
Reborn as Sasuke Uchiha: The Fallen Uchiha

Hi! This fic is about a guy who gets reincarnated as Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto with four wishes. I am a new writer, so please cooperate if my grammar is wrong or if the story is not good. Feel free to give suggestions. New chapters coming soon. I do not own Naruto or any characters. (Except Sasuke's Life)

Trevil_Lock · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs

Whispers of Betrayal: A Clash in the Forest!

Focusing on my training, I diligently honed my skills. After achieving a decent proficiency in Water Release within a week, I embarked on mastering Wind Release, which take slightly longer than two weeks. During this period, I undertook another venture. Recognizing an opportunity, I acquired a restaurant on the verge of closure. In my previous life, I have worked as a part time in KFC and Mc Donald's, so it's possible that I know the recipe of Fried Chicken and Burger and some drinks like Ice-Coffee, smoothies and special for girls, diet coke. I don't know about coke but I do know about diet coke. Drawing on my past experiences, I envisioned a unique concept, combining my knowledge of popular dishes with a twist. And I know, it's going to be a success! After purchasing and cleaning it I went to find some workers. Of course I didn't clean it, I pay someone for it. I goes to the area of the village where homeless people live and I took some people to work for me in the restaurant, after verifying there nature. I actively sought individuals in need, offering them fair wages and a chance to rebuild their lives. And for the chef, I asked Ramen Guy Teuchi to find some.

After two weeks of dedicated effort and training, the restaurant, named "Uchiha Fire Chicken" (UFC), officially opened its doors. The team, under my leadership, aimed to provide a quality dining experience with a delicious menu unique to this world.

On the same time after 3 weeks the police force were also set up. And Fuma Clan has already started training the ninjas. As I asked there were some from civilian background who couldn't pass the academy but has potential. And there were some who were normal people who can't make a living and could be used for evacuation while other ninjas fight. There were also clan ninjas but the least numbers were from Nara clan and Hyuga Clan. And there were only branch members from Hyuga Clan. I made them the same training procedure which I follow except some changes suitable for them making three different training tracks-

Clan track: Tailored to the specific needs and existing knowledge of clan members.

Academy track: Designed to further develop the skills of those who had undergone academy training.

No prior training track: Focused on building a solid foundation for individuals with no formal ninja training.

I talked with Fuma Clan Head Zero-San and asked him to treat Hyuga member so good that they feel like they are from the main branch of Hyuga Clan. And not only them but every trainee, this may bring us more participants. Following a period of basic training to ensure a strong foundation, the program would transition recruits into specialized units based on their aptitude and interests. Medical units, combat units, tracking units, and others would be formed, allowing each individual to contribute to the village's defense in a meaningful way, while continuing to hone their overall skills.

I gave the routine to Fuma Clan and they will make the changes if necessary.

With unwavering focus, I continued my relentless training. I honed my Wind Release technique, achieving proficiency within an acceptable timeframe. I then embarked on mastering Lightning Release, the next element on my list.

As a month elapsed, the time arrived for the ninja cats to arrive in Konohagakure, as per my request. However, amidst my Lightning Release training, an unexpected event unfolded. After my night training session, an attempt was made to kidnap me, seemingly due to the leaked information about me having all five elemental releases. The news, originating from my Anbu guard's report, had reached the Hokage and subsequently, Danzo.

Outnumbered five to one, I knew a direct confrontation wouldn't be ideal. I launched a calculated response, firing a fireball upwards with forty percent of my chakra into the sky. This acted as a distress signal, a beacon visible from afar.

The fight erupted, and within ten seconds, my Anbu guard joined the fray, assisting me in defending against the attackers. Three of the assailants engaged Yugao, while two targeted me. I utilized shadow clones, seamlessly weaving Fire and Wind Styles together, and occasionally employing Water Style, prioritizing maintaining distance due to my limited proficiency in taijutsu.

The battle raged on, but my chakra reserves dwindled, leaving me with enough for only three elemental jutsu (my chakra wasn't fully recovered after today's training). I resorted to throwing shuriken, kunai, and paper bombs from my well-stocked storage seal which hurt one of the two. However, one of the attackers, a Nara clan member, exploited an opportunity and immobilized me with the Shadow Possession Jutsu.

