
reborn as the apocalypse dragon of the multiverse (for adoption)

first of all, I am not the same guy that is writhing the other story. second English is not my mother language. third, I am writing this to get rid of the boredom so don't expect daily updates. _____________________________________________________________ the story is about someone who got screwd by a supervisor of his dimension for his amusement until one day he had enough and remembered the rules that the supervisor mentioned to him and by this one action his journey began. you want to know more read the picture the character belong to ther rightfull owner i only own my characters. first world highschool DXD

Noveltiger · Anime & Comics
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the journey bigins [finale]

A/N: hey guys about the first and the fact that he reincarnated as a woman I knew I did a big mistake you see this novel don't have anything to do with those lives so I didn't give them to much thought but I assure you and confirm that the mc is 1000000000000% strait so there won't be anything like being reincarnated as a woman from now on and this will be the last time that he will be reincarnated and he will be a freaking man.


mc: "I wish...."

T.W.M: "wait before you keep going with your wishes we need to do something about all the problem that happened and I will start by turning time back to when you appeared in this place for the first time and then we will begin purifying you soul and healing your mind" then he snapped his fingers and the world around us started to regress in time until it stopped then when he was about to snap his fingers again I hurriedly asked him what he is about to do and for my answer, I simply got a smirk from him then a white light hit me and my mind fall in the darkness.

when I woke up I found that all my memories from my lives in exception of that of my original world disappeared from my mind and when I gained my clarity completely I lifted my head only to see the W.M looking at me ready to start talking but before he could utter a word I said to him: "hey why can't I remember my differents reincarnations and why do I feel like I am lighter than before".

T.W.M:" okay easy let me explain you see the reason why you don't remember anything in exception of you original life because I purified your soul from all harmful things as for your memories I erase them because they could cause you to have a personality disorder as for why you felt better then before that because I got rid of the leftover of the souls that you devoured and stole their life and to tell you the truth given enough time those leftovers would have the ability to devour the real you and take over your life as you did to them especially the soul from your last reincarnation because it wants revenge against you for what you did to it and don't worry I have already heald them I sent them to the reincarnation cycle now we come to your wishes and before you start I want to offer you a deal if you accept".

me:" before I decide can you tell me what kind of deal?"

T.W.M" of course I will tell you so listen carefully

1_in exchange of your 9 wishes I will compress them in 3 powerful wishes that give you anything you ask for.

2_in exchange of one of those 3 wishes I will let you decide the world and the time you want to be reborn in and I will let you chose the body, the bloodline, and the background that you want to be born with.

3_one of your wishes will need to resemble the power that exists in the world you want to be reborn in.

4_your last wish will be decided by me.

so what do you say ".

as I hear his offer I am tempted because let us be honest for a second hir going by a deal is better than being too greedy and getting nothing so I start thinking about what I want and after some time I decided what is I want.

me:" okay I accept the deal and I already know what I want".

T.W.M:" alright kid shoot"

me:" alright hir I go

1_i want to be reborn in highschool DXD as for the time it will be decided by my background.

_granted *boring stuff*

2_i want to be reborn as Sirzeches lucifer and Grayfia Lucifuge son after rias birth by one year and I want to be loved by my parent but I want to be transported to the human world once I am born and be adopted by a rich family and I want to be untraceable by everyone even my own parent until I decided to tell them who I am.

_ granted *so we are in for some drama*

3_ I want to be reborn with the body of Acnologia from fairy tail but I want my skin to be a bit whiter than his and I want to have his bloodline but I want it to be purified and strengthening to the limit.

_intresting can you tell me you want to be like him.

me: "you see in my previous life I was a surgeon the only thing I want it to do was to save lives but I ended taking two of them to protect my family and Acnologia just like me was a doctor until one day his home his family got destroyed by a dragon so he turned in to dragon slayer that was obsessed with hunting dragons in his pat of revenge so I want to make up my and his regret in this life."

_okay I can see what do you want to do but kid you will be the only one their so how are you going to show him if he isn't with you... no, don't tell me that you are thinking about the same thing I am thinking about please don't do it the reason for that wish is to restrict your powers to a certain level.

me:" sorry for this but it is a must

_i wish to have Acnologia as my Longinus sacred gear and I want access to his dragon king slaying magic without activating it and once it is active I want it to be in the form of a crown that gives me access to dragon force and I want my balance breaker to be a black armor that resembles Acnologia and in this form, I will have access to the dragon-slaying magic of Acnologia and the other 5 dragon gods and have access to their magic reserve to the limit that my body can support as for my judgment drive I want to have access to all the previous powers plus having the power of hakai from dragon ball super.

_hey that is too overpowered but hey who I am to judge, granted and about the idea for your last wish I will give a system like in those novels and animes.

me:" no please no"

_sorry kid but I have to make you do some quest for me since i gave you a power that is to op, alright kid hir you go." and suddenly a black vortex devour me and I blacked out."oh I remember I need to create a background for his powers let us begin shall we"

see you in the next chapter

thank you

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

about his power that was my personal choice because I really like the chacter of acnologia

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