
Chapter 5

Chapter 5:

As the captured Covenant Spirit landed on one of the three landing pads at Alpha base, the human prisoners and ODSTs walked inside, relief clear on their faces, followed by Captain Keyes and the Spartans. When they made their way back to the tactical operations center that was just recently set up, they saw Carter and Major Silva waiting for them right by the door. They greeted them with a nod each, which they returned.

"Good to have you back Captain. We've set up a command center and a briefing room here." Major Silva said while gesturing to the room behind him. " I can begin briefing you on our current situation. "

Right before Keyes gave Silva the go ahead, he turned to face the Spartans.

"Thanks for the rescue back there Spartans Now, go and get some rest. You've earned it. You'll be back into the action soon enough. Dismissed." As soon as he finished, the super-soldiers walked away to allow the Captain to be briefed.

They made their way towards the makeshift mess hall and each of them grabbed an MRE before sitting down at a table together, taking off their helmets as they heard a soft hiss as their helmets came off. They ate in silence for about several minutes before Kat spoke up, catching their attention.

"Do any of you realize that it's possible that we may be the only Spartans left?"

"We know Kat." Carter replied as we put down his utensils.

"Wouldn't be so sure about that. Jun and Jorge could've made it back on Reach. Until I see a body, I ain't writing them off yet." Emile argued.

"Agreed." John replied immediately, likely thinking about his own team that was still on Reach when it fell.

"What about you Casper? What do you think?" Carter asked.

Six just gave a short nod in reply, signifying that he believed that other Spartans could've made it before consuming the Pulled Pork that came with his MRE. Unbeknownst, to the rest of them, he knew that Jun, Blue team, and a few other Spartans did in fact survive Reach when it fell to the Covenant.

He was just hoping that he changed enough so that Jorge survived as well.

A few hours later, the Spartans were called to be briefed on what their next course of action was. As the Master Chief stood at the briefing table, Cortana took note of all of those that was participating during the briefing. To John's right stood Noble One, Spartan A-259, otherwise known as Commander Carter. It was odd to see Carter in command considering that Chief was usually the leader of the Spartans, but Cortana saw that the two got along well with each other, Carter seemed to hold Chief in high regard and John respected Carter's leadership.

To Chief's left was Sergeant-Major Johnson. Having fought during the battle of Harvest, he continued to fight in many more battles throughout the war. He fought alongside the Spartans during the war and thought highly of them as well. Having one of the most experienced NCO's in the entire UNSC Marine Corps was to provide a morale boost to the troops and his combat experience could prove to be invaluable.

To his left stood Captain Keyes, holding his antiquated pipe in his left hand even if he wasn't smoking it. Cortana believed it was most likely a gift from someone in his family's past, something to chew on or hold on to.

Beside him was Major Silva, having a displeased look on his face at all of the Spartans gathered around here, but, like Johnson, Keyes thought highly of the Spartans so it wasn't his call. Even if he was in command, considering the fact that they were stranded on an unknown alien rings with the Covenant breathing down their necks, he most likely would've held in any grudges simply for the sake of making it out alive.

McKay was there too, holding a datapad as she prepared to bring something up during the meeting.

Right next to McKay was Warrant-Officer Emile-A239, Noble four, one of the best close-quarter-combat specialists in the Spartans and possibly in the entire UNSC, sharpening his Kukri on one of his shoulder pads as he waited for the briefing to start.

Casper and Kat were standing beside him, known as Nobles Six and two respectively, talking about something amongst themselves as they completed the circle around the briefing table. While Cortana didn't voiced it out loud, there was something about Six that seemed to be strange to her. It wasn't due to the fact that he was the only other Spartan given the Hyper-Lethal Vector rating, no, it was something else. Something that she couldn't quite figure out what it was. While she managed to look through some parts of the black ink that covered his file, she didn't look through all of it, so perhaps the answer hid somewhere in there. Before she had the chance to ponder further, Keyes spoke up, catching everyone's attention.

"Alright," Keyes started. " We have quite a few things to discuss. First, Halo's control room. I've been talking with Wellsley and Cortana on how to find it before the Covenant do and I think we have a plan. Cortana, if you would be some kind?"

"I have intercepted enemy comms chatter on their battlenet on a 'Silent Cartographer," claiming that it functions as some kind of map room which contains every location on this ring. If we can locate it before Charlie does, we can use it to find the control center." Cortana said.

"I've located the Cartographer about 200 kilometers north of here on an island." Wellsley added. "It should be easy enough to take and it is isolated enough that the Covenant will take much time in order to deploy their forces on it.

As expected, Carter stepped first, being the first one to take initiative. "Sir, requesting permission to lead the mission to take the Silent Cartographer."

"Granted Commander." Keyes responded immediately. "The Master Chief will be going with you as well. We need Cortana to properly translate all of the symbols," Chief nodded as Carter stepped back.

