
Reborn as strongest In Naruto world

God took pity on a boy seeing his selfless attitude and gave him 5 wishes. He got reincarnated in his favourite Naruto world with Over powered wishes. This is a very OP MC fanfic. I will also change timelines and characters. So don’t complain about someone being born early and the age of certain characters as I’ve made changes from the original. IDONOT OWN NARUTO ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS. This is my second attempt on a Fanfic. I will start it after I finish my first NARUTO fanfic, or atleast reach a good point in that. Thanks for your support.

Crook_Shank · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


By the time we were done, Minato and Jiraya had also finished the training. They came to us and Jiraya said "Come on we will get something to eat". I shook my head and told him "You guys carry on. Mom must be waiting for me at home for lunch. I'll go". Jiraya laughed and teased "You are a mama's boy all right Ryu...haha". I narrowed my eyebrows and looked at him then said "You are right Uncle Jiraya. I'm a mama's boy because I love her and I will not waste her efforts in taking care of me all the time by making her feel sad not even for a moment. I will always make her happy even if people like you criticise me for that". Jiraya realised what he said and said "I didn't mean it like that Ryu. Don't take it seriously". I replied "Fine, If you understand".

Then we headed in different directions. I came back home and saw Tsunade setting up lunch on the table for me and her. I smiled and sat at the table. Tsunade also sat opposite me and spoke "How was your day Ryu?" I replied "Just regular. I met with Uncle Jiraya and Minato and watched them train and then Sister Kushina came by and we also spoke to the Ninetails". Tsunade was nodding and suddenly she realised what I said and shouted "WHAT!!!? What did you say? The Ninetails?" I nodded and said "I went inside sister Kushinas mindscape and spoke to the ninetails". Tsunade raised her eyebrows and asked "So you know about it. What did you speak to it?" I replied "I just spoke normally and we are friends now. His name is Kurama by the way".

Tsunade was shocked hearing me and asked "Say again Ryu, did you really become friends with a tailed beast? And it's name is Kurama?" I said "Mom, don't call him 'it'. He's a living being that has feelings like the summoned beasts. I also asked him to help Kushina if she got into any trouble, and he said he'll think about it". Tsunade was speechless after hearing me and said "It's good that you are all right. Don't do something risky again. Promise me". I nodded and said "Don't worry mom." She also nodded and we started eating our lunch.

After having lunch, I went to the backyard and sat cross legged and closed my eyes. Then I called out "Sora". I then heard the voice "What is it kid?" Hearing this I replied "Sora, where were you all these years? I tried entering my mindscape multiple times but failed". Sora replied "I was just sleeping and didn't have the energy to wake up. But after absorbing the killing intent and some of the energy from that fox, I woke up earlier that I was supposed to. Listening to this I asked"Oh, then what all can you do? How strong are you compared to Kurama?" Sora laughed and said "I can't do anything for now. I've not been fully integrated into you yet. I can only speak. If you want to use my power, you have to wait and get stronger so that you can handle my power. By the way, I'm a god and a thousand times stronger than that fox. After I fully integrate, you will become a demigod and can borrow my powers". I just said "WOW".

Then I tried to call on my smartphone and It appeared in my hands. I opened Narutopedia and started training to make myself stronger. I have one year till we make Danzo an enemy. I must be strong enough to protect myself by then if I want to save Sakumo. While training, I kept my sharingan active all the time so that it'll increase my chakra reserves. I also worked on chakra control most of the time. I also learnt medical ninjutsu from my mother and also from Narutopedia and as I was a doctor in my previous life, It helped me to grasp medical ninjutsu very easily. I also drew many human anatomy and chakra network diagrams and gave it to my mother to help her research and she was shocked, but I told her that I did it with the help of Sharingan and she was happy to see her son is a genius.

Like that another year passed and Sora also integrated fully and was able to enhance my chakra reserves. I also became good friends with Kakashi and Gai. I also got to know Gai's father Might Dai and learnt that he is a good person. I helped him in researching the gates and trained with Kakashi and Gai without my mother finding out. Dai also fought every now and then and that improved my fighting skill. My chakra reserves are low Kage level after integrating with Sora and my ninjutsu is at low jonin, taijutsu at high chunin as Kakashi and Gai together are no match for me. I only lose while fighting with Dai. I can't use Sora's power yet as he says I'm not strong enough and it'll be a burden to my little body. I can only wait to grow up. Now I'm practising flying thunder god from Narutopedia. I'll most probably learn it before Minato and help him on it as he's also researching on the same jutsu.

I'm also learning the Rasengan before Minato even invented it, but I'll only show it after he invents it. As I have all chakra natures, I can try combining more than one chakra nature with the rasengan. After I improve the Rasengan and Minato invents it, I'll help him learn the improved version. I'm also learning kenjitsu withKakashi and Kushina. I'm also learning the sword style of the mist village from Narutopedia and also the 3rd Raikage's lightning jutsus. I have practiced running on the waterfall and improved my chakra control. Now I am trying to find a way to create a heated waterfall and then will try to run on it to further improve my chakra control above perfect control. It's just a theory though.