
Reborn Hearts: The Twisted Ties of Love, Destiny And Second Chances.

In a whirlwind of fate, Li Meiying finds herself transported back in time to a critical moment in her life. Just as she was about to marry the Nation's prince actor, Li Chenwei and live out her fairytale dreams, tragedy strikes when she drowns after falling off the yacht where her wedding was to take place. But instead of meeting her demise, Meiying is reborn and given a second chance. As Meiying comes to terms with her new reality, she discovers that she is now back in the time when she was contracted to marry the cold-hearted and nonchalant Wang Xuejian. Desperate to break free and pursue her true love, Li Chenwei, she approaches Wang Xuejian with a plea to dissolve the contract. However, to her shock and confusion, he refuses, going against the agreement he had made in her previous life. Now Meiying wonders why things aren't going according to plan, and why the once nonchalant Xuejian is suddenly meddling in her affairs. Xuejian begins to reveal a side of himself that Meiying had never seen before. As she navigates the complexities of her rebirth, her heart torn between Li Chenwei who she had initially chosen and the mysterious Wang Xuejian who now holds her fate in his hands, Meiying finds herself at a crossroads. With her once predictable world turned upside down, Meiying is faced with a choice. Will she continue to chase her previous dreams, or will the unexpected bond she forms with Xuejian open her heart to the possibility of a different kind of love? Can she trust Xuejian's motives? "Master Xuejian, Mistress was spotted in front of Master Chenwei's mansion" Xiaojin, Xuejian's assistant informed. "So ..." Xuejian said not looking up from the documents that he was reading. "She claimed to be his wife" "This is just another one of her dramas for attention" "She also said she loves him and also misses him" "What are standing there for, bring her back to me right now" Xuejian said as he bang his hand on his table. Note: It is not purely a love triangle story as there will also be other male characters that will pursue the female lead. Like it? Add to your library. Thanks for reading too.

CelesteVega · Urban
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31 Chs

Admiring My Husband.

Unable to contain her amusement any longer, Meiying burst into laughter, reveling in the satisfaction of seeing Xuejian admit that her food was indeed inedible. Although she had orchestrated the whole thing, it was still undeniably gratifying.

With fifteen minutes having passed since Xuejian's departure, Meiying grew concerned and decided to check up on her husband. She pondered to herself if she had gone too far, but quickly dismissed the notion, placing the blame squarely on Xuejian's shoulders. If only he had cooperated, eaten her food, and refrained from deeming it inedible, none of this would have transpired.

Meiying went to check the room where she had awoken earlier that day first. Making her way to the bathroom door, she called out Xuejian's name, met with silence as her only response. Threatening to open the door yielded no reaction from within, leading Meiying to conclude that he was not present.

Turning to leave for another room, Meiying suddenly found herself seized by a hand, forcefully pulled into the bathroom. An innate sense of danger gripped her, prompting her to attempt a swift kick to her captor's shin. Much to her dismay, he dodged her attack, subsequently hurling her into the bathtub.

Initially assuming Xuejian's intention was to teach her a lesson, Meiying was taken aback when he turned towards the mirror, using a towel to dry off his hair. As her widened eyes scanned Xuejian's reflection, she took in his appearance — a mere towel tied around his waist, water cascading from wet hair to his face and down his tanned body. Catching a glimpse of his chest, abs, and the tantalizing v-line leading down...

Meiying's thoughts abruptly faltered, questioning whether he had just taken a bath. Xuejian, however, noticed her gaze through the mirror, playfully smirking as he asked, "Like what you see?"

Caught off guard, Meiying averted her eyes, momentarily debating why she should shy away. After all, he was her husband, and she had every right to admire him. Summoning her confidence, she shifted her gaze back towards him, defiantly stating, "Is there anything wrong with admiring my husband when he's naked?"

Xuejian ceased his activities, dropping the towel he had been using to dry his hair onto the sink. Turning towards her, Meiying couldn't help but be captivated by the way strands of his hair fell across his face, partially obstructing his sight. With a charming smile, he took a step closer, his voice laced with mischief.

"You know, you're right. But I'm not fully naked," Xuejian remarked, his eyes sparkling with playful intent as he teasingly grasped the edge of his towel.

Meiying's eyes widened in anticipation, her heart racing with anxiety. What was he trying to do now? Her mind raced with possibilities as Xuejian continued to toy with her. He chuckled, the sound echoing through the bathroom, while Meiying couldn't help but glare at him, finding his laughter slightly annoying.

Casually, Xuejian retreated to the sink, retrieving the towel before making his way towards the door. But just as he gripped the handle, he paused, his hand clenched tightly around it. His tone softened as he admitted, "You really got me good, didn't you? I should have trusted your cooking skills from the start." Amusement danced in his eyes before he finally left.

Meiying, feeling a mixture of relief and lingering amusement, leaned against the bathtub. She realized that she should take her own bath since she's already in the bathroom. However, before doing so, she made sure to lock the bathroom door, determined to prevent a repeat of the surprise encounter with Zhang Hongzong.

