
Reborn as ssj4 gogeta

Random teen gets shot shortly after leaving his house and dies. he spends an unknown amount of time floating in a place he just calls the void, only for a R.O.B to show up and give him a chance at reincarnation, he gets five wishes and gets to choose where to go. our mc chooses to become a saiyan and embark on a new journey in his new life.

Elite41 · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

chapter 9 leaving and planet imecka

[ Kaleth P.O.V ]

"Let's go." I said to caylin as we walked up the ramp of the ship. Once inside we sat down in front of the control panel and just set off in a random location.

"Do you know where to go for our first destination." She asked just now realizing that we don't have a specific plan in mind.

"Nope i just made it so that we head in a random location, and see where we end up." I said.

Once we took off, we got up and started heading for the training room cause of course we would. Besides we don't have much else to do while we wait to see where we end up.

As we enter the training room we both get into our fighting stance and wait to see who makes the first move.

The first to make a move had been caylin lunging towards me throwing a kick to my stomach before quickly moving her other leg to try and knock me off me feet.

I however effortlessly dodged both strikes before landing two strikes of my own, one to her liver the other was a kick to send her away from myself.

'Haaa she knows she won't be able to land a hit on me. Yet she still tries, I do see improvement though.'

Thinking this I continued to dodge all of her attacks before landing my own attacks where she leaves her self unguarded. Every time she drops her guard I hit her even faster and harder to make sure she knows that she's repeating the same mistakes.

"You need to get rid of that habit of dropping your guard caylin, no matter what always be on gaurd or even the weakest of attacks could be fatal to you." I repeated to her for the hundredth time already, trying to keep her from making the same mistakes that goku and the z fighter always made when facing an enemy.

"Gahh shut up!!!" She yelled upset at not being able to do anything against me.

"Until you learn not to drop your guard no matter how strong you are or how weak your opponent is I won't be teaching you anything new." I told her knowing that would piss her off but also motivate her.

'Knowing how goku, who had the power of a fucken god was almost killed by a freakin tiny laser gun just cause he dropped his guard is stupid.' I thought to myself, also thinking of all the mistakes made by the rest of the z fighters when they thought they either had won or they had the upper hand.

"Fine I won't let me guard down anymore no matter who I'm facing till I know I've killed them. So you better not hold back and teach me." She said realizing I was serious and would follow through with it no matter how much she'd beg me to teach her.

As she said that I once again attacked her before she could even realize what was happening.

"You just said you wouldn't drop your guard yet there you are on the floor after having done just that." I said after having landed multiple strikes that made her fall to her knees in pain.

"Aggh I get it, I'll work on it." She said while holding her stomach from the pain.

"Haaa alright let's end this here for now, come here." I said reaching for her and carring her out of the training room. Once out I sat in the nearest chair and placed her on my lap.

"Those attacks were unnecessary, you could have just told me I had dropped my guard again." She said while getting comfortable on my lap and leaning on me.

"Yes I could have just told you but you would have just ignored me and tried attacking once again." I said knowing how she would have acted, and just hugged her afterwards.

After staying that way for a while both our stomachs started to grumble, causing us to realize how long we actually spent in the training room even though it felt like minutes. As we started getting up to head over to the kitchen the alarm started going off.

"What's going on." Asked caylin not worried in the slightest just confused why the ships alarm went off.

"It seems we found out first planet already." I said surprised at how quick that was.

Quickly I went to the control panel and started the process to land, however the planet didn't seem to have much activity on it. I could feel most of the ki signatures in mainly one area.

As we got closer I realized this planet seemed somewhat familiar. Putting that aside for now i sat down and landed the ship in an open field. As we were getting ready to exist I felt ki signatures starting to approach in groups.

'Why are they surrounding our ship' I thought to myself confused at the actions of these people.

Walking towards the off ramp I looked to my side and noticed caylin was on guard ready in case something happened. As the door opened and we began to walk outside we saw the inhabitants of this world point their weapons at us. Seeing this I asked.

"Why are you pointing your weapons at us, we just arrived I don't believe we've done anything wrong." Looking at them I spotted two individuals that instantly made me remember why I felt this planet was familiar. This planet is called imecka and is part of the GT series. If thats the case then the probability of the black star dragon balls being a thing just went up.

"We are here under the orders of don kee, everything on this planet belongs to him. That means that ship is now his." Said the short brown man, being gale. He seemed cocky with that smirk on his face having the imeckian army behind him.

'Heh this is going to be fun.' I thought before looking at caylin.

"Hey sis what do you say we kill these pathetic weaklings." I said with a smirk while putting the ship back into my ring.

"Tsk it wouldn't even take long to kill all these pathetic fools." She said with a wicked smirk.

Seeing us not care about being surrounded they started getting scared while a few took some steps back. However before they could fire or retreat caylin and I started killing them one by one. I raised my hand and from a finger gun and started shooting ki beams while caylin rushed in and formed a ki blade to kill the rest.

"We need to retreat gale we can't do anything to those monsters we need to get ledgic." Said sheela terrified at seeing everyone die so effortlessly.

"Let's go sheela we'll use the remaining soldiers to distract them." Said gale running away with sheela towards their base.

"Should we be letting them leave brother." Said caylin after having killed the rest of the remaining imeckian soldiers.

"Yes let them think they have a chance to live. We'll follow from a distance to see why they are so confident in getting out alive if they are able to get that ledgic person they mentioned." I said flying up and towards the small city.

"Also should we just kill the ruler of this place or destroy the planet as well." I asked curious as to what her answer would be.

"Why don't we do both kill the ruler of this place and also destroy the planet." She said with a smile on her face.

"Hahah alright we'll do that, then we'll set off once again." I said laughing. After a second I realized I didn't care wether the people of this planet lived or not. Thinking of this I just shrugged it off not caring.

"Let's hurry and get this over with this planet has nothing but sand and the the people looks miserable. I don't want to stay here any longer." Caylin said as we flew off in the direction of don kee and his men even faster.

"Alright we're here let's get this over with."I said blasting a hole in the roof of where they were hiding.