
reborn as the apocalypse dragon of the multiverse (for adoption)

first of all, I am not the same guy that is writhing the other story. second English is not my mother language. third, I am writing this to get rid of the boredom so don't expect daily updates. _____________________________________________________________ the story is about someone who got screwd by a supervisor of his dimension for his amusement until one day he had enough and remembered the rules that the supervisor mentioned to him and by this one action his journey began. you want to know more read the picture the character belong to ther rightfull owner i only own my characters. first world highschool DXD

Noveltiger · Anime & Comics
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7 Chs

the true jouney begins[part1]+note

A/N: hey guys, first of all, I did a mistake while writing this chapter that made you think that the mc is a d***k lover or a c****k suker but I say it again he is 100000% strait so yeah there will be a harem but without any lemons.

leave a comment if there's any problem


hey, guys, my name is Michael I am 30 years old surgeon or to be more precise I was that because I died. do you know how I died, I was killed by the hand of my sister and my ex-wife you may wonder why the hell did they kill me let me explain you see my ex-wife was a yandere you may be saying why the heck did I marry her you see I didn't know it until a later time even then I tried my best to make our relationship work until one day I had enough of this shit and I divorced her. why? because one day she came to my private hospital (yeap I was rich) with a gun with a freaking gun and Threatened my secretary to stay away of me luckily I was able to snatch the gun from her before she killed someone so after this incident, I filed a divorce and I won the case without giving her a punny so yeah i was finally able to get rid of her and be free again so I started dating again and was going to get married soon enough from an average girl (yeah I hate those golddiggers h***s) where were we again yeah I was getting married soon and about the idea my girlfriend was pregnant and I made sure she wasn't crazy as my ex, it was all going well until I was kidnapped and lost my consciousness, and when I waked up I found myself tried to a bed when I was struggling to free myself I saw sister enter i almost jumped from happiness thinking I was saved until I saw my ex enter so without thinking for a second I pretended to be asslep and i started lessining to their conversation and hir come the answer of your quetion why my sister hadd a part in this from one side it turned out that she was a brocon and from other side she wanted my money and so she colouded with my ex to kidnep me from that day onward they started raping until the day i was declared dead and so my enheretance will be desturbed to my hears and when that happened they were shoked seeing that i left 90% of my fortune to my son and his mother and will be managed by my most loyal man as for the rest i gave it to parent who were more then understanding toward my decision knowing there daugther snobish personality and if you think that 10% is small amount then you didn't see my bank acount and the rest of properties this 10% can be estimated by tens of bellions so with this my sister became crazy and she kidnapped my pregnent girlfrend and she tried to kill her infront of seeing they were going to kill them i by some kind of myracal freed myself from my restriction and rushed toward them that was when i was stabed in my heart and i was daying but befor my death i used my last power and grabed th dagger from my sister hand and stabbed her in the heart and then removed the dagger from her and i turned toward my ex and i did the same thing and to tell you the truth i was desgusted by myself i was someon who saved pepeol i took an outh and hir and now i took a life but i didn't regreted because if i had to do it again to save my loved one i will do it again without hasitation and then i freed my girlfrend but once hat was done i collapsed down and was closing my eyes when i felt tears on my face so i lifted my head and gave her a warm smile than said to her to live her life happily and rise our son to the best of her abilities after that i heard to sound of peopel coming so when i saw that they were police i just rested my eyes forever or so that was what i thought until i supervisor of this demension and said to me that i will enter a cycle of reincarnation but i will be able to keep my mamoris i thought it was a good deal until it started and to tell you the truth i hated what he did to me because he reincarnated me for more then sex times and iche one of them was a hatfull experience.

1_ he sent me in the body of a little girl I felt guilty for her you may ask why it was because I devoured her soul and took over her body and she was perfectly living a cheerful life until I stole her life but this wasn't the problem because after few weeks of assuming her identity I was kidnapped and killed by an enemy of her father that raped before finishing me off.

2_i was reincarnated as an old man how was having a heart attack.

3_i was reincarnated as a sick teenager and I died after one year of suffering.

4_i was reincarnated as a pretty boy who was f****g his boss's wife and at that moment her husband entered and shot the both of us and thus I died.

5_in this life I asked him to seal my memories and was reincarnated as a normale man I fell in love with a woman and married her after five years of the happy life she was pregnant I was so happy and for some reason I felt like this is the life that I want to live until my death and so time passed until the day she was giving birth and that was hell for her but seeing our baby made it worth the pain and suddenly I felt myself grow tired and my eyes become heavy until they close completely in the last moment of my life I heard my wife shouting toward me to not live here and I heard our baby crying in the final moment I smiled at my family and passed away with that smile on my face

and so i appear in that place and found a man asking me if i am ready for the next life I didn't understand in the beginning until he snapped his fingers all my memories of every life i lived even my last appeared in the start I didn't think anything until seeing my last life and the fact that my baby was crying because the man in front of me killed me before my time yet I kept my calm until I remembered that my baby will grow up without a father love I snapped and remembered something i wasn't supposed to remember and the man in front of me sensed that something was wrong with me when he realised what was happening he trid to stop me but he was to late because at that momant i shouted with all my voice saying:"i want to give a complaint i want to meat the boss" hearing what i said the man turned pale and tried to send me away only to be stoped by a white light that apeared to protecte me then a man with white wings appeared from the sky a nd asked me " what is your complain child" hearing i directly retold him everything that happened to me hearing my story he locked at the so called supervisor with cold eyes and said to him "your have benn feiered "and with those word the man turned to dust and then he locked at me and gave me an appologeysing smile saying"i trully sorry chiled for all the suferring that you have gone through"

t.w.m said, "now how about we move to your Compensation for what happened to you".

I said: "what do you mean".

T.W.M said" you see the first time you died you were supposed to be giving 3 wishes and reincarnated in any world you chose because of the high karma in your first life but that man was too lazy to do his job correctly and he used you as his amusement so as compensation I am going to give you seven wishes plus your original 3 that make it in total 10 wishes so what is your first wishes"

I thought for a while and after being an otaku in my previous life I knew that returning to my original world will be a no-no so I said to him:" first I wish that all my families from the original world to other worlds where I was reincarnated to live a happy and fulfilling life for eternity "


me: "I wish...

thank you and see you in the next chapter

sorry if there is too many mistakes in this chapter it is my first time writing and english isn't my birth languige.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Noveltigercreators' thoughts