
Reborn as The Strongest Mage

Rise was the game everyone played, even the elderly. Launched in 2084, it became an instant success worldwide, and it was more than a simple game. It was also a job. People could earn real-life money from it, and for the youth Vincent, it was no different. Vincent started to play on day one. He had chosen the Mage class and did quite well with it, achieving the top 100 mages of the entire server. Things were getting better year after year. He had all the money he needed, gifting a house for his family, a car, and improving their lives overall. Well, unfortunately, it went downhill. Vincent was not that good with finances, so he hired a manager. He couldn't possibly know that the guy would steal from him, and not only that, he was also stabbed while throwing a party at his apartment. You can call it a miracle, or even destiny, but the fact was that Vincent got another chance at life, reborn on the day Rise launched, and he was going to use that chance to become number one, and of course, found out the bastard who killed him. Help me out in Ko Fi if you can, I'll really appreciate, if you do, just message me I'll reward you somehow. https://ko-fi.com/zzanzz

zzANzz · Games
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19 Chs

Chapter 5- Cleaning Duty

The body of a Nighteye Bat fell into the ground. A message popped in front of Vincent's eyes.

[Nighteye Bat Killed]

[4 levels above you]

[400% bonus XP]

[+20 XP]

"Damn 20 XP in a single mob?I think the wolves in the beginner's field don't give more than 3 XP." Vincent was truly happy. He could already imagine his name at the top of the level ranking, that would be his first step into earning tons of money, and also conquering Rise.

It didn't stop there. Vincent continued non stop, slowly killing the mobs inside that cave. He couldn't kill them as fast as he wished because of the lack of mana. He was still level 1 after all, well, not for too long.

[+20 XP]

[+1 Level]

"Sweet. I'm sure that I'm the only one at level 2." He was right. Not long after he reached level 2, the server went crazy. Every player could open the game forum and rankings while playing, so it was quite normal for news to spread fast, and Vincent's accomplishment was quickly discovered.

"What the f***. How can this guy level up so fast?" a player shared his thoughts at the forum, and soon the mysterious The Seer was known for almost everyone.

"Oh people already saw how fast I can level up. Imagine their faces when I reach level four by the end of the day, hahaha." Vincent planned to level up until level 5, because after that the bonus XP would vanish. He knew that level 5 was impossible in one day. He needed to sleep and eat after all. He also knew that his leveling wouldn't be so easy after level 5. The Nighteye Bat was just the easiest monster to kill if one had the right spell, but monsters like those were rare inside the game.

"If I want to stay at the top, I need to try hard and not get lazy, or else someone may surpass me."

Vincent then opened his status screen. He needed to become stronger, so expending his free points was the way to go.

[The Seer] [Class: Mage]

Level: 2

[HP: 90] [Mana: 190]


[Strength: 2]

[Dexterity: 1]

[Endurance: 3]

[Intelligence: 6+2]

[Wisdom: 5+1]

[Free points: 5]

Vincent pondered on what road should he take. Strength and Dexterity were useless for him. Endurance would increase one HP and stamina, which was good but not that necessary for a Mage. He decided to go with 3 points in Intelligence and 2 in Wisdom. Vincent would consider putting some points in Endurance latter on.

Everything was going smoothly. He continued to kill mob after mob, filling the cave with Nighteye Bat corpses. They didn't drop anything out of the ordinary, but Vincent knew that the bat teeth could be used in some potions recipes, and his bag was full of them.

"I'm already level 3, hahaha. This way no one will catch up with me," Vincent rejoiced after killing another mob. He planned to get to level 4, but things weren't as simple as they seemed.

A new type of noise echoed through the cave. Vincent didn't know exactly what it was. He didn't spend much time in that cave in his last life, so some things were unknown to him. A refreshing breeze followed right after the noise.

"Wind? This cave is completely sealed so there's no way a wind so strong would venture through here, unless..." a thought came to Vincent's mind. At first he thought it was impossible, but Vincent was always cautious so he decided to do something.

The torch he had in hands couldn't light up that far ahead of him, so he casted a Fireball and threw it, lighting up the way. What appeared in his sight was shocking. A Nighteye Bat, but it was not like the ordinary Nighteye Bat. It was huge.

"A f****** boss here? Oh boy run," he didn't think much and started to run towards the exit right away. It was a good thing he casted that Fireball, or else he would only see the boss after it was standing in front of him. That give him a huge advantage, so he managed to reach the exit.

"That was close," thought Vincent, breathing heavily with his hands on his knees. Bosses in Rise Online were meant to be killed with a party. It was almost impossible to kill them alone, unless one had at least 10 levels above the boss, or used some strategy to kill it, aka cheese the boss.

Vincent's plan on reaching level 4 on the first day went to dust. At least he managed to get level 3, which was far superior than everyone else.

"I should log off a bit, I'm hungry. My next step is to get that Legendary Shape-shifting skill, hahaha."

With that thought Vincent logged off, and the entire forum was in a uproar.