
Reborn as Vegeta

The Main Character is unexpectedly killed by God, and as an apology for his blunder, Leon was granted a new life in the Dragon-Ball World. Reborn as Vegeta, he takes his true place amongst the stars as the greatest Saiyan King ever to rule. Author Note: This is something I found while clearing out my extra laptop, I sold it recently and found this old pearl, after a few days tweaking it, because I started this when Super first aired, it needed some fine-tuning timeline wise. I've already finished the Dragon Ball Saga, and if I'm to continue this, you should know that it will be very short. Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon-Ball nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Akria Toriyama, Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Meeting of the Gods Part 3

Kibo then felt the change forming inside his own Tribulation Lightning and Pill-Fire. They suddenly grew stronger through gaining the essence of the Dao from another reality.

Kibo shouted out as he threw his arms open and sent what was left of his Cosmic Egg flying across the Celestial Hall.

The lightning had stopped, and through the doorway in the clouds, vibrant godly essence poured into Kibo's body and his Inner World.

A loud boom echoed throughout the Palace when Kibo pulled in all the energy and shouted, causing an Aura made of incredibly Dense Godly Essence to shoot into the heavens.

His Origin God Essence then exploded outward, revealing that his body had healed completely while growing in strength by leaps and bounds.

"Incredible!!!" Goku said as he felt the energy rolling off of Kibo in waves.

"How much did his power increase, thousands of times, tens of thousands of times?" Vegeta questioned as he sensed the power of a God near Beerus' level.

 Kibo let out a breath and examined his own body to get used to its new power.

Before he could relax, crimson flames began to spew out from around his body as a series of massive chains appeared for everyone to see.

"Oh, my! I've never seen this before. Is it a Tribulation for the material body?" The Grand Priest said in astonishment.

The remaining Angels showed a shocked expression. They didn't think that the foreign God would be able to surprise their father.

"Pay attention, children. This may prove useful for your own training," The Grand Priest declared, making all the Angels respond with a quick, "Yes, father!"

Kibo felt the archaic and rustic chains wrapping his legs begin to vibrate as the flames grew more intense.

The flames engulfed the Foreign God's body, making black sweat drip from his pores while burning it away alongside his flesh.

Kibo shouted in pain as he struggled to shatter the chains pulling at his legs. All he had to do was step forward, but no matter how he tried, he couldn't budge.

Kibo then pulled out a star that he took from the galaxies birthed by Super Shenron's appearance, lighting up the arena in a bright white glow.

"What's he doing with that Star?!" Goku shouted as he covered his eyes and used his senses to observe what Kibo was going through.

"Star God Art; Ant Devouring the Heavens!" Kibo shouted as he opened his mouth and transformed into a Super Human God Purple.

"NANI?! He's eating it?" Vegeta shouted as he watched the star breaking down into pure energy while flowing into Kibo's stomach.

The energy and laws from the star purified his body and strengthened it to new levels. After activating his Full Power Mode and the Platinum color took over, Kibo roared as he slowly nudged his foot forward.

The arcane chains suddenly lit up with mystical and ancient runes. The force emanating from them pushed down on the onlookers as if they were standing in the center of a gravity well.

As Kibo lifted his left foot, cracks suddenly began to spread across the surface of the chain. The flow of energy rushed into Kibo's body like an ever-flowing ocean while the massive star above the Celestial Palace started to rapidly shrink.

Once only the Core of the Star was left, everyone watched in surprise as the golden sphere melted down and flowed in through Kibo's pores.

They could hear the faint sounds of hammers tinkering away, but in reality, it was the sound of Kibo's bones being tempered.

His bones suddenly took on a orange jade-like appearance before Kibo roared out in agony and renewed power.

"Such power!" Vegeta muttered as he felt Kibo's power evolving at a phenomenal pace.

With a final push, Kibo took that step forward and shattered the chains binding his legs. A loud clang rang out as the chains splintered and then broke away in a massive explosion.

The explosion from the chains breaking looked like stars and the Universe being born on a micro-scale.

