
the uchiha clan massacre

As a young boy runs home he sees body's laying around all cut up he runs home he then opens the door to see his brother Sasuke on the ground passed out and his parents lifeless body's and his brother Itachi covered in blood

"Big Brother what happened here who could have done this!?"

Itachi looks towards him his Sharingan active

"Izuna...always so naive I was the one who did this"

Izuna looks In horror his eyes wide he looks like he's about to throw up from what he just heard

"B...but why you have to be lying right you wouldn't do something like this!"

"I Simply just wanted to test my strength it seems no one can match my strength but you can one day find me grow your hate I know because you have the most potential in the history of the uchiha clan"

Itachi puts izuna in a genjutsu causing izuna to fall to the ground and pass out itachi runs away

Izuna begins to regain Consciousness in a white body his eyes have bags under them he looks to his left side to see his brother still passed out he sighs in relief he closes his eyes and reopens them his eyes are red and he has two tome in them

"From this day on I vow me and sasuke will make itachi pay for what he's done."

A few nurses walk in and one nurse says to him

"Its a miracle you woke up we thought you wouldn't awaken for at least another three days but we're going to run some tests on you to see if your really fine Alright?"

Izuna looks at her and says. "Whatever just get it over with so I can get to training."

The nurses look at him in shock and one says

"But you just woke up there's no way your in any condition to push your body right now

"In order to make my dream into a reality I will push my body as far as I need to."