Now except Susanoo, I don't have anything in my arsenal to break it and I can't use Susanoo now (more like don't want to, but you all get the point). He started coming close to me and I also started walking towards him. Or maybe if he come close enough! He grab both of my hands and tie them behind my back and cancel the jutsu. He had me lifted and he was behind me, exactly where I wanted. So I used Rasengan which directly hit him in the stomach due to being in contact with my hands. He got thrown to a nearby tree and I fell on ground. Now I have to get free from the rope. I manipulated my chakra, mimicking the Hyuga clan's technique I had observed earlier, and channeled a small amount of fire into my chakra-infused hands. Fire danced around my fingertips, the ropes smoldering before snapping clean, releasing me. The victory was short-lived; the agonizing burn scorched deep into my palms.

With my chakra reserves depleted to two elemental jutsus, I witnessed Yugao incapacitate one of her opponents while sustaining injuries herself and other two kidnapper being wounded.

Fueled by an unknown impulse, I took another daring step. Two shadow clones materialized – one forming a Rasengan, the other imbuing it with Fire Release. This combined effort resulted in a novel technique, named "Fire Style: Rasengan," a powerful orb infused with scorching flames.

Despite the immense strain on my body, I, ignoring the searing pain in my hand, which resulted in getting a feeling that someone is melting my hand from inside on cellular level, hurled the Fire Style Rasengan at the remaining enemies (note to myself, never use yourself for these attacks). "Yugao-san, move!" Yugao, alerted by my warning, swiftly moved to safety. "Fire Style: Rasengan!" I roared. The projectile struck near the target, detonating with a thunderous roar and forming a fiery vortex that engulfed a ten-meter radius. Yugao, recognizing my depleted state, carefully cradled me in her arms as we ran away from the range of inferno attack. The forest floor ignited, flames licking upwards and outwards. A shockwave radiated outwards, sending the attackers flying. One landed crumpled, his body smoking. Another screamed as molten embers seared his flesh. The deafening explosion echoed throughout the village, alerting everyone within its reach. The immediate vicinity was now consumed by flames, leaving a gaping crater five meters deep. The trees surrounding the battleground also succumbed to the blaze, spreading slowly but steadily. The stench of burning flesh and scorched earth filled the air.

The fight was over, but the victory tasted like ash in my mouth. The forest fire would take time to contain, and the village would undoubtedly be on high alert.

The inferno subsided, leaving behind a smoldering crater and the acrid scent of burnt wood. Yugao, her face etched with concern, turned to Sasuke.

"What in the name of all that is fiery was that attack?" she exclaimed.

I, leaning heavily against her, managed a weak smirk. "Fire Style: Rasengan," I rasped. "Just a little creation of mine."

Yugao's eyes widened in disbelief. "You conjured an S-rank jutsu on the fly, in the middle of a kidnapping attempt? I'm impressed, Uchiha." she conceded with a hint of amusement.

I chuckled, a dry cough escaping his lips. "Even I'm surprised it worked. I still need to refine it, of course. Maybe… Fire Release: Spiraling Sphere?"

Yugao's laughter echoed through the clearing. "Of course, what else would you call it? You have affinity for all five elements, a higher Sharingan level, and you hail from the illustrious Uchiha clan. Why wouldn't I be surprised?"

A faint blush crept across my cheeks. "Don't exaggerate, Yugao-san." I mumbled, attempting to downplay my accomplishment. "And can you please put me down? I'm sure I can manage."

Yugao's smile widened. "Given your current chakra exhaustion, I highly doubt it, young Uchiha. Are you perhaps embarrassed by my unconventional carrying method? At least you have a knack for naming powerful jutsu." A playful glint entered her eyes. "Besides, I'm used to seeing you push your limits during training. Or perhaps this new jutsu gave you a sudden burst of energy? Trying to impress me, are we? Have you perhaps, got a tiny crush on me?"

A beat of silence followed, and I, flustered by the unexpected comment, stammered, "N-no, it's not like that! I just…"

Before I could finish my sentence, the sound of approaching footsteps reached our ears. Relief washed over me as I recognized the other Anbu members, Kakashi, Might Guy, Shikaku Nara, the Hokage, and, much to my dismay, Danzo Shimura. Although I am thankful for the timing. My pride was on the line! I straightened myself slightly, pride wrestling with fatigue. Looks like the party was just getting started.

(Done! Have a great Day/Night!)