
Reborn as Sasuke Uchiha: The Fallen Uchiha

Hi! This fic is about a guy who gets reincarnated as Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto with four wishes. I am a new writer, so please cooperate if my grammar is wrong or if the story is not good. Feel free to give suggestions. New chapters coming soon. I do not own Naruto or any characters. (Except Sasuke's Life)

Trevil_Lock · Anime & Comics
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35 Chs


The council chamber emptied, a wave of relief washing over the departing figures. Some clan heads lingered, their gazes fixed on me.

"Well, that was quite the ordeal," Shikaku sighed, rubbing his temples. "Looks like we have our work cut out for us. I thought you said there will not be this of meeting before your graduation."

I remained stoic. "There wasn't supposed to be a council meeting." I stated. "The outcome was supposed to be different. I wasn't supposed to say about that. Revealing this information changed things. It's like a branching path. For example, If you kill me right now, I can see the village burn with black fire, but otherwise, the future remains mostly unchanged. However, if you require further proof, I can offer this: the Fifth Hokage will be a blonde-haired woman, the first female to hold the title."

Shikaku raised an eyebrow, impressed by my conviction. "Bold statement, indeed. But I understand the logic behind it. Now, on a private note, you never explicitly confirmed Itachi's involvement."

When I thought I am safe!

I shrugged. "There aren't any other Uchiha alive. It's a fifty-fifty chance, really."

"So, we're gambling?" Shikaku chuckled, though the humor didn't reach his eyes. "Troublesome. Regardless, get some rest. Academy awaits tomorrow."

I simply nodded and made my way towards the exit, only to be intercepted by Danzo.

"Greetings, Sasuke Uchiha," Danzo greeted, his voice sharp and formal. "I believe we haven't had the pleasure of a personal introduction."

I met his gaze unflinchingly. "Indeed, we haven't. I am Sasuke Uchiha, heir to one of Konohagakure's most powerful clans."

Danzo offered a curt nod. "And I am Danzo Shimura, advisor to the Hokage and elder council member. Additionally, I lead a specialized Anbu division known as Root, operating in the shadows."

"Interesting." I replied, my voice devoid of inflection. "But why inform me of this?"

Danzo adopted a predatory smile. "I have an offer for you, Sasuke. Join Root."

Shikaku, observing the exchange, visibly tensed.

"And what would I gain from such an arrangement?"

"Extensive training." Danzo continued, his voice laced with promises. "Training to become strong enough for your revenge. You'll receive regular updates on Itachi's whereabouts and the chance to train in the same place he did. Your talent is undeniable, and this way, you wouldn't waste time in the academy."

My lips curled into a smirk. "Tempting, but I decline. Root simply doesn't meet my standards."

Danzo's smile faltered, replaced by a grimace. "Arrogance is not a becoming trait, Uchiha boy. It was the very downfall of your clan, their constant rejection of aid!"

My eyes narrowed. "Lord Danzo, respect is earned, not demanded. Even with my clan gone, I remain the heir to a founding lineage. Treat me with due respect, and I will reciprocate. My decision is final. I refuse your offer."

Danzo gritted his teeth, a flicker of anger sparking in his eyes. "Very well, Uchiha prince. I shall remember this. Now, if you'll excuse me." With a curt nod, he turned and left.

Sasuke bowed respectfully to the remaining clan heads before departing with his Anbu escort.

Shikaku watched him go, a thoughtful expression etched on his face. "I have a feeling that boy will shake things up, and for the better." he murmured, his words finding agreement among the other present leaders. Their years of experience had honed their intuition, and they sensed a spark of potential within Sasuke.

As they walked, Yugao resumed the interrupted conversation, warning Sasuke of Danzo's potential retaliation given his displeasure.

I arrived at my home, where my clone stood ready.

"Thanks for the help, though unnecessary." I acknowledged.

"Actually," the clone corrected, "it wasn't me. It was Itachi's crow."

"Haha, very funny." I said, refusing to be fooled again.

The clone dispelled, the missing 70 percent of chakra returning to me, bringing along a surge of memories. This time, the message was undeniably from Itachi. It seemed he had obtained information about the council meeting.

Exhausted, both mentally and emotionally, I opted for rest instead of training. I ate a leftover meal before succumbing to sleep. Stage is set for my plan but, one step at a time.

