
Reborn as strongest In Naruto world

God took pity on a boy seeing his selfless attitude and gave him 5 wishes. He got reincarnated in his favourite Naruto world with Over powered wishes. This is a very OP MC fanfic. I will also change timelines and characters. So don’t complain about someone being born early and the age of certain characters as I’ve made changes from the original. IDONOT OWN NARUTO ANY CHARACTERS OR JUTSUS. This is my second attempt on a Fanfic. I will start it after I finish my first NARUTO fanfic, or atleast reach a good point in that. Thanks for your support.

Crook_Shank · Anime & Comics
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43 Chs


Kushina came and sat near me and started speaking "You know Ryu, I have always kept a secret from you thinking that you will hate me if you come to know". 'Is she talking about the ninetails' I thought and replied "You are my beautiful sister. I'll never hate you. Whatever it is, you can tell me freely". She smiled and built up courage and said "You know Ryu, people look at me differently because I have a monster inside me". I smiled and looked at her face. She started sweating nervously and continued "That is...." but I raised my hand and said "If you are talking about the ninetails, I already know".

Kushina opened her mouth and eyes as wide as she can and asked "How?" I calmly replied "I could sense two kinds of chakra from you. One small and one very huge. I also knew that grandmother Mito was a Jinchuriki of the ninetails and I connected the dots long back". "You are not afraid of me?" She asked nervously. I said "You are my sister and I know the difference between a lunai and a scroll". Hearing me, She let out a breath she was holding all along and smiled, but I continued "And also I think that tailed beasts look dangerous, but they are just like summoned beasts. Instead of sealing them and fearing them, it would be better if you can be friends with them".

Kushina stared at me with shock and said "Don't joke around Ryu. Tailed beasts are monsters. They will destroy the village if they are not sealed". I shook my head hearing her and asked "Sister Kushina, Uncle Jiraya summons giant toads and my mother summons giant slug. Are you afraid of them?" She shook her head and I continued "It's just like that. The ninetails is feared because he's much stronger than the summoned beasts and humans can't defeat him. Also think about it. What will you do if you are sealed inside a room not letting you move for hundreds of years? Won't you destroy the people that do that to you if you got out?"

She started contemplating and said "You are right about that Ryu. What do you say I should do?" I replied "Just speak with him. Start by acknowledging him as an equal and speak with him. You will soon learn that he can be a good friend". She nodded and asked "You are not afraid of the ninetails?" I answered "No. Why should I be afraid?" She nodded and asked again "Then, do you want to come with me to visit him?" I nodded and said "Fine I'll visit him with you". Kushina hearing me smiled and grabbed my hands, then she told me to sit cross legged and close my eyes. I did as she said and a moment later, we both were inside her mindscape.

We walked forward in her mindscape and finally saw a round platform in which a nine tailed fox was sealed using chains (ref: https://qphs.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-8b983e100b81932523a173b2e8d32696-c)

It was very different from the seal inside Naruto where the fox could move around albeit a little. Seeing the seal, I frowned and said "Look sister Kushina, don't you think it's in humane to seal him like this? I can understand him if he gets out and starts destroying everything". Kushina nodded looking at the seal. The ninetails looked at us and spoke "Are you taking pity on me brat? Come near me and I'll show you what I can do".

I shook my head and went near him. Kushina tried to stop me, but I told "It's all right. He doesn't mean it. He's just angry because people treat him like a monster and not a friend". After going near him, He started emitting his killing intent, but suddenly my body started to glow in golden flames and the flames suppressed the killing intent released. Then I heard a voice in my head "Kid, you are brave and also foolish. That killing intent would have crushed you". I looked around and seeing no one, thought about the wishes and asked "Are you the Phoenix that God told me about?" The voice replied "Yes kid. My name is Sora. You can speak to me from now on by calling my name.". I smiled and said "Thank you Sora for protecting me".

I Then looked at the fox and said "I just wanted to be your friend, but you want to kill me. This is why people seal you like this depriving you of your freedom. You are in no position to complain as well". The ninetailed fox was dazed seeing the golden flames on me and thought 'This kid looks different like father'. Then he spoke "What's your name kid?" I answered "I'm called Ryu. What's your name?" The fox contemplated for a moment before replying "Call me Kurama. If you want to be friends with me, then release me from here". I gestured for Kushina to come to me. She reluctantly came forward and stood next to me.

I then said "See, Sister Kushina, he's not a bad guy. Remember his name." Kushina nodded and I spoke "Kurama, it's not like I don't want to release you from here, but if I undo the seal, my sister will die. So give me some time to learn about this seal and I'll release you from the chains so that you can move freely. The only thing I ask you is to help her when she is in trouble". Then I looked at Kushina and said "Be friends with him. He's not a monster." Kushina nodded and said "Sorry Kurama for treating you like a monster". Kurama snorted and said "If you are done talking, then leave". I nodded and said "Ok Kurama, see you later. I'll make sure I visit you often and then we came out of her mindscape. After we were out, Kushina looked at me and said "Thank you Ryu. You are the beat little brother". I smiled and said "Anything for you sis".