
Reborn as Luffy : I am the Sun God Nika

Transmigrating as Luffy in the world of One piece knowing that I am the SUN GOD. With the help of a great system, there are many things I would like to change. Let's go through the events in One piece with a Stronger Luffy and future knowledge. I stand for One Man, One Heart, One Love. There will be no harem. Luffy will be a walking disaster.

Emojin_Zadeng · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 9:The Pirate

'We will be using the Going Merry and that isn't a bad thing. I will soon pay a visit to Vegapunk. That damn thief. You better not hurt my wonderful ship or else' he was cursing Vegapunk and decided to go back to the hotel to tell his crew that their ship was lost.


When Luffy returned to the hotel his crew was at, he doesn't want to wake them up and decided to wait untill they get up themselves.

He ordered some food from the hotel and wait for them.

While he was eating, Zoro was finally awake.

When Zoro saw Luffy eating all by himself, he joined the table and started a conversation.

"Yo, why are you eating alone so early in the morning. I need some sake too, I had a massive hangover." Said Zoro.

Luffy was still eating with a huge appetite. He doesn't even look at Zoro and nonchalantly said " Yo, I woke up early and went to the ship to do something but our ship was stolen. Shishishishishi. We need to tell Nami too"

Zoro was still grumbling about his hangover and doesn't heed what Luffy had just said and simply replied" Oh, that's bad".

After a brief moment, realisation struck him and exclaimed "Whatttttt!!! What do you mean stolen? Do you mean we don't have a ship anymore. You idiot captain, how do you let people stole our ship".

He was so mad he even forgot about his hangover.

He was about to start cursing Luffy but was interrupted by Nami's voice" Why are you shouting so early in the morning. Can't you learn some proper manners..Tch" she scolded.

Zoro was still angry and pointed Luffy " This idiot captain of ours let our ship stolen. How are we supposed to sail without a ship. You should be mad at him and not me. How is that even my fault. Tch"

Luffy intervened and said without giving much expression " Yeah, our ship was stolen, we will need another ship to set sail. Shishsihsishisi".

Nami was dumbfounded but quickly replied" Stolen? How do you even know that? You are staying here in the hotel. Besides, I just came back from the ship. I woke up early and sail by myself to test the speed of our ship. What do you mean stolen? You idiot. I was the one the rode our ship".

Luffy was left speechless." Eeeeeeeee. I went to the ship when I woke up but I don't see any signs of our ship so I thought it was stolen. So you mean that it wasn't lost but you just sail out to test the speed?"

Nami was furious " You idiot, I just told you that"

Zoro was still angry towards Luffy and look at him and said" You damn idiot captain. Don't just made up things if you don't have any proof. You ruined my mood so early in the morning, I'm going to need more booze to calm down".

Luffy was relieved hearing that their ship wasn't lost. He was already having lots of thoughts on how to alter some of his plans since they would need the flying Raijin on many of his plans.

Even with all the scoldings from his crewmates, he decided to play it cool and said "Oh so that is the case. I thought someone stole it.Shishishishishisi."

Zoro and Nami looked at Luffy and said" Idiot".

While Luffy was laughing at the expressions of his crew, Usopp entered the hotel and greet them.

"Yo, why are you guys shouting so early in the morning. Do you have any plans for the day?"

Nami looked and him and said" Don't know. Ask Luffy"

They all looked towards Luffy and when Luffy saw that he have their attention, he said" Hmmm. Apart from restocking our supplies, there is a certain pirate hiding in this island so I want to catch him. He is a kind of evil pirate that schemed against innocents and hurt them so I want to take him away before we leave East Blue".

Hearing this, Usopp was startled and a little scared so he asked" Is that really true. Is there a pirate in our village? If so, why haven't we heard anything about it?" He looked at Luffy and was curious.

Luffy clamly replied" He was known as Kuro of Hundred Plans. He is the captain of Black cat pirates. He even staged his capture and execution but you don't have to worry about anything. He's not even strong so I will take care of him soon. Shishishishishisi"

Usopp was relieved hearing this and couldn't help being grateful to Luffy but he doesn't want to show it so he faked his expression.

"Ahahaha, you don't have to worry about anything, if there are any evil pirates in this village, I the great captain Usopp will surely take care of them"

Nami intervened " Stop bluffing. Just let Luffy handle it, you don't even know who he is"

Usopp was left panic" Ahhhh! How did you figured that I was bluffing".

Both Luffy and Zoro were laughing and Luffy asked" By the way Usopp, are you Yassop's son?"

Usopp was startled by the sudden question. "How did you know my dad?"

"Shishishishi. I had a heard a lot about you. He can't stop saying things about you that even my ears are hurt."Luffy said while looking at Usopp.

Nami asked' So Luffy, how exactly did you knew Usopps father? It's weird how you have connections. You seem to have many secrets that you haven't tell us"

"Shishishishi. It's true that I have many things that I haven't tell you guys but don't worry. You will know all of them in the future. And regarding Usopp's father, he was a sniper in Shanks crew. Shanks is one of the four emperors of the sea. They came to our village while I was a little boy. I was a good friend with them all"

The others that listened to Luffy were hit with yet another surprise. They forgot about Usopp's father and were concentrating on the part 'emperors of the sea'.

All of them shouted" Ehhhh!!!!! Emperors of the sea? When you said Shanks, do you mean Red hair Shanks of the New world. You surely are mysterious. So if you are friends with them, they won't attack us right? It will be good to have an emperor as an alliance. This is so going to be cool"

They bombarded Luffy with lots of questions and he answered to all of their questions. They ask many things about his personal life too which Luffy answered without any hesitation.

They spent the entire morning asking questions to Luffy and after they stopped, their admiration for Luffy went up a notch.

Usopp suddenly exclaimed" Ahhh. I remember something I have to do. I will meet you guys in the evening. It's really important. Hahaha" he ran off without hearing any of them reply.

Luffy also stand up and said" Let's go, Lets quickly gather our supplies and take care of the hiding pirate. We don't need to spend a long time in this village."

Nami and Zoro stand up and followed Luffy. Luffy suddenly pulled out 10 million berries from his storage ring any Nami was so happy she almost bowed before Luffy.

Luffy wasn't short of money. He could just buy them from the system shop. The conversion rate was clearly in his favour because he could exchange one fate point with 10,000 berries so he wasn't worried about spending.

"Nami, take this money and buy lots of food. Remember I eat a lot and if we don't have lots of food, we will always be in trouble. Since you are our ship's treasurer, I will give you money to manage in the future but spend this first. You don't have to save anything because I have a lot you won't even imagined. Shishishishisi" Luffy said while looking at Nami.

Namis was overjoyed hearing this so she hug Luffy and said" Yes yes yes. You are the best captain. I am going to be rich thanks to you. Hahahaha"

Zoro also smiled and said" Our journey will be a lot easier if we don't need to worry about money". He looked at Luffy and was satisfied that he chose to follow Luffy.

All of them went out from the hotel and started gathering lots of goods from the village. They buy almost everything from the food markets in the village and the villagers were happy with them. Nami couldn't stop smiling since they have lots of money and even after they buy lots of things, they have spent only 2 million at most.

When Luffy told her that she could keep all the remaining berries, she almost cried with joy and couldn't stop admiring him in her heart.

They finished to restock their supplies at noon and went back to their ship to put the goods that they bought.

Luffy decided to capture Kuro and asked them" I am going to take care of the pirate that I mentioned before. Do you guys want to come with me?"

They both answered" Why not. There's nothing to do here so why not tag along".

They walked out from the ship