"Captain, with all due respect, perhaps my ODST's would be better suited to this task. They are more qualified to take and hold the position, and they can also rapidly deploy to the control room once we can determine where it's located?" Silva said.

"Permission denied." Keyes responded immediately.


"Let me explain. The reason I denied your request is that I have another mission for you and your men. We are currently running low on supplies, so I need you and your ODST's to raid what's left of the Pillar of Autumn and salvage anything you can find. Weapons, MRE's, equipment, ammo, anything that can be of use to us."

Silva nodded in understanding. "Yes sir."

Excellent" Keyes stated before turning to face Lieutenant McKay." Now, the Lieutenant here has informed me of increased Covenant activity that was detected during the rescue mission.

McKay nodded. " Wellsley has found a structure located in a swamp similar to the one we are in now not too far from here. Covenant seems to move heavily through that area. Radio transmissions that Wellsley-"

Cortana let out a not so discreet cough.

"Transmissions that Wellsley and Cortana overhead indicates that a lot of munitions pass through that area. Personally, I believe that it's a Covenant weapons cache, one that gets resupplied frequently. I suggest we raid it and take what we can before Charlie can respond."

Before anyone could say anything else, Casper decided to speak up. "Sir," he said as he caught everyone's attention." Permission to recce the area to find out what kind of opposition force is stationed there. We'll have a higher chance of mission success if we know what we're getting into first. Once I'm finished, I can call in for a QRF to help salvage whatever we find." Six suggested.

After a moment of thing over Six's suggestion, Keyes nodded. "Granted, when you are finished with the recon, I'll follow in with a QRF."

Cortana saw many people, including John and Carter, starting to protest before Keyes cut them off. "I'll be fine. I'll take two squads with me as well as a Spartan. I'll be as safe as I can be." Most of them conceded due to the fact he seemed to make up his mind and satisfied he'll have protection.

Except Casper, who made no indication of this as he made no movement.

Keyes looked around the briefing room. " The rest of Noble Team will be joining the mission to locate the Silent Cartographer. They will be the spearhead of this operation while Gunnery Sergeant Stacker and his men will provide assistance and support as needed. Anyone have anything else to add in?" He asked.

Sergeant-Major Johnson raised his hand. "Captain, permission to join in on the raid. I still have an itchy trigger finger that needs some love."

Keyes smiled, "I was planning on having you accompany me to the weapons cache."

"Yes sir."

"Anyone else have any other questions?" Keyes looked around as no one raised their hands. "No? Then get ready. Dismissed."

Everyone nodded as they all went to gather their gear and equipment.

As Casper gathered up his White phosphorous grenade rounds and equipped his M37 Assault rifle with an M310 underbarrel grenade launcher, Carter walked over to him. "You make sure you make it back in one piece Lieutenant." He said as he began arming himself up.

"I'll be fine Commander, don't worry about me. Good luck on your mission." Casper replied as he magnetically attached a M45 shotgun to his back with incendiary and scatter shot shells. Carter nodded in response as Six finished by grabbing some C-12 explosive charges and made his way towards the Pelican. Giving Emile a fist bump and a node to John and Kat as he walked past them. Careful hiding the anxiety and fear he was currently hiding within him.

"Godspeed, Spartan." Keyes saluted Six before he entered the Pelican. Stepping back as the ship's engines turned on and it lifted of the ground. The ramp closing as Noble Six disappeared and flew off into the distance.

After a long and hard fight across the island, John and the remaining Spartans from Noble team had finally reached the Silent Cartographer.

It has taken the majority of the day as they had to disable locked doors and push through Covenant forces that landed on the island. Not to mention all of the long corridors that seemed to form a maze and more ambushes than he could be bothered to count.

But finally, they had arrived at their destination.

"There," Cortana said once they reached it." That Holo panel should activate the map."

Following Cortana's instructions, John accessed the map, where they saw a canyon and what looked to be some kind of shrine.

"Uh-Oh," Cortana said with slight worry in her voice.

"What is it?" Carter asked.

"That Shrine right there. That is the control room. And the Covenant already has forces stationed there."

"That isn't good. It'll be more heavily defended." Kat said.

They walked back through the maze of corridors as they made there way back to the entrance which was guarded by Gunnery Sergeant Stacker and his Marines. Just as they arrived, they saw Foehammer's dropship land. "Come on, get aboard. Or else you'll have to do more than just fix the paint job."

Emile and Kat were the last ones to board, pulling security to make sure no Covenant troops tried to sneak up on them. After a few seconds, they boarded the Pelican just before it took off.

"Let's get moving Foehammer. Here are the coordinates and a flight plan I've been working on." Cortana said.

"Uh, Cortana, these coordinates are located underground." Foehammer stated with surprise.

"The Covenant did a through seismic scan of the Ring. The data as well as my own analysis shows that Halo is filled with deep tunnels that are honeycombed inside the whole ring."

"I hope your analysis is right on the money Cortana. This dropship won't turn a dime."

"Look on the bright side. Charlie won't expect an aerial incursion from underground." Emile said with a chuckle.

Once Echo 419 arrived at the location, the Spartans began to make there way towards the shrine while Gunnery Sergeant Stacker and his men stayed behind on the Pelican. They were being called back to Alpha Base for some reason they weren't told and couldn't join the Spartans on the mission to the control room. Once the Super-soldiers were dropped off, Foehammer made her way back to base to refuel and drop off Stacker and his Marines. The Spartans continued to fight through Covenant troops stationed there as they pushed forward.

As the Spartans were making their way to the control room, they saw two Elites in silver armor talking to someone on a chair. Sneaking up to them, they tried to make out what they were saying.

"-ust be contained." The hologram said as Cortana translated it.

"Yes, Holy One." One of the Elites said respectfully. "What about the machines. Aren't they holy constructs?"

" Destroy them if they attack but otherwise ignore them. They are merely performing their duties assigned to them by the Gods, it would be sacrilege to interfere with that."

" Yes, Holy One."

Just as the hologram disappeared from its pedestal, Emile grabbed one Elite just before it turned around and stabbed it in its neck with his Kukri while John shot the other one with his Squad automatic weapon, which rapidly drained his shields as he was quickly shot dead.

"What were they talking about?" Emile asked once the Elites were both down on the ground and dead.

"I've intercepted reports on the Covenant Battlenet about flying machines emerging from the structure. They don't seem to be dangerous as they've been merely hovering or doing assigned tasks." Cortana said.

"Destroy if they engage." Kat quoted from the conversation. "I think it's safe to assume that they can be hostile."

"Let's keep moving." Carter said before gesturing forward.

Soon enough, they saw a Wraith that fortunately, didn't notice them yet.

"Two, with me, we'll draw its fire. Chief, four, flank it."

They flashed their lights in acknowledgement as Kat and Carter moved on the left flank, the Wraith spotting them as it opened fired with its plasma turret.

Once they made it to the rear of the Covenant tank, Emile covered Chief as he hopped on and planted a frag grenade through the opening which led to its power core and jumped off. The gunner of the plasma turret aimed it at them once he saw Chief and Emile going behind cover as the tank blew up as shrapnel flew everywhere.

"Show off." Kat muttered as she and Carter walked over to the wreckage.

John and Emile let out a quick chuckled as they continued to make their way across the ramps. Once they made it pass the doors, they was that the hallway was huge as it could easily house a Scorpion Main Battle Tank.

"Hmm. Kinda like your head, roomy." Cortana said to Chief.

Chief only shook his head in amusement as they came across another set of doors. They stacked up against both sides before Carter entered first followed by Chief, checking their corners first before scanning the rest of the room.

The room they found themselves in was massive, enough for an M313 Heavy recovery vehicle or otherwise known as an Elephant by UNSC personnel. In the center, was a large hologram of Halo as well as a small moon. They noticed that almost a third of the ring was highlighted in red, even though it was spread all across Halo.

John moved to a console neared the hologram as the rest continued to sweep the room for any signs of Covenant they may have missed. He inserted Cortana's data chip into the console as she appeared on the pedestal.

"Never felt better!" She exclaimed like she was having fun. "You wouldn't believe all of the information that is stored here! So much knowledge, so much to process! It's amazing!"

"So, what kind of weapon is this?" Chief asked getting back on track.

""What are you talking about?" Cortana questioned as she quickly turned to him.

"Let's remain focused. "Carter said. "What kind of weapon is Halo and how do we use it against the Covenant?"

"This ring is not a Cudgel, you dumb barbarians. It's so much more than that. So much more important."

John and Carter looked at each other as Kat and Emile remained clueless to whatever Cortana was rambling about.

"The Covenant were right...this ring...it's Forerunner. Give me a second to access something."

"You got any idea what she's talking about?" Emile asked Kat, who only shrugged her shoulders in reply before Cortana spoke up again.

"Yes, the Forerunners constructed this place, called it a 'fortress world,' in order to..."

She then turned to the group with a horrified expression on her face.

"No, that can't be. Those covenant fools. There must have been signs. They must have known."

"Alright, slow down NOW." Chief firmly stated even though he was starting to get worried himself. "You've lost us. Go at OUR pace. Got it?"

Cortana nodded as she slowed down. "Charlie found something buried here. Something absolutely horrible. And now they're terrified."

Everyone was surprised to hear this. "Something that scares the Covenant? What coul-" Emile started to ask before Cortana interrupted again.

"SIX! We have to stop him!"

Kat immediately snapped her head at the mention of the Spartan that saved her life back on Reach. "Six? What is it?"