After she had finished bathing, Meiying cracked the bathroom door open slightly, peering into the room for any sign of Xuejian. Thankfully, he was nowhere to be seen. Swiftly, she tiptoed towards the door connecting the room to the corridor, locking it securely. Meiying had learned her lesson and wasn't going to take any chances this time.

Given the chill in the air, Meiying searched the wardrobe for something that could provide adequate coverage. To her dismay, she discovered that it was filled solely with men's clothing. Sighing in exasperation, she reluctantly decided to venture out into the other room.

As Meiying unlocked the door and cautiously peeked into the corridor, she was unexpectedly met face to face with Huilian. The latter's expressive smile struck Meiying as peculiar, almost a touch too cheerful for the situation. Before she could react, Huilian ushered her into her own bedroom.

There were some clothes elegantly displayed on the bed, and Huilian informed Meiying that she should wear them. As Huilian exited the room with an enigmatic smile, Meiying couldn't help but find the situation a bit strange.

The garments displayed were exquisite leather jackets with padded parkas and fur-trimmed hoods, which seemed strangely familiar to her. Next to the bed, there were knee-high boots, as well as matching long-sleeved tops and leggings. Meiying couldn't help but notice that the outfit resembled Huilian's own attire, albeit in a different color.

Without hesitation, Meiying swiftly put on the stylish ensemble, styling her hair into a sleek high ponytail. Stepping into the foyer, she was surprised to find that not only herself and Huilian but also Liling, and Xuejian were all dressed alike. Huilian and Liling donned pretty pink jackets, while Xuejian sported the same brown jacket as Meiying, albeit with blue pants and ankle boots instead of leggings and knee-high boots.

Not willing to dwell on the orchestrated situation, Meiying focused instead on the wide grin plastered across Huilian's face. Curiosity getting the better of her, she couldn't help but inquire, "Are you also going out, Huilian?"

"As a matter of fact," Huilian replied, her smile growing even brighter, "your arrival has inspired me to visit the shooting site and check on how things are progressing!"

Together, they all piled into Xuejian's car, making their way to the shooting site. Meiying made sure to call Jingyi to join them at the shooting site.

Upon arrival, reporters swarmed around the area, their interest piqued at the sight of Xuejian's car.

Security had to hold back the eager journalists, allowing Meiying and her companions to exit the car. When the reporters caught sight of Huilian, their astonishment was palpable. Xuejian even had to carry Liling in his arms to navigate through the crowd.

"Mrs. Wang, how do you feel after being wrongly accused by Mrs. Feng, only to have your name cleared by her?" one reporter inquired.

"Mr. and Mrs. Wang, what is your relationship with Mrs. Cao? Are you all friends?" another reporter pressed.

"How long have you all known each other?" a third journalist chimed in.

"Mrs. Wang, did you spend the night at Mrs. Cao's place, explaining why nobody saw you return home?" another reporter joined in.

They were able to enter the building where the shooting was taking place without the reporters following them thanks to the securities, they swiftly made their way to the elevator. Exiting on the designated floor, they found themselves amidst the shooting of a scene where Wei Long warned Yang Xiulan not to intervene in the recent neighborhood murders, lest she becomes the next victim.

Once the scene had concluded and the director had called "cut," everyone scattered to prepare for the next set of scenes. Meiying, Xuejian, Huilian, and Liling stood before the elevator, catching their breath.

The director was the first to approach them, extending a warm greeting. "Good morning, all! Mrs. Cao, I'm pleasantly surprised you decided to come."

"I wanted to witness how you all are bringing my story to life, and it seems like you're doing a splendid job," Huilian praised, her smile turning into a kind expression.

"Thank you very much, Mrs. Cao. Mrs. Wang, I must admit, I didn't expect to see you today after everything that happened. I thought you would prefer to rest," the director inquired, his concern evident.

"I initially had no plans to attend, but when my husband decided to come, it gave me the strength to join him," Meiying replied with a soft smile. She shot a playful wink towards Xuejian, a discreet signal between them. While partly true, Meiying had also come to the shooting site because she wanted to meet with Mrs. Feng later. However, with Huilian's unexpected presence, she thought it best to act in a few scenes first before seeking out Mrs. Feng.

"Alright, since you're here, perhaps you could discuss with Mr. Zhang which scenes you'll be filming today," the director suggested.

"Excellent idea," Meiying agreed, her smile widening before bidding them farewell. She sought out Hongzong, who was engrossed in a conversation with his manager.

As she approached him with a skip in her step, her anticipation grew, only to be quickly replaced by nervousness. Suddenly, Hongzong turned towards Meiying, her composure faltered, and she swiftly darted into an open doorway, seeking refuge.

Wait a minute, why is she hiding? Meiying's heart raced, her breathing becoming faster than ever.

I apologize to my dear readers for my absence due to my illness for the past two days.

Duì bù qǐ (;ŏ﹏ŏ)

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