
Team seven

Three years have passed since the uchiha clan massacre both sasuke and izuna are sittinng next to each other izuna isn't paying much attention a few hours of class go by and the final exam starts one by one the students go up to preform the shadow clone jutsu and the transformation jutsu izuna and sasuke pass with flying colors it gets to naruto's turn and of course he fails a few hours pass naruto is sitting on the tree swing outside the academy sad he failed, a chunin by the name of Mizuki offers to naruto that if he can get the secret scroll he'll pass eventually naruto does and Everything goes just as did in the original story naruto passes and The teams are announced

Iruka then gets to Team seven consisting of Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and izuna

A few hours passes all the other teams had already left leaving only team seven

Izuna says

"Ugh why so we have to wait so long for our sensei to get here this is so annoying all the other teams have left already

Sasuke sits in silence

Naruto decides to prank there sensei by putting a eraser on top of the door eventually Kakashi walks in the eraser falling and hitting his head he doesn't seemed phase by this he takes four to the roof

"Alright you four I want you to introduce yourselves I'll go first i am Kakashi hatake my dreams are none of your business Pink haired girl it's your turn"

She says what she does in the original

Kakashi then points at sasuke then saying

"Your turn"

"What I have isn't a dream because I will make it a reality I'm going to kill a certain someone"

Naruto glances at him worried he might be talking about him Kakashi then points at naruto

""I'm Naruto Uzumaki! What I like is ramen, especially the kind at the Ichiraku Ramen shop. What I dislike is the three minute wait after you pour in the boiling water. My hobbies are eating ramen. And my dream... is to be the next Hokage!"

Kakashi then points at izuna

"Eh I don't really have a dream but my name is izuna Uchiha the brother of sasuke uchiha so yeah"

"Well then let's get started with the real test"

Kakashi says

They then walk to a battle ground Kakashi then Takes out two bells

"Your goal is to get these to bells from me if you can't then you fail"

This shocks the team

Everyone disappears hiding in bushes or trees except naruto who decides to fight Kakashi head on of course naruto Gets planted into the ground after trying he got almost close

Izuna appears behind Kakashi throwing two kunais at him trying to hit the bells from his hip Kakashi dodges both kunais izuna dashes at Kakashi throwing at punch that he easily catches he then throws a kick that he dodges

Mmm hes preforming pretty well so far

Izuna starts to do the hand signs for the great fire ball jutsu Kakashis eyes go wide then he does the hand signs for a water jutsu to cancel out the fire ball he then pulls izuna under ground

Sakura is put in a genjutsu then passed out sasuke also tried to grab the balls from Kakashi but was also pulled underground

Naruto then ends up tied to the log

Kakashi explains that the goal of the test was to use teamwork, to do together what none of them could do by themselves. He is persuaded to allow them to try again after lunch, but instructs Sasuke and Sakura, izuna not to feed Naruto. They feed him anyway, needing him in top-form if they're to work together. Kakashi sees this and, because they care more about the team than listening to his instructions, allows them all to pass.