Cortana paused for a second before answering. "The weapons cache he's scouting for. It's not real. He cannot get inside."

Carter stepped forward. "Hold on what do you mea-" Cortana interrupted once again. "Look at all of the red areas on the hologram of this ring. THAT's how far it spread."

Chief took one more look at the display. A third of the ring already. How could it spread so fast?

"GO NOW!" Cortana frantically gestured. "I have to stay. Find Six. Before it's too late." The Spartans began running back outside as Carter called for Foehammer to pick them up.

Once Foehammer arrived and descended, they all jumped in.

"Where to Spartans?" Foehammer asked as soon as everyone was in.

"Six's last known location." Carter immediately said. " And has Keyes made it to his position yet?"

"Negative, he's putting together a rescue team for the Lieutenant. Though he might just send you Spartans instead now that you're free."

"Rescue mission?" Emile asked.

"I'm putting through the Captain now. He'll explain better than me. " Foehammer said right before a familiar voice came up over the comms.

" / Spartans, have you completed your mission? / " Keyes asked over the radio.

" / Yes sir, we located the control room. Though, we have reason to believe that Noble Six may be in trouble. Has he checked in yet? / " John replied.

" / Yes he did. That's how we already know he's in trouble. I playing back his last transmission so that you can hear. / " The Captain said right before a recording filled their helmets.

" Alpha Bravo, this is Sierra Bravo three-one-two. Do you copy, over?"

" Sierra Bravo three-one-two, this is Oscar-Six-Kilo, we read you, Sierra. I'm going to need a sitrep, over."

Six huffed heavily through the radio, seemingly exhausted as he spoke through his breaths. " Sir, this is NOT a Charlie weapons cache. I say again, this is not a Covenant weapons cache. Whatever you do, do NOT under any circumstances come here, over."

After a few seconds, Keyes replied. "I'm not leaving you behind Noble Six, we're coming to exfil you.

" Negative, Captain."

" Sierra!"

" Sir please, let me explain. What's here is a parasitic life form that feeds on sentient life known as the Flood by the Forerunners. If you're infected, they'll know everything you know and they could potentially wipe out Earth if they ever got there. The Covenant are terrified of them sir, for good reason. I know this sounds crazy but believe me sir, it's the truth. How I came across this information is a long story, over. "

Silence filled the radio for a few moments before Keyes responded. " Do you have a plan to deal with them? "

A sigh came over the comms before Casper continued. " I'm going to try and contain as much as the infection here as possible by placing some charges at the entrance and on a generator used to monitor Flood tissue samples which can hopefully cause a critical failure here, hopefully enough to slow as many as possible down. But I already know they made it into the swamp."

" How fast does the parasite infect the host? "

" Should be no longer than about two or three minutes Sir. Do NOT underestimate them. They're still highly intelligent and can use tactics and firearms. The small ones die easily, a single round from an Assault rifle can take them out. For the larger ones, target the red appendages on their chest, over. "

" Understood, still, we need to find a way to contain it, over. "

" They already left the swamp sir. My best guess is that they heading to the Autumn. Charlie is crawling all over there and the Flood is going to be looking for a free meal anyway it can. "

" Roger that, I can send a Pelican over to the evac point. How soon can you plant the charges, over."

" Should take no longer tha-"

" Sierra three-one-two?"

" ..."

" Sierra-Bravo three-one-two, do you read me, over?"

" (Gunfire, plasma fire. something burning, and inhuman screaming) AAaagghh, get it off! GET IT O-!"

"Noble Six, are you there! Respond, over!"


Soon as the recording was over, silence filled the Pelican for a brief moment before Keyes came back on the radio.

"/ Now that you're free, I'm sending you to find him and if need be finish his mission. If the Flood is really as dangerous as he said it is, we cannot let it get off Halo, over. / "

" / Roger that sir, we'll find him. / " Carter responded, though he did seem a little shaken up.

" / Good, you make it back home safe son, Oscar-Six-Kilo out. / "

" How long until we get there?" Kat asked Foehammer.

" Should take no more than an hour."

As the Pelican made its way towards Six's last know location. Everyone began stocking up on weapons and ammo.

Emile held on to his M45 shotgun as he loaded up incendiary and regular shotgun rounds. Carter and Kat began filling up their pouches with magazines for their M37 Assault rifles, and H.E and white phosphorous rounds for their underbarrel grenade launchers, while John grabbed a few drum mags for his SAW. Frags, flashbangs, and phosphorous grenades were passed between them as finished gearing up. John grabbed a rocket launcher from a nearby rack and began loading up on ammo for it. He wasn't going to take any chances with what they were heading into.

As they waited until they arrived, the Spartans took off their helmets and began opening up and chewing on their MRE's, taking the opportunity to get eat and get some rest.

Preparing themselves to face the one enemy the Covenant fears.