
Reborn as strongest In Naruto world

God took pity on a boy seeing his selfless attitude and gave him 5 wishes. He got reincarnated in his favourite Naruto world with Over powered wishes. This is a very OP MC fanfic. I will also change timelines and characters. So don’t complain about someone being born early and the age of certain characters as I’ve made changes from the original. IDONOT OWN NARUTO ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS. This is my second attempt on a Fanfic. I will start it after I finish my first NARUTO fanfic, or atleast reach a good point in that. Thanks for your support.

Crook_Shank · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs

Third Shinobi War

Two more years passed and my chakra started becoming grey instead of blue. Sora's chakra is gold. Now I can use a little of Sora's chakra as well. It makes my fire element and Amaterasu flames many times stronger. A little of Sora's chakra is equal to the four tails in power. I learnt almost all wood style jutsus as well using Narutopedia. My chakra is now high Kage level and my battle power is at low Kage level if I don't use Sora's chakra or my sharingan or sage mode. Six months back after training with Sora's chakra, my sharingan evolved into eternal mangekyou sharingan. I also learnt sage mode with the help of Sora and I can use it indefinitely as Sora keeps absorbing Natural energy anyways.

I just don't have battle experience and that's it. I also learnt various lightning jutsus of Kumo and I can use black lightning cloak far better than the Raikage's cloak as my chakra is much pure. Kakashi also created and Minato said it's not useable, so I thought him Chidori Nagashi which Sasuke would create later. With this jutsu, Kakashi can coat his sword in lightning and use lightning Kenjutsu. Minato perfected the flying thunder god and Rasenshuriken. As I can sense Natural energy, I can throw the Rasenshuriken and Minato used an alternative using the flying thunder god, he can teleport the Rasenshuriken to his enemy. It's really an OP ninjutsu. Nothing more notable happened all these years rather than Gai, Asuma and Kurenai also become chunin. I was 9 years old.

One fine day, Tsunade called me and said "Ryu, we'll leave the village and go on a journey". I shook my head and said "Why mother? Things are getting heated up and if we leave now, it won't be right to come back". Tsunade nodded and said "I know son. If we stay here, one of us or both of us may have to fight. I don't want to lose you. I've lost everyone I love. You are the only one left". I nodded and said "Mom, don't worry. Wherever we go, we will have to protect our home. So be it here or any other village. We will have to fight one day. So why not here to save the home Grandfather built for us with so much effort?" Tsunade started contemplating and suddenly an Anbu appeared outside and said "Lady Tsunade, the Hokage wishes to speak to you".

Tsunade hearing this frowned. I spoke "Let's go and see what he has to say. We'll decide later seeing the circumstances". She nodded and both of us left for the Hokage's office. We went to the Hokage's office and knocked the door. Hiruzen said "come in". And we entered. After we got in, Tsunade asked "Why did you call me sensei?" Hiruzen shook his head and said "Tsunade, things are getting serious. The sand has declared war against us. I have already sent Sakumo to the borders with some ninjas. The sand may attack anytime." Tsunade nodded and asked "Sensei, you didn't say why you called me here". Hiruzen frowned and said "I need you to be the head of the medical team". Tsunade shook her head and said "I've told you I've already retired sensei since that day. I just help at the hospital because you asked to. I don't want to take part in a war".

Hiruzen frowned more and seeing this I spoke "Wait mother. Uncle Hiruzen, why did the sand declare war? What happened to the peace treaty that they signed in the last war?" Hiruzen lit up hearing my reasonable question and answered "Ryu, you are very smart. Actually the Kazekage of the sand was murdered in the fire country borders and the new Kazekage says that it was our village that was responsible for the assassination. So they declared the war against us". Hearing him I thought 'So everything going same as in manga' and replied " So basically this new Kazekage is a warmonger and wants to appease the crowd by saying that he's taking action against the killer by blaming us instead of finding the true culprit and taking the easy way to get popularity among his people". Hiruzen was wide eyed and so was Tsunade. A moment later he caught sand spoke "You are right Ryu. Absolutely right".

"Fine then. I'll accept this mission. But I have some conditions. I'll be the head of the medical team. It is up to me to decide every detail related to my team, and I will be allowed to participate in the war conference as well. If you accept it, I'll take on this mission". Hiruzen looked at me and then at Tsunade seemingly not understanding what I meant. Meanwhile Tsunade shouted "Ryu, you wouldn't....." I interrupted her saying "It's allright mom. I'll just heal our fellow comrades and not fight in the front lines. Anyway I'll feel good if I can save a lot of lives. And I will come back everyday and visit you."

Hiruzen was still looking at Tsunade so she spoke "Fine Ryu. You should not go to the front lines and come back everyday. If things get dangerous, promise me you will return immediately and not fight." I nodded and said "Ok mom. I also need to see war and learn things in life. If I cannot handle it, I'll teleport back immediately". Tsunade nodded. "What are you two talking about? You are not attending the war and Ryu wants to be the head of the medical team?" Hiruzen asked confused. Tsunade then said "Ryu has surpassed me in medical ninjutsu long ago. He has a lot of experience in the hospital as well. He's found out and cured so many diseases that I didn't even know exist. He's like a god of medicine".

Hiruzen was looking at me surprised and I spoke "Uncle Hiruzen, what do you say? If you accept my conditions, I'll leave tomorrow." Hiruzen nodding his head asked "And tell me What is this about you coming back everyday?" I smiled and said "Oh about that, you know Minato learnt an unique space time jutsu?" He nodded and I continued "That jutsu is called Flying thunder god and I was the one who worked with him to perfect the jutsu using Uzumaki seals and also the Rasenshuriken as well. That's why he refused to accept me as his student and thinks of me as a brother or an equal." Hiruzen's jaw dropped and said "You were the one who helped him develop those S rank jutsus? What kind of a genius... Forget it. I accept all your conditions. Here's the appointment letter". He wrote something on a letter and applied a seal on it and handed it to me.