
Reborn as Vegeta

The Main Character is unexpectedly killed by God, and as an apology for his blunder, Leon was granted a new life in the Dragon-Ball World. Reborn as Vegeta, he takes his true place amongst the stars as the greatest Saiyan King ever to rule. Author Note: This is something I found while clearing out my extra laptop, I sold it recently and found this old pearl, after a few days tweaking it, because I started this when Super first aired, it needed some fine-tuning timeline wise. I've already finished the Dragon Ball Saga, and if I'm to continue this, you should know that it will be very short. Copyright disclaimer: I do NOT own Dragon-Ball nor any character or works featured in the fan-fiction. All rights belong to its rightful Akria Toriyama, Funimation Studios. No copyright infringement intended.

Daoist_Over_God · Anime & Comics
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87 Chs

Meeting of the Gods Part 2

"Incredible! He's using such perfect energy control that the elements are bonding on both a spiritual and molecular level," The Grand Priest announced with a look of excitement, shocking his children. After all, it wasn't easy to earn a compliment from the Grand Priest.

"Consolidate!" Kibo commanded as he slapped the side of the Seven-Legged Cauldron one final time.

As the last of the impurities were ejected from the Cauldron, a lighting cloud appeared above Kibo. It roared with cataclysmic thunder and shot a bolt of white lightning on the currently forming spherical pill. 

Kibo found himself surprised by the intensity of the Pill Tribulation. In his Universe, Kibo could overcome the tribulations for a Pill of this quality with a swat of his hand. However, in this Universe, the laws were far more potent than he expected.

He quickly reinforced his Godly Essence to support the still-forming God-Pill and kept it from crumbling.

Kibo powered up to his Super Human Mode and clapped his hands on the side of the Cauldron.

An explosion shook the hall when the lightning bolt slammed into the Pill Mixture.

Kibo grunted as he felt the power from the tribulation-lightning rumbling around his body. He then gritted his teeth and poured almost all of his Godly Essence into the cauldron to make a Tier Two Godly Pill.

"It is as I thought. The Laws in this universe are far stronger than they are in my own. At least, when it comes to sheer power," Kibo thought as he got ready for the next bolt to strike.

The room boomed with eight more consecutive bolts that slammed into the Cauldron without mercy, causing a massive explosion that covered the terrain in a cloud of smoke.

When the dust cleared, floating in front of Kibo was three pills that had a spherical Yin-Yang design, exploding with godly power.

If not for Zeno's presence, the Gods of Destruction would have jumped Kibo in an attempt to steal it for themselves.

Kibo swiped two of the Pills and stored them in his Inner World before swallowing a Full Restoration Pill.

"It's complete. The Skyward Ascension Pill," Kibo announced as he created an array around his body.

The Array was the one he recently asked the Super Shenron to upgrade; the Righteous Dao-Lord's Slaughtering Array.

The Array took the form of a life-like depiction of humans slaughtering demonic beings that represented the Seven Sins of Humanity; Lust, Greed, Wrath, Pride, Sloth, Envy, and Gluttony.

The image continued to connect until it took the shape of a wheel beneath Kibo's feet.

The Gods look on in awe as the depictions of the Humans moved forward, brutally killing off the Seven Sins of Humanity in a vibrant and variety of manners.

The Array had the ability to repress and destroy negative thoughts. But the most important part of the Godly Array was that it was able to fend off one's Inner Devil when ascending.

Kibo sat down to meditate to clear his mind for a few minutes.

Everyone looked at the Godly Pill with a sense of temptation before Kibo lifted it and dropped it into his mouth.

As he swallowed the pill, the stars surrounding the Celestial Palace were blotted out by dark and ominous thunder clouds.

Everyone looked up to see the clouds taking the shape of a gate. It was covered in divine energy and had an engraving of a dragon coiling around it.

When it opened, large dragon-shaped bolts of lightning gathered around the entrance.

Kibo knew that he should go full power from the start, so he used his Super Human God Blue Form, entered his Platinum God Mode, and activated his Three Stars of Pangu.

Lastly, Kibo used the new technique he learned from incorporating this world's knowledge into his own teachings.

"Kaioshin-Ken Times One Hundred," Kibo said as a white aura engulfed his body.

The Kaio-Shin-Ken was the mixed version of Goku's, Krillin's, and even Vegeta's Variant of the Kaio-Ken.

