
Reborn as the saiyan omni-king

A normal high school student reborn as the king of an alternate Dragon Ball multiverse? What could possibly go wrong?

Darkhorse99 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Attack in the 33rd

I lay in a half-dead state, my body broken and bruised from the brutal fight with my evil counterpart. I had always been the strongest being in the multiverse, with the power to control time, space, and reality. But my cocky attitude and constant need for battle had led me to this moment, where I lay defeated in evil Kai's throne room.

But I was lucky,Gine had managed to create a new body for me. It was much weaker than my original one, but it would have to do for now. With the help of instant transmission, we were able to escape from evil Kai's clutches and travel to the source of the evil energy that had caught our attention.

We arrived on planet Z-7 in universe 33, where a villain created by the Omni King of Darkness was wreaking havoc. This villain had tapped into powers that not even I had discovered, using them to create and corrupt beings. And the most powerful of these creations was a saiyan demon woman named Nekya.

As soon as we landed, we could sense her presence. She was unlike anything I had ever seen before. She was naked, her body covered in fur except for her abs and lower chest. She had demon markings all over her and dark red eyes that seemed to pierce into my soul. And to top it off, she had dragon-like wings that extended from her back.

Nekya was a true monster, seemingly unstoppable. But I knew I had to fight her for the sake of the multiverse. I mustered all the power I had left and transformed into a Super Saiyan 4, since my new body lacked the god ki needed for the godly transformations. Gine also powered up to Super Saiyan 4, ready to fight alongside me.

But even with our combined strength, Nekya proved to be a formidable opponent. She moved with incredible speed and agility, her attacks fueled by the dark powers she had been granted. I could feel my bones breaking and my body being beaten senseless by her relentless attacks.

In the midst of our battle, Nekya suddenly turned her attention to Gine. She brutally stabbed her with her sharp claws and then, with a flick of her wrist, obliterated her completely. I could feel my heart shatter at the loss of my servant, but I couldn't let my emotions get the best of me in this fight.

Enraged by Nekya's actions, I tapped into a power I had never accessed before. My body began to glow with a bright golden light as I transformed into a Super Saiyan 5. But even this wasn't enough to stop Nekya. She continued to attack me with a ferocity that was unmatched, breaking my bones and leaving me battered and bruised.

I knew I was no match for her in this state, but I refused to give up. I had to keep fighting for the sake of the multiverse. As Nekya prepared to deliver the final blow, I mustered all the energy I had left and unleashed a powerful blast towards her.

The impact of our attacks caused a massive explosion, engulfing us both. And as the smoke cleared, I could see Nekya standing tall and unharmed, while I lay on the ground, barely conscious.

As I struggled to stay awake, I could feel Nekya's presence looming over me. I knew this could be the end for me, but I refused to give up. I would fight until my last breath to protect the multiverse from this evil. And with that thought in mind, I slipped into unconsciousness, leaving my fate uncertain.

The battle against Nekya had taken a toll on my body and my spirit, but I knew that I couldn't give up. I would come back stronger and defeat her, no matter what it takes. For I am Kai, the strongest being in the multiverse, and I will not let anyone threaten its existence.