
Reborn: Evolving From Nothing

Author: AuthorWiz
Ongoing · 16M Views
  • 243 Chs
  • 4.7
    1.8K ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Reborn: Evolving From Nothing

Read ‘Reborn: Evolving From Nothing’ Online for Free, written by the author AuthorWiz, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ADVENTURE Light Novel, REINCARNATION Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: (DROPPED - unlikely to continue writing this series) Dorian was out celebrating his college graduation when a car slamme...


(DROPPED - unlikely to continue writing this series) Dorian was out celebrating his college graduation when a car slammed into him, and darkness took hold. He awoke to find himself in a strange new body, in a strange new world. One world among 30,000 fantastical worlds, where the mighty rule, where mystic beasts walk the earth, and magic spells warp reality. For Dorian to survive in these worlds, unfettered and free, living by his strong moral code, he will need great strength. He must make use of his strange new body and Evolve. But there's one catch... Dorian wasn't the only one sent into the 30,000 Worlds with the power to Evolve. He is the only one from Earth. He is the only one that managed to keep his memories. He is the Firstborn. But he is only one among many. Come read as the realm descends into chaos at the arrival of the 88 Anomalies. ---------------- Author's Patreon - lmkerr.com Discord: https://discord.gg/CEhpTMD

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Ida_Antari_3468 · Fantasy
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Another world another life

What decides what gender the book is for like I care what gender reads this.( thought of something related) Synopsis What decides what gender each ability or action is for. More importantly who decides. I can’t love a woman because I am one why should I car of your thoughts. I can’t have revenge because it is inelegant and petty!? What do I care about elegance should I let them trample upon my love ones for it. I am a mighty being! powerful beyond a doubt why should I allow you to decide!? As a man I should be the epitome of strength what use are feelings let go of my revenge to focus on being the best man!? Ha! Your joking! As a woman I should be docile and kind as well as elegant and calming!? Ha! Like I would. I am a furious wild being I have a personality that is uncontrollable. You crush a man until they wish only to kill you and destroy your kingdom! I should fight them for the good of the human race!? Then what of the race you destroyed then had forgotten. One of you!? Did I say that. Threaten me!? How!? Use my kindness!? Laughable! Before I help anyside! Prove! Your! Worth! I swear, you killed my mother now I shall kill you! I’m coming you evil vixen!! Original synopsis Bàonù come on!" "Keep it up, go that quickly or the dragons will catch you!" "They're to dead to do anything!" "Hahahahahaha! I don't think you understand how serious I am! "What!?" " Don't blame me for your death!" Another reincarnated assassin story I laughed writing this several times but now I’m to lazy to delete it it has to do with the story but it doesn’t portray it well hope you give this a chance though! Discontinued (probably) Also just realized this whole story was spawned because for a moment I had a moment of total blankness with white noise in the background

WarmAutumnsBreeze · Fantasy
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Table of Contents
Latest Update
Volume 0 :Auxiliary Volume
Volume 1 :Strange Beginnings
Volume 2 :Taprisha - A Perilous Journey
Volume 3 :Blizzaria - A Perilous Journey
Volume 4 :Paxital - A Perilous Journey
Volume 5 :Magmor - A Perilous Journey's End
Volume 6 :Volume 6 - Journey to Shaptle
Volume 7 :Volume 7 - Moria
Volume 8 :Volume 8 - Return
Volume 9 :Volume 9 - (Hidden)


  • Overall Rate
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  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
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This is by far the best story on this app. The writing is all next level quality, the story progression is nether to slow or to fast and the community created by the author is really fun. I have only praise for this webnovel.


Great story great writing. I love how the story unfolds to surprise you. I love how the author injects humor as this is often lacking on this site. I highly recommend this!


One of the best, if not the best, stories I've ever read in the fantasy department. The author does well to incorporate many elements into the story without going overboard. The character development is brilliant. Definitely up there with my favorites.


Shameless 5 star rating because I am very confident in the quality of my writing. This work is my entry for Qidian's story contest about Evolved Beasts. I'll keep updating it on the side while I work on my novel, Lord of Time.


The writing quality is some next level ****, author does a very good job with grammar, general story telling, and the speed at which the story moves forward, not too fast and not too slow. From reading the first few chapters alone you can tell that this author not only has writing experience, but that he puts that experience to good use. The stability of updates so far is great especially for a side project, however it’s still quite early to tell for sure and I can only hope that the author will keep up with this as time goes on. Story development is quite good so far, not too fast or too slow, however this is another one of the things that only time will truly tell. Character design is interesting, an MC that is simply an average person is becoming more and more scarce and I think it can bring out a lot of interesting further development as he must face issues he may never have even considered in his average lifestyle and grow from these experiences. World background is presented very well, unlike the info dump that most simply default to, it’s presented slowly and in an interesting fashion that explains the general world while still keeping the readers interest. All in all, a damn good story.


There are a lot of people looking for novels with monster MC and evolution, but most like myself are dispointed by the quality of those novels. This one has a lot of potential (the most promising on qidian as of now in my humble opinion). Only 9 chapter and the world is already building up, and so is the MC, talking about his past and future goals. Keep it up mr author, with enough perseverance and advertising, I'm sure you can make yourself a good and loyal public for this novel.


I. Want. More. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________


I first rate this 5 star for the reviews and I will give another review after chap 50 more like 2 weeks from now and I wish this isn't like the A monster who levels up


Uptill where I have read this is a great story bases on evolution. And I like how he is not confined to one form. Instead of having and exp leveling system. He has to gayher bloodlines and energies which is I find interesting. Overall a great read. I hope thr author keeps writing it.


This so far is a great story with a mc who starts weak but continues to evolve to higher levels and creatures. The writing is great and I didn't notice a single grammar mistakes. As for the for the other categories it's hard to determine world background and development with so little to go by but there was no big info dump and considering my love for the premise and the writing quality I'm willing to give the book the benefit of the doubt.


I've followed this author across several platforms and I enjoy everything that he writes. This story has a lot of potential with it's unique power system and solid world building. I'm really looking forward to the rest of it.



I have a problem with this novel. There isn't just enough chapters, I practically read everything here in one go. so please more of this novel. I can't think of having too much of this novel from what I have read so far


I’m already interested I haven’t even read one of the chapters I have to write something else to make this 140 characters and it not 140 characters. I gotta say webnovel I love how you have to write 140 characters when you try to review something


This is some good stuff. ............................................................................................................................


I like this Story about Monster Evolution 😊 . . . . . . ..... ..................................................................................................................................................................................


Honestly fantastic story great plot so far not too fast or too slow and just some moments have you laughing others the seriousness, it’s a phenomenal read that I’m very much looking forward to see where this amazing author will take it


I see evolution,i hit all of the sparkling stars.. 😆😆😆


Was going to criticize mc for letting his guard down, I mean, we know what happened the last time he did that, but LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL just think of a small lizard sitting around a fire, roasting a deer, singing country songs, and dancing


Great story so far, which is pretty rare on this site. I would highly recommend this novel if the genre intrigues you. Not sure what else to say but there is a 140 character limit 🤔🤔🤔


Love it all big fan of RE:Monster and this has a similar feel so please keep it up and more releases if possible :)! Any chance for a wiki page or a section to go over levels, release days, and general knowledge?


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Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating