
Reborn as momoshiki otsutsuki

Mokkk · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

chapter 2

I was bored.I entered the pure world.reincarnated indra into a body that i make.a baby that holds uzumaki and uchiha bloodline.While holding the baby i decided to have an audience with the current hokage.I entered it using body flicker bypassing the guards.Seeing me enters he looks and about to say something.I created hand seals.he thoughg i was attacking him so he to created hand seals.But seeing not an attack but a giant tree sprouted while i moshiki said"I'm sorry to bother my name moshiki and i possessed this power since i was a child,i thought as the current hokage you can help me."."where are you from"he surprised but quickly regains his composure as the hokage."we are from the...."i spoke to him alot more about our situation(mostly lying).He cannot hide his happiness finding another senju alive.Even thought he is specious of us but he can confirm it during my stayed here.With that we leave the hokage office.He the hokage guides us to the senju compaunt.He showed us a house near a big mansion that suppos to be tsunade house.While saying some history stuff about the senju's.the hours past by as and the baby is awake.I feed him and played with him.We walked around the village.I saw many things.Ninja jumping up and down doing missions.civilian playing and running.I also saved a couple for a crazy guy.they thank me and invited me to their shops.I accepted and we had our launch there."thank you"i said to them".After that i decided to see ninja in action.I used yin chackra to teleport.while jumping a tree after tree.I see a team jiraiya,tsunade and orochimaru.I saw them taking care of a rogue ninja."their teamwork is good"i thought.Carying a baby in one hands.Since the journey the baby seems to like it.I walked.almost reaching them.They sense me but i quickly appear behind jiraiya.Seeing my speed they were shocked."who are.."jiraiya was incapable of finishing his words when i came behind him."hi"i greeted them.The up their guard.Seeing this"I carrying something here,i hope we dont have to fight".i said to them.

Seeing a baby that i was holding they let their guard down."who are you"finally tsunade asked."i am moshiki senju"."liars,are you insulting us"tsunade said.she doesnt seems to believe it.So i sprouted a tree.then"wood style..what!?".i repeated myself"I am a senju".

We arrive at konaha.I was quite during the journey and doesnt answer their questions only playing with the baby totally ignoring them.Tsunade quickly ran to the hokage wanting an explanation about it.orochimaru seems interested seeing the first hokage dojutsu.jiraiya is confused by tsunade reaction.