
Chapter 4

Chapter 4:

Chief, Kat, and Emile were sitting in the back of a Pelican along with a squad of ODSTs, heading towards the Truth and Reconciliation, the damaged ship where the Covenant were holding Keyes and where Six was sent out to perform recon The ODSTs were equipped with suppressed M7 Caseless SMGs, John and Kat had MA5B Assault rifles with suppressors on their barrels while Emile had his signature shotgun with him. The operation was simple, get in, extract Keyes, and exfil before the Covenant can respond in force.

"LZ in 10 mikes." The pilot announced to the rescue team. A few moments later, Cortana spoke up to the extraction team.

"Noble 6 has sent me all of the data and info he has collected from his recon. I'm bringing up a map of the AO now."

Soon, a hologram appeared in the middle of the dropship. Covenant patrol routes and gun emplacements were marked as well as potential entry points. "The Lieutenant was also able to locate where they are holding the Captain." Cortana said as a section of the ship lit up, indicating the location of where they were holding Captain Keyes. Chief took a minute to study the information that was provided to him before informing the others of his plan.

"We'll move along this path here." Chief said as he pointed to one of the potential routes." It looks the least exposed and patrolled by few Covenant squads. It may take a little longer, but we'll maintain the element of surprised for longer. Emile, I want you to take point. We'll continue along the path until we reach the ship."

"So how are we supposed to get up there?" An ODST asked out loud, pointing out that the ship was still hovering high above the ground despite being damaged. "The Corp issued me a rifle, not wings."

"There's a grav lift that Charlie uses to ferry troops and supplies from the ship to the surface and vice versa. "Kat said while pointing to a grav lift that was highlighted in green." We can secure it and use it to get up to the ship."

Cortana briefly went offline for a few minutes before speaking up again. "Six has informed me he'll secure the lift and RV with us inside the frigate. "

"Can he handle it?" Chief asked Cortana. While Six proved himself to be capable, he didn't wish for him to take on more than he could handle which could potentially result in his death. He had already lost too many Spartans over the course of the Human-Covenant war and for all he knew the rest died on Reach, He didn't want anymore to be killed if he could help it.

"The Lieutenant has assured me that it's nothing he can't handle. He's already making his way now."

"Well, better not keep him waiting." Emile said before checking over his gear once more and cocking his shotgun to load a round into the chamber.

Soon enough, the light inside the Pelican changed from green to red, signaling that they were about to land. The occupants inside stood up and prepared themselves for the upcoming mission just before the ramp opened up, jumping out as soon as it did and forming a perimeter to look out for any Covenant forces that may have spotted them.

"Let's go boys." An ODST Staff Sergeant named "Parker," said to his men as they began to move out.

As they were making their way towards the ship Emile took point as they followed the route marked on their HUD while Chief followed behind him as Kat watched their backs. The ODST's behind them as they remained ready to provide support if needed. Six's intel proved to be reliable as they countered little to no Covenant patrols that were quickly and easily dispatched. They're bodies hidden from sight as they continued on.

Once they made it to the grav lift, they already saw that it was operational as dead Covenant troops laid all around them.

"Aw, can believe I missed it." Emile said jokingly as he kicked a few Elites to ensure that they were in fact dead.

"Six should be waiting for us up top." Cortana said as they stepped onto the pad.

Soon, they were all lifted into the ship above as the grav lift activated.

Like most Covenant ships, the interior was in a purple color with strange markings and a dull black covering. The drop bay was large enough to house at least several Wraiths and ghosts. Soon, Chief spotted Six hanging behind a Wraith for cover as he appeared to be listening for something.

Just before anyone could ask what he was doing, a marine jokingly said out loud, "What, there's no Charlie here? Maybe they all went home."

Suddenly, Six made a quick gesture for them to stop talking before he continued to listen. Moments later he raised his suppressed DMR and seemingly shot at nothing.

Then the space where there seemed to be nothing revealed a cloaked silver Elite with Spec Ops armor.

Kat joined Six as they gunned down the Elite. A door soon opened Covenant troops came pouring in.

"NO Covenant!" An ODST yelled to his friend. "You just HAD to open your mouth. Didn't you?"

Emile immediately raised his shotgun at one of the Elites and shot at him until his shields overloaded, then killed the Elite with a shot to the head before redirecting his attention to two more coming his way. Kat and Chief hunkered down behind a Wraith for cover as they fired back at the Covenant squad. Chief lobbed a grenade from behind his cover and took down an Elite and two Grunts with it. Six used his DMR as he gunned down Jackals with precision shots at their heads, causing them to collapse as they exploded in a small cloud of red mist. The rest of the boarding party continued to engage until they successfully killed all of the invading Covenant forces.

Once no aliens were left standing, John spoke up. "Let's keep moving. We're sitting ducks here." Everyone agreed as they moved towards the waypoint Cortana marked on their HUDs.

They exited the drop bay and went down a large corridor. At the end, there was a set of blast doors, as they walked through, they entered into a shuttle bay where they proceeded to take fire from a floor below. The humans all sought cover behind crates to avoid the incoming fire. Chief and Emile jumped down from the balcony and proceeded to take down two elites from their weapons. Casper tossed out a frag grenade and took out a group of Grunts and Jackals that grouped together while Kat and the ODST's laid down suppressive fire, pinning down those that were behind cover.

Soon enough, they were all dead as we exited the hanger and proceeded towards the bridge. Intending to capture it as the detention area was near it.

Once they secured the Bridge, Cortana caught everyone's attention. "The captains transponder signal is strong; he must be close."