The divine flames vanished alongside the remaining chains. Kibo stood in the center of the scorched ground, his body radiating from the heat as the skin and bone slowly healed.

After taking another recovery pellet, Kibo breathed a sigh of relief as he stretched and flexed his body.

"So this is how a Mid-God feels. If I'm that much stronger than a Minor God, I wonder how much stronger a True God is?" Kibo pondered as his clothing and armor finished regenerating.

The Gods look at him in awe, while the Angels looked at Kibo like he was an amusing specimen.

Kibo stretched, then turned to the Grand Priest before bowing and saying, "I thank you for your patience. We can now begin the exhibition match at any time."

The Grand Priest looked at Kibo and smiled before he snapped his finger again, repairing the stage as he announced, "All Gods of Destruction, please enter the stage."

Kibo cracked his neck as all the Gods watched him on full alert.

They were wary of Kibo's power after witnessing his ascent and wanted to make sure that they didn't get caught off guard.

The Grand Priest then waved his hand as he said, "Begin!"

Kibo jumped to the side as he felt the power of Quitela aiming at his back.

The mouse-like God of Destruction missed his initial kick but continued on towards Beerus.

Many of the other Gods also aimed their attacks at Beerus. Only for the pink cat to dodge and weave past their blows with only the smallest movements.

Beerus' eyes were closed as he ducked, weaved, and tilted his body to avoid the attacks of four different Gods of Destruction.

Quitela, Liquiir, Champa, and the God of Destruction from Universe 2, Heles, all attacked with everything they had.

"So fast!" Goku mentioned as he tried his best to keep up with their speed.

"Is this what Beerus is like without holding back?" Vegeta questioned as his eyes darted around the arena.

Belmond appeared beside the edge of the stage beside Kibo. He was looking rather relaxed as he observed the Gods of Destruction fighting one another.

"Hey, I'll throw the fight if you give me one of those pills," Belmond offered.

Kibo grinned before saying, "Nah. Besides, I don't need you to throw the fight."

Belmond didn't get a chance to say anything else as Kibo created a copy of Oblivion by using the Transformation Jutsu on a Shadow clone and cut towards him.

"Hey, hey, hey, weapons are against the rules," Belmond said as he dodged Kibo's attacks.

"Not if they are made from a technique! After all, I don't see anyone complaining about her bow," Kibo stated as pointed to the Egyptian-looking goddess before he swung his sword dozens of times.

Belmond continued to dodge the attacks while Beerus handled the rest of the group.

The rest of the Gods chose to jump in on Beerus as well, when suddenly, Beerus' movements became fluid, like water running through a river.

Kibo whistled before he dodged Belmond's high-kick and stabbed out towards his chest.

"He's doing pretty good," Kibo said while Belmond jumped back and avoided the tip of Kibo's sword.

"Eh, I've seen better!" Belmond bragged as he pointed a finger out and blasted a beam of Destruction-Ki at Kibo.

Kibo smacked it aside and said, "Enough playing around!"

An Almighty Domain appeared around Kibo and engulfed the arena. The spectators then watched Kibo's body slightly growing as he equipped his Beast God Asura Avatar, showing that this was his current maximum power as he said, "You guys ready?"

The Gods looked to Kibo while the Beast God Avatar turned platinum-colored, and his Godly Essence washed over them.

Kibo took in a deep breath as he stared down at the Gods of Destruction. He then raised his six hands and started to perform a series of Jutsus.

Suddenly, twelve copies of Kibo appeared from a puff of smoke. The Shadow Clones performed another Jutsu to make copies of Kibo's weapons and armor.

Kibo then smiled as he said, "Time to fight."

The Gods were taken by surprise as they were forced to go all out and attack. The battlefield turned into pure chaos. Kibo's clones grew more and more powerful while the Gods weaker.

"What the hell is this atmosphere surrounding my body? It feels like I'm submerged in a bog," Belmond said while he narrowly avoided the Beast God Avatar's swords.

"Is it me, or are the copies getting stronger?" Champa added as he jumped past a beam of Sword Intent.