When Kibo used his system to infuse all of the techniques into one, he gained the Kaioshin-Ken as his reward.

It was smooth, calming, and able to multiply his power exponentially higher without strain to the body, at least compared to the techniques it was before.

The skill reinforced the body as it multiplied his power, so the strain was almost non-existent.

However, powering up like this does not come without sacrifice. The technique rapidly depletes mental and physical stamina, and the higher he pushes the multiplier, the more stamina it drains.

Thanks to Kibo's Gate of Healing, he could more than enough to make up for that issue and can sustain the technique for extremely long durations.

All the Gods were impressed with the strength Kibo showed but were absolutely clueless as to why the Tribulation Lightning scared the crap out of them.

As the dragon-shaped tribulation lightning coiled and intertwined with each other, Beerus and the other Gods of Destruction gulped.

"Hmm, this could cause some damage. The laws of Kibo's world are mixing with our own. It may be weaker, but they are also far more complex," The Grand Priest muttered before he snapped his fingers.

The Gods of Destruction were then forcefully teleported from the stage before the Grand Priest erected a barrier over the surroundings.

Kibo equipped his Chaotic God Armor and Oblivion before activating his Asura Beast God Avatar.

Kibo then jumped at the lightning as he called his Cauldron to his side and cut out with all his strength.

"God Slaying Art; All in One!" Kibo shouted as he drew Oblivion and slashed out.

All of his Martial Intent flowed into the attack and cut at the descending tribulation lightning.

The crowd oohed and awed at his performance but was surprised to see Kibo's attack swallowed up by the lightning and had his image completely drowned out by the massive bolt.

"Is he dead?" Beerus Questioned.

"No, I still sense his energy," Belmond followed up.

"God Slaying Art; Infinite Variation; All in One!" Kibo's voice echoed out while countless sword beams slammed against the tribulation, shattering the lightning dragon into bits.

When the light from the strike faded, everyone could see Kibo's body was torn, burnt, and crackling with the remnants of the tribulation lightning.

He coughed up a mouth full of dark smoke and said, "Indeed, I misjudged the power of this Universe,"

Swallowing a full recovery pill, everyone watched as Kibo and his equipment recovered from the damage while the Tribulation Lightning above them geared up for a second blast.

Kibo took a deep breath and increased his Kaio-Shin-Ken to Times 250 before leaping back up to face the second bolt.

The lightning dragon doubled in size and strength before roaring at the ascending God. The bolt sent out crackles across the Celestial Palace that the Gods of Destruction avoided in fright.

"Ack! That's dangerous!" Goku shouted as he was nearly struck by a stray spark.

"Hmph!" Vegeta grunted before he flew back and tilted his head. Another stray stream of lightning pulsed by his cheek while charging towards the Grand Priest.

With a smile on his face, the Grand Priest waved his hand and created a barrier around Kibo that kept the bolts from reaching the audience.

The main body of the Tribulation roared out again before charging down at Kibo with lethal intent.

Kibo could feel his mind wavering as he sensed the strength behind the tribulation lightning.

He then raised his sword with a swift swing as he shouted, "God Slaying Art; Origin of Demise!"

Suddenly, a pitch-black sword beam with a single white streak in the center exploded out from the edge of Kibo's blade.

The two attacked clashed and caused a massive explosion that engulfed Kibo entirely.

Once again, the bolt surpassed Kibo's attack and engulfed his body in Tribulation Lightning.

The bolt tore through the arena and out into the cosmos, shaking everything around him in a massive quake.

Everyone looked at Kibo to see him sweating blood, broken, torn, and panting heavily.

"Why isn't he going all out? Doesn't he have still have Purple and higher levels of the Kaioshin-Ken?" Goku asked.

"He is tempering himself with the lightning…how funny! Most others would rather destroy the lightning, but he's only pushing off enough energy to just barely survive," The Grand Priest informed.

Kibo took a deep breath and ate another Full Recovery Pill before he growled and powered back up even stronger than before.

Everyone could sense that Kibo's powers had increased dramatically. Most didn't know how, and scratched their heads in confusion, but it was all cleared up when Vegeta said, "He can use that lightning to achieve such a powerful Zenkai Boost?"