Chief nodded as he ordered the ODSTs and Emile to stay behind and secure the bridge while the rest of the Spartans continued on to rescue Keyes. Everyone nodded as Kat, John and Casper walked to the door that supposedly held the detention center. As we breached the door, we spotted cells with Marines, Sailors, and the one and only Captain Keyes. Six began engaging cloaked Elites in sliver armor as the rest of the Spartans were focusing their fire on the Zealot until he went down.

The Spartans moved through the room to ensure there weren't any hostiles remaining, once they were sure, they called "Clear."

Keyes called out over the human prisoners cheeing in joy and happiness and directed the Spartan's attention over to him.

He gestured towards a slightly raised platform. "Spartans, the controls for the cells are along the back. Open the cells and get us out of here."

Kat nodded as she moved to unlock the cells. After nearly a minute, the shield-doors lowered as Chief moved to assist the Captain while Six stood guard.

"Coming here was reckless. You all should know better than this." He paused and before any of the Spartans could speak up, he gave them a nod. "Thanks."

The Super-soldiers nodded in returned as Keyes walked out of his cell. "Marines, lock and load your weapons. Let's get ready to move."

"Yes, Sir" he heard from them as they grabbed fallen Covenant weapons or out of nearby weapon containers. Keyes grabbed the needler from a fallen Zealot. While they gathered moved about, he started to address the Spartans.

"While the Covenant had us locked up in here, I overhead a few of the guards talking about this ring world. They call it, Halo." He said, recalling what he heard.

"One moment sir.: Cortana replied. "Accessing the Covenant Battlenet. According to the data in their networks, the ring has some kind of deep religious significance. And if I'm analyzing this correctly, the Covenant believe that Halo is some kind of weapon, with vast, unimaginable power."

"And it's true." Keyes said. "I heard that Zealot say that whoever controls Halo controls the fate of the universe."

"Now I see," Cortana said, as if she just figured something out. "I have intercepted a number of messages about a Charlie search team, scouting for a Control Room. I thought they were looking for the bridge of a cruiser I damaged during the battle above the ring. But they must have been looking for Halo's control room."

Keyes face hardened at what was said. "That's bad news. If Halo is a weapon, and the Covenant gain control of it, they'll use it against us and wipe out the entire human race. Spartans, Cortana. We need to beat the Covenant to Halo's control room. Marines! Let's move out."

"Lieutenant." Keyes said to Six as he gained his attention. "You take point. Chief, Lieutenant-Commander, you cover the rest of us."

They all nodded as they left the bridge and made their way back towards the Bridge.

As the rescue team entered the bridge, they saw Emile and ODSTs finishing off two stealth Elites equipped with swords. Luckily, it looked like no one was killed as the Elites were killed. Emile turned to the rest of the Spartans as they reentered the bridge.

"What took you so long?" He asked before he cleaned the Elite's blood off his Kukrie.

"Ran into traffic." Kat replied with a shrug as we walked back into the hall below. Chief walked through first, getting hit with a barrage of needles and plasma bolts before retreating back into cover and turning back to us.

"That's definitively trouble."

"I detect about 10 all together. All grunts plus two Elites. No Jackals." Cortana informed us.

Six caught the attention of the others as he pulled out a flashbang from one of his pouches and silently requested to throw it down the corridor at the enemy squad. Chief nodded as Six pulled the pin out and waited a few seconds before tossing it down.

Once they heard the bang that signaled that it went off, they quickly turned the corner and gunned down the stunned Grunts and Elites in seconds.

"Clear. Let's move." Kat called out as she kept her rifle pointed at the end of the hallway, just in case if more showed up.

Casper took point as they moved forward, the rest of the prisoners and boarding party following suit. Feeling rested and ready for some payback.

"Cortana to Echo 419. We have the Captain and need extraction on the double."

Foehammer's voice immediately replied, sound stressed. "Negative Cortana, I've been engaged by enemy fast-movers. I'm having a tough time shaking them as it is. You'll have better luck finding your own ride. Sorry."

"Acknowledged 419, Cortana out."

"I heard that," Keyes said as he turned to Chief, though it was clear he was liking talking to Cortana. "If you can guide us to one of their dropships, I can fly us out of here."

'I remember spotting a Spirit still docked in a hanger." Kat interjected. "We can take that and deliver you to Alpha base."

Keyes nodded as Casper and Emile took point. Chief staying by the Captana's side to ensure his safety as Kat pulled rear security to ensure no Covenant troops tried to sneak up on them. As the door to the hanger opened, they spotted a group of Jackals.

They were surprised to see them, however, they were quickly dispatched.

Once they ensured the hanger was clear, Kat released the Spirit's clamps as John and Six boarded it to check if it was secured. Emile covered them as he kept watch.

"Clear." John called out once they swept through it for any signs of hostiles.

The prisoners and the extraction team boarded the dropship, Six boarding last to keep their rear secured.

"Everybody mount up. Let's get out of here." Keyes stated calmly.

Suddenly, a pair of Hunters emerged as they began to charge their cannons. However, before any of them could shoot, Keyes rammed the twin forks and crushed both of them as their armor was completely punctured. One of them attempted to hold on the Spirit as it left the Truth and Reconciliation, falling out just as they did.

"Not bad." Emile said to himself.

Chief, Kat, and Casper chuckled slightly as they took off into the night. When they were a good distance away from the frigate, Kat contacted base.

"Alpha Bravo, this is Noble 2." Package secured. We're RTB."

"Copy, good work out there, out."

Everyone in the dropship started to relax as they took the opportunity to get some rest. Not knowing when they would have the opportunity to do so again.