"I think we're getting weaker as well," Beerus said as he deflected dozens of sword swings.

"Okay, no more playing around!" Belmond declared when his body suddenly lit up in a pure-white Aura.

Ultra Instinct showed in a nearly perfected form. Beerus grinned as he too activated and entered the state of movement without thought.

While they fought a winning battle against his clones, Kibo smiled and said, "Thanks!"

Kibo reabsorbed his clones before he held his hand out and collected a pristine white source of energy from his domain.

"How interesting," The Grand Priest stated as he looked at the small droplet of God Essence.

"What is it?" Vegeta asked.

"It appears that Domain young Kibo has created, not only weakens those within proximity while it strengthens himself, but it absorbs a portion of their experiences. That droplet of energy he is holding is the culmination of the energy the Gods lost during their struggle and the insights gained during the fight."

"What's he going to do with it?" Goku questioned.

Kibo smiled and summoned a portal to his inner world. The massive terrain full of exotic Godly Essence flooded the arena, causing the Gods and even the Angels to look on in awe.

Kibo then threw the drop of concentrated experience into the pool surrounding his Dao Tree.

The thirteen laws circling it suddenly glowed with vibrant light. Kibo felt the knowledge coursing through his mind.

The experiences of the fight, the Sacred Teachings of the Angels, and the raw power of Ultra Instinct continued to grind away and polish the strength of his own Universal Laws.

Kibo felt his soul quake as the laws grew in size and robustness. The light gleamed out until the Godly-Laws were the sizes of planets.

The citizens of Kibo's inner world thought that thirteen new stars suddenly appeared on the horizon.

However, little by little, the thirteen laws started to compress and expel impure energies.

The multi-colored orbs of light slowly shrunk down to the size of a basketball before letting off a supermassive explosion.

The singular planetary object inside Kibo's inner world was engulfed in the new and refined godly laws.

Suddenly, All of Kibo's contracted gods came flying out of his inner world.

The Azure Dragon, Seiryu, appeared in a dominating fashion. His body coiled around Kibo moments before rising to the sky, roaring and causing a rainstorm to appear around the arena.

Where ever the water fell, trees and leaves grew from nothing and into fully grown plants.

"A dragon? Did Kibo summon Shenron?" Goku asked while scratching his head.

"No, that is a real Dragon, Goku. A 'Dragon God' to be precise," The Grand Priest mentioned before they heard a loud chirp.

7-Colored Flames shot out in the shape of a large true eagle. Suzaku flew around Kibo before flying next to Seiryu and spreading her wings out, showing off her majestic figure.

"The 7-Colored Phoenix, and an Azure Dragon! My, I haven't seen them in so many years!" The Grand Priest smiled gently as two more familiar figures appeared in front of him.

Next came a giant white tiger with black-stripes appeared and roared out with the power of Earth and Metal.

A black Tortoise carried the power of death alongside an endless ocean.

"All four auspicious beasts, although different from the ones I remember, they seem to carry the same characteristics," The Grand Priest mumbled to himself.

Next came out a large three-legged golden crow. The power of the sun radiated like flames made from pure Yang Energies. Beside her was a big platinum-haired bear that chilled the surroundings in pure Yin Energies.

The ground quaked as a monstrous green-furred ape appeared carrying primordial energy that triggered something in the Saiyans. It had no main element, only raw physical strength.

A large grey-furred wolf appeared next. It felt like the winds had gained a chaotic form of the essence as the wisps of air swirled around her feet.

Next came a force of holiness, celestial even. A red-cloaked demonic-looking angel appeared, carrying a large organic sword on his back and two pistols on his hip holster.

A surge of demonic energy came next. A blue-cloaked angelic devil appeared on the side of his brother. He carried a long katana that was bending the space-time around the blade.

"Gods of Destruction! Meet my friends, Seiryu, Suzaku, Byakko, Genbu, Oro, Shiro, Chi Wukong, Fenrir, Dante, and Virgil," Kibo announced as all the monsters took on human form.