"Hmm. When you think about it, it's not really self-inflicted if the damage comes from challenging nature with one's physical body. I guess a persons' state mind is what decides on what a true battle is," Goku followed up.

"No. I don't think it's that. His genetics are fundamentally different than ours. It's probably unique to his race," Vegeta said as he inspected Kibo's Godly Essence.

"Zenkai Boosts?" Champa and Liquiir questioned at the same time.

"Yes, the Saiyans get stronger every time they overcome near-death injuries. But from what I know, this man is Human, or at least his origin is human," The Grand Priest explained.

"Yeah, he used a technique to alter his own genetics and mimicked the Saiyan's physiology to become something he calls Super Human," Vegeta casually mentioned, actually managing to surprise the Grand Priest.

"What a B.S ability!" Quitela shouted.

"Don't be jealous, Quitela. It's not my fault your Universe's God of Creation didn't think of a genetic altering ability," Beerus took the rare chance to brag in front of co-workers.

"At least my Universe has a seated God of Creation," Quitela countered.

 Vegeta wanted to question what they were speaking about, when all of a sudden; the final bolt above the arena had finished gathering energy for the next attack.

Goku gulped as he could feel his legs quivering. The image of the lightning dragon was slowly getting more realistic and more powerful when he asked, "Is he going to be okay? Should we help?"

"No, it's a bad idea to interfere with another's tribulations. You could end up making it worse," The Grand Priest replied.

Kibo summoned his Almighty Domain and used his best defensive God Art to defend and absorb the Tribulation Lightning.

"God Protection Art; Cosmic Egg!" Kibo shouted as the outline of a globe surrounded his body.

The four auspicious bests sat in the cardinal directions, creating wood, water, flames, and metal.

Next, the Golden Crow entered the center of the planet to become its core.

Then a giant golden-green monkey became the land, and a giant World-Bear became the snowy mountains and ice caps.

The howl of a fierce beast echoed out as a pitch-black wolf with a white underbelly became the sky.

A demonic angel became the heavens.

And an angelic demon became the underworld.

When the technique finished forming around Kibo's body, it took on the appearance of a real planet, not only in appearance but in natural laws as well.

Every wave, drop of rain or snow, every mountain, and every blade of grass, all of it was created from the current mastery of Kibo's Dao.

The utmost captivating aspect of his worldly manifestation was the massive Dao Tree spiraling into the heavens and the Thirteen Dao-Laws encircling it.

Kibo took the full brunt of the gargantuan lightning serpent that roared down upon him and felt like he was just hit by his mother, which was really saying something about his current condition.

Nüwa was a Profound Goddess, something that exists above the All-Father and All-Mother rankings. She could destroy or create entire universes with her will alone.

Kibo then coughed up a lungful of blood as he felt the bolt of lightning traverse across the globe and into his body.

Kibo could no longer feel his limbs as the lightning wormed its way into his soul. Blood poured out his eyes and ears before he bit his tongue to stay conscious.

The tree on the top of his Cosmic Egg Technique acted as a lightning rod that attracted and siphoned the Tribulation Lightning safely into Kibo's Inner world to be absorbed.

His inner world was rocked to the core while the excess lightning was sucked up by his Dao Tree, dampening the pain from his Godly Tribulation.

The Tribulation Lightning Kibo formed from his Godly Laws was slowly growing stronger. Even his Pill-Fire was rapidly growing in strength.

Formerly, in Kibo's universe, the Nine True-Yang Pill-Fire was considered ninth on the Unique Flame power-scaling for Gods.

Now, with the new energy being fed into it, the Pill Fire managed to barely beat the 8th highest-ranking fire, the Flames of Samadhi.

However, the power Kibo absorbed paled in comparison to the amount of damage he was taking.

All of his blood vessels ruptured, bones crushed, and muscles were torn. Kibo was standing on his last legs.

His breathing was haggard, blood constantly flowed from his mouth, and his eyes were bloodshot. Kibo was desperately trying to comprehend the laws behind this reality's Tribulation Lightning.

His Cosmic Egg Art started to crack and crumble away, revealing Kibo's broken body. Most of his skin had melted away, and parts of his broken bones were visible for everyone to see.

Vegeta and Goku felt sick, while the Gods and the Angels showed a look of fascination and respect.

Before the lightning claimed his life, Kibo felt the restraints around his Godly Energy loosen.