The next morning, I prepared for the academy, choosing to focus my social interactions with Shikamaru, Shino, Choji, and Hinata. I will maintain a respectful distance from Sakura and Ino, engaging occasionally with Kiba but prioritizing genuine connections over unnecessary drama. I will maintain friendship with them but no smiling or talking for long. I have to maintain my image. And since I want Hinata I will only smile in front of her and make Naruto look bad in front of her. And the best part is I don't even have to do anything since Naruto always came to me to challenge me and instead of answering rude I will answer him politely which he will think that I am acting cool and get pissed of again. My perfect plan for now! This will be my daily academy routine.

After the academy I reach home and started my training.

Daily Routine:


* Begin with meditation to enhance spiritual energy and focus.

* Engage in physical exercises to improve overall fitness and stamina.


* Actively participate in lessons to learn basic skills and gain theoretical knowledge.

* Utilize downtime for subtle chakra sensing practice and light meditation.

Afternoons (following academy):

* Dedicate a significant portion of time to rigorous training in various disciplines:

 # Ninjutsu: Practice the acquired techniques from the Uchiha library, focusing on mastering Water Release, Earth Release, Wind Release, and Lightning Release.

 # Taijutsu.

 # Genjutsu: Explore and practice various genjutsu techniques related to the five senses, including Sharingan Genjutsu.


* Before bedtime, utilize the Sharingan to copy various medical ninjutsu and kenjutsu techniques from reliable sources (real medical ninja and Anbu guard and some books).


* Take a well-deserved break from intensive training, allowing the body and mind to rest and recharge.

* Engage in light activities like morning jogging and evening meditation.

Homework and Assignments:

* Address academic obligations efficiently and ensure timely completion during the classes in academy to avoid any stress or distraction.

Additional Notes:

* Focus on fire style at last since there are many fire jutsu scrolls in house.

* Master the Rasengan to gain proficiency in shape transformation, a crucial foundation for advanced ninjutsu.

* Acquire a good sword which will last lifetime.

* Remember, consistent, focused training, combined with proper rest and a balanced approach to social interaction, will yield the most effective results on my path to becoming a formidable ninja.

In Genjutsu I am learning-

Demonic Illusion: Shackling Stakes Technique!

Genjutsu: Sharingan!

I can't do much with sharingan in genjutsu since I only have two-tomoe and I am not going to use mangekyo.

In ninjutsu I am learning-

Water Release: Water Formation Wall

Water Release: Surging Sea

Water Release: Water Trumpet

Earth Release: Rending Drill Fang

Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall

Wind Release: Air Bullets

Wind Release: Gale Palm

Lightning Release: Lorentz Gun

Lightning Release: Thunderclap Arrow

Lightning Release Bullet: Powerful Breath

Lightning Ball

These are some techniques I copy from uchiha library.

In shurikenjutsu-

Shadow Shuriken Technique

Uchiha Style Shurikenjutsu: "Lightning": Triple (after learning lightning release of course.)

Lightning Flash (Lightning infused Fuma Shuriken)

In Taijutsu-

Uchiha Style Taijutsu

Surging Fire Wild Dance

Leveraging my exceptional chakra control, I prioritized learning the Rasengan. Mastering this technique would unlock the ability to shape transform his chakra, a crucial foundation for advanced ninjutsu.

Since I already know the steps and the process to complete them, I started doing it. First two steps were completed but 3rd step will take time. First I make a Rasengan by myself and hit it on a rock and then I create a Rasengan with a clone and hit it on a rock. There was a big difference. One made with the help of clone was 3 times more powerful than then one made by me. Or you can say that was the original power and I was able to draw out only 1/3rd of it. 

I also know my anbu guard was watching me from afar and this will be reported so I did my best to make a record with Rasengan. It took me total of 10 minutes! After learning the shape manipulation, I started practicing ninjutsus I copied. I first started with water style since it's process is similar as fire style. After that I will do wind style since it is the easiest one, its reliance on readily available air making it a natural progression. After that I will come to lightning style. And finally earth style since I really have no idea about the process to master it. I will probably spam the ninjutsu until I get it fully.

My goal wasn't complete mastery of each element before moving on – a more efficient approach would be to develop a basic proficiency in each. After doing all five, daily practice of all five elements would solidify my foundation, ensuring I have time until graduation, five years from now. And if I get some time after graduation I will try and see if I can make a weaker version of wood style or not by mixing water and earth element. Moegi could do that in Boruto so I should also be able to do it, right?

(Done! Enjoy your day!)