
Reborn as the saiyan omni-king

A normal high school student reborn as the king of an alternate Dragon Ball multiverse? What could possibly go wrong?

Darkhorse99 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Trained warriors

A few days ago, I had welcomed two new Saiyan women into my palace – Kiwi and Gine. They were strong, but not strong enough. So, I had my angel servants, Kenku and Zudofu, train them in the quantum time chamber. And now, they were finally coming out.

As the door to the chamber opened, I could see that their clothes were tattered and torn from the intense training they had undergone. But they stood tall and proud, their eyes filled with determination.

'Greetings, my lord,' Kenku said, bowing to me. 'The Saiyan women have completed their training. They are now stronger than ever before.'

I smirked, pleased with the news. 'Excellent. Bring them to me.'

Kiwi and Gine stepped forward, their eyes never leaving mine. They had always been loyal to me, but now, they were willing to do anything for me. They were like my own personal army, ready to take on any challenge I threw their way.

I gestured for them to come closer. 'Show me what you have learned.'

With a nod, they both stepped forward, ready to demonstrate their newfound strength. Kiwi's chaotic personality had led her to unlock the powers of Ultra Ego God of Destruction, while Gine had mastered Ultra Instinct. I was proud of them both.

But I had a surprise for them too. I had new outfits made for them to match their powers. Kiwi's was a green God of Destruction outfit, with intricate designs that showcased her new powers. And Gine's was a purple and blue Saiyan armor, with a yellow bodysuit underneath.

I could see the excitement in their eyes as they put on their new outfits. They were ready for whatever challenge I had in store for them.

'Let's go to the field,' I said, leading them towards the training grounds. 'I want to see how much you have improved.'

They followed me, their steps confident and determined. As we reached the field, I turned to face them, a smirk on my face.

'Let us begin,' I said, my voice filled with excitement.

The two Saiyan women wasted no time and charged towards me, their fists ready to strike. I dodged their attacks effortlessly, enjoying the challenge they presented. But they were no match for me.

I could see the determination in their eyes as they continued to fight. They had come a long way since their arrival in my palace. And I was proud of their progress.

But in the end, I was still the strongest being in the multiverse. I defeated them both, but they were stronger than ever before. I could feel their energy pulsating through their bodies, their power levels increasing with every strike.

As the dust settled, I looked at them with pride. They had exceeded my expectations and had become formidable warriors. And I knew that they would continue to grow stronger under my guidance.

'You have both improved greatly,' I said, walking towards them. 'I am proud to have you by my side.'

They bowed to me, their faces filled with gratitude. 'Thank you, my lord,' they said in unison.

'From this day on, you will be known as my elite Saiyan warriors,' I declared, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. 'And I will train you to become even stronger.'

They both nodded, their eyes shining with determination. They were ready to take on any challenge that came their way, and I was confident that they would conquer it all.

Together, we walked back to the palace, where a feast awaited us. As we sat down to eat, I couldn't help but feel grateful for these two Saiyan women who had become like family to me. And I knew that with them by my side, there was no limit to what we could achieve.I was enjoying my dinner when something out of the ordinary happened. There was a knock on my palace door, which was a rare occurrence. I raised an eyebrow at the interruption, not used to anyone daring to disturb me in my own domain. I could feel the energy of whoever was outside, and it was strong. Curiosity getting the better of me, I called for my angel servant, Vados, to answer the door.

I heard her footsteps approaching the door, and then suddenly, there was an explosion. I sprang up from my throne, my powers ready to defend my palace. But then I heard Vados scream, and my heart skipped a beat. She was one of the strongest beings in the universe, and for someone to be able to harm her, they must be incredibly powerful.

Without hesitation, I ran to the door, my mind racing with questions. Who was this mysterious intruder? And why were they strong enough to knock out Vados in one hit? As I reached the entrance of my palace, I saw a figure standing in front of the now destroyed door.

He was a Saiyan, He looked almost identical to me,but he had this evil look in his eyes,his outfit looked to be a dark grey color,with red and black,with hints of purple,is this me?!

I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and challenge at the sight of this powerful stranger. I cracked a cocky smile and spoke in a confident tone.

'Well, well, well. Look what we have here,' I said, my voice dripping with arrogance. 'A Saiyan with quite the entrance. Who are you, and why have you come to my palace?'