
Reborn as momoshiki otsutsuki

Mokkk · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

chapter 3

"uncle do you know a senju"she asked quickly."it seems you have meet them""but how?""they are quite the mysterious fellow"tobirama replied."they said they been adventuring and doesnt know who is their parents"

moshiki pov

putting the baby at the bed i began to trained my body"1..2.." i curl up pound weight training my body.sweating and tired i rest after doing 1000 curl.I continued with legs carrying the puound with me."1....100."i squated.Finishing after a thousand reps i put them back at my storage space.Having free time.I Read books.night turns day.

i wake up.the baby needs to be feed doing what i am supposed to do.*knock**knock*.I opened the door to find tsunade."Hello there".Tsunade was shoced but quickly regains her composure."hey can i enter""of course,u may".Seeing me playing with the baby her heart softened."I hearded form hokage,you will be staying in here.""yes"i replied shortly."does my presence concerns you""nono.."she denied hurriedly.She said with the two of us she is quite happy to find that her clan members is still alive.I replied with a smile.We chat a long time i said i worked to keep me and my brother.I said he was my cousin and we are not siblings.i found out this since my blood and him holds the genetic differences.He was left at my own house mysteriously.

As the only two i decided to travel here and found out about my clan.And the story concludes.Tsunade also decided the showed me around the village."the shinobi jobs is to protect the civilians and to catch criminals.my grandfather the first hokage created this village.he possessed a strong body and capable of doing wood style like you.With woodstyle you will be a strong man like the first hokage"."but who is madara"i asked ehile watching the village."Madara uchiha he betrays the village but he also founded the village by naming it.His rivals my grandfather had to stop him for destroying this village.His been dead"."i see then the uchiha clan still alive."yes,but my uncle has been afraid of it im worried the relationship with the uchiha and him will go sour.but you have my grandfather wood style im sure he will make you the hokage"she said.

A years past by..The one years old babycan talked like 5 years old now.Witch suprised tobirama.I too been growing in power.I trained secretly since this is the senju clan place no one cant watched me.

Tsunade has grown fond of indra too everyday she will visited him and played with him.With me around the uchiha also doesnt get pushed by the hokage since i am powerful according to tobirama.While walking the street.I meet up with the current hyuga leader.He knows of me.We chat then also spar a bit.


he hits me with gentle fist aiming at my meridian.I also holds back too since this is only a spar.I deflected it using my hand.punch him at the stomatch.it hit him i kick him he easily blocks it.We been going for 20 minutes before i uppercut him and wins.