
Reborn: Evolving From Nothing

Dorian was out celebrating his college graduation when a car slammed into him, and darkness took hold. He awoke to find himself in a strange new body, in a strange new world. One world among 30,000 fantastical worlds, where the mighty rule, where mystic beasts walk the earth, and magic spells warp reality. For Dorian to survive in these worlds, unfettered and free, living by his strong moral code, he will need great strength. He must make use of his strange new body and Evolve. But there's one catch... Dorian wasn't the only one sent into the 30,000 Worlds with the power to Evolve. He is the only one from Earth. He is the only one that managed to keep his memories. He is the Firstborn. But he is only one among many. Come read as the realm descends into chaos at the arrival of the 88 Anomalies. ---------------- Author's Patreon - lmkerr.com Discord: https://discord.gg/CEhpTMD

AuthorWiz · Fantasy
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243 Chs

Special Announcement: Reader Suggestions.

Hi guys! Sorry for everyone that came here expecting a third chapter, my bad. This is, instead, a special announcement.

I absolutely LOVE all the interaction I get with you guys, and I love seeing how interested you are in my story, and the world and characters I'm creating.

So I wanted to do a little something special for y'all.

I have this entire story outlined and plotted out. I know how it will end, I know how each volume will go, and I know where and what will happen.

That said... There is still quite a bit of wiggle room in terms of the powers I give to certain enemies and allies, the Abilities certain characters have, the type of beast or forms certain Anomalies take, and the design of certain Exotic Worlds. I have plotted down general ideas, but these can be adapted without changing my vision for the story.

I want to give you all the opportunity to not only make this a story you are reading, but a story *you are part of* as well!

So, this is the place to leave any suggestions you may have :)

Everyone, look through the comments, and like the ideas you want included, or leave comments of your own!

I can't promise I will include anything, but if certain ideas/powers fit perfectly into the plot, I would love to make this story one that is inclusive of said ideas! A community project :)

I thought this would be a fun way to interact with you all, my reader base. Let me know what you think!

I'll come check everything out tomorrow morning and read through what people like/want :) I'll try to read every single comment.

~ AuthorWiz
