Character ]

< Rewards: +20 points, +5 points added to speed >

'That was scary, 'Miles admitted internally but all in all, he was still glad he finally used a character for the first time.

'The memories... They're still here,' How Albert Hollerer had gotten burnt alive was still fresh in his mind.

Not to mention that he knew of Swamp Thing's current location due to the transformation.

Since it was morning already and Miles hadn't caught a wink of sleep all night, he was starting to feel very drowsy. Soon the thoughts adrift in his mind calmed as he fell asleep.


At noon Miles woke up feeling more focused than ever. He knew he had to continue his training and make the most of his abilities.

After a quick brunch, he headed out for his daily workout, pushing himself harder than before.

During his run, he reflected on his transformation into Swamp Thing and his newfound connection to nature.

He realized that each character and ability he unlocked through the Dice System offered unique advantages. He needed to master them all to be truly effective.

After his workout, he returned to the dorm and spent some time researching recent criminal activities in the area. He was determined to find out more about the missing thugs and the mysterious cleanup at the cabin.

He scrolled through news articles and police reports, hoping to catch something.

Just then, his phone buzzed with a message from Tara. "Hey, Miles! How about we grab lunch together? I want us to prepare for geology exams together."

Miles smiled; "Sure, sounds great. See you in an hour."

He quickly finished his research, jotting down notes and ideas. As he got ready to meet Tara.


Miles met Tara at a cozy café near the campus. They ordered their food and settled into a booth, the warm atmosphere providing a welcome respite from the cold outside.

"So, what's up?" Miles asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

Tara grinned; "I was just thinking about how long you've been studying this course. You must know a lot I'd like to study together."

Miles nodded, already feeling the gears in his mind turning. "Alrighty... I have no qualms with this but we will have to set a schedule. I have to put just as much effort into other courses while still having to do my part time job."

They spent the next hour discussing areas of concentration, sketching out plans, and sharing their thoughts.


Creator's Note: Check out my other novel - Evos Legacy: Rise Of The Strongest System Bearer.