
Reborn as ssj4 gogeta

Random teen gets shot shortly after leaving his house and dies. he spends an unknown amount of time floating in a place he just calls the void, only for a R.O.B to show up and give him a chance at reincarnation, he gets five wishes and gets to choose where to go. our mc chooses to become a saiyan and embark on a new journey in his new life.

Elite41 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

chapter 10 leaving imecka and talk

[ Kaleth P.O.V ]

'Alright we're here, I wonder how strong ledgic is.' I thought as i looked down at the people hiding in the building.

As we were floating there in the sky a pink man with pink hair started screaming at his soldiers to shoot at us.

"Alright caylin let's get this over with kill them quickly. Remember don't let your guard down." Saying that I fired a few ki beams from my eyes killing some of the soldiers. After that we both flew down and started killing the rest of them.

We slowly started making our way towards don kee, gale and sheela. As we approached, a blue alien with black spots on his chest with a cobra shaped head stepped forward getting in our way.

"That's as far as you'll get, now get ready to die." He said making two swords from the spikes on his shoulders.

Hearing this caylin couldn't help but let out a laugh.

"Pfft hahah did you hear that brother he thinks he can stop us." Said caylin while laughing her ass off.

"Do not underest… cough." Before ledgic could finish what he was saying caylin had rushed him and cut him in half with a ki blade.

Seeing her kill him i looked over at the rest and shot a death beam at them.

"Alright caylin let's get out of here, we've done what we came to do. All that's left is to destroy this planet and get back to our trip." I said flying up and preparing to blow it up. As I reached a good height I saw people taking advantage of the chaos to take the ships and escape. Seeing this I decided to shoot a blast that would slowly destroy the planet instead of doing it right away to give them time to leave.

"There I made it so that those who are escaping have chance let's go." As I said that I grabbed caylin took out the ship and we took off.

As we took off I put in the coordinates for planet yardart since I decided to just get that part of the trip over with.

'I think it'll be better to learn the techniques I want and then continue our random trip afterwards.' Thinking this I look over to caylin and say.

"Im going to go freshen up and then get some food." Having said that I started walking towards the bathroom. Entering the shower I started thinking of what the existence of planet imecka could mean. The possibility of other things existing like the black star dragon balls, the shadow dragons, baby, and dr. Myuu.

There is a lot I still don't know, yet this is exciting. The first thing I need to do once back home at earth is head to the look out. I need to confirm if the black star dragon balls are real.

With these thoughts I continued to shower until I got out and headed towards the kitchen for some food. After getting something to eat I went to the room and saw caylin laying down, without thinking I joined her in bed and went to sleep.

(Next day)

The following day we went back to training after eating breakfast. Once in the training room we got into our own stance and started our warm up.

She lunged at me trying to land hits on me, every punch, every kick I would dodge with ease, seeing an opening I countered attack. I focused in the places she had left unguarded. I noticed she started improving on leaving her self less and less open and unguarded.

We continued for a few hours, then I focused on my own training. My training was focused on meditating and trying to tap into any god ki I may possess since ultra instinct may provide it to me. After finishing our training we left the training room and went to freshen up and eat.

"Where will we be heading towards next." Said caylin while leaning on me.

"We will be heading towards planet yardrat to learn their techniques." I said to her while thinking if I should tell her about myself. She isn't dumb I'm sure she's noticed all the things I've done and has questions about how I know what I know.

"How do you know about that planet and what we could gain from the inhabitants." She said curious about where I got the information.

'Yup just as I was thinking about this she brought it up.' I thought.

"There's a lot of things you've done that I've been curious about but had been ignoring them waiting for you to tell me." Saying this she looked me in the eyes and said.

"Do you not trust me to tell me everything." Seeing her sad at the possibility of me not fully trusting her I made my decision. I knew it was a matter of time for her to question me.

"I do trust you, so I'll tell you everything, afterwards you can ask anything you want." I said looking back at her and taking a deep breathe. When I was ready I began telling her everything, who I was before, about my life and how I ended up dying.

[ Caylin P.O.V ]

For the longest time I've noticed many odd things about kaleth. He had what he described as a time chamber. When I had asked how he had it he dodged my question.

When we trained he helped me gain control of the oozaru however, what made me have more questions was what he tried to teach me afterwards. He called it the ikari form, the power of oozaru in base form. I wanted to ask more but I waited for him to tell me on his own.

He also seemed to act as if he was waiting for something to happen at any moment. Then one day he came home telling us lord frieza was about to destroy our planet. After that he teleported us to another planet using something called kai kai.

Then over the course of the past 10 years he showed me even more. We achieved what was supposed to be legend, super saiyan.

Through out all of this I also found my self wanting to be with him just like how father and mother were together. Then father one day day asked if brother would find a partner and that made me upset.

I wanted to be his partner, he had already given me a ring and I had learned that in the planet we were in it means you'll be partners.

However he said he wanted to have more partners, our parents didn't care if he wanted to have more partners. I thought about it and also didn't care. So we became partners.

When we became partners i thought he would tell me everything he had been hiding. I figured he'd trust me to tell me yet he hadn't said anything to me. Finally I had enough and asked him if he didn't trust me enough.

Finally after having confronted him about it he started telling me about himself. Hearing him tell me about his past life how he lived and ended up dying, how he ended up meeting some powerful being that granted him some wishes and much more left me a little confused.

Especially at the part of him saying that our family was just part of a fantasy story and that I didn't exist originally. I had a lot of questions however when he was done talking I could see that he was trying to hide the fact that he was scared of how I would react to what he just told me.

After thinking about it I decided that it didn't matter what happened before or who we was. What matters is who he is now. I'm happy to finally at least know what he was hiding. There were only a few questions I wanted to ask out of curiosity. Thinking this I just hugged and kissed him.

[ Kaleth P.O.V ]

After having told her everything I tried acting normal but I was a little afraid of how she would react. She looked at me for a moment not saying anything before hugging and kissing me. I was surprised for a second before responding to the kiss and then separating after a minute. I took a moment to calm down before looking at her.

"So that's everything about me, that's how I have gotten the things I have and why I'm as strong as I am." I said

"Are there any questions you have, I'll answer any." I said waiting for the questions she would ask.

"You said we were just an anime in your past life does that mean we wouldn't exist if it weren't for your wish to be born here." She asked

"Yes and no, there are many versions of this universe and many different things could happen. Our version of the universe however was affected by me and things happened in a different way. Like our family not having died on planet vegteta and you being born along side me." I said trying to explain as best as I could.

"So there are possible versions of us or our family in different universes of our world." She said amazed and confused.

"Yeah it's a little confusing honestly." I said

"Is there anything else." I asked

"What will happen since you said I wasn't supposed to exist and our family should be dead aside from kakarot and raditz. Will anything bad happen to us." She said worried about what could happen.

"Nothing will happen to you or our family. I'll make sure of that and if anything for any reason does happen I could revive you with the dragon balls so relax." I said reassuring her.

"I know it's hard to take it all in but I promise that I'll do anything to keep you and our family safe. In my past life this world my have been an anime but it doesn't mean that our current life is fake." I said to her knowing she was still confused over the whole thing.

After saying that we just sat there in silence enjoying each others company.

'That was a bit nerve racking and also a bit spontaneous. We just killed a bunch of people and then destroyed a planet, only to have a serious talk.'

Thinking that I couldn't help but wonder if that was a bit to random, yet at the same time it seemed she was starting to feel upset at the fact I hadn't told her everything about myself. I guess it was better now than at a later time before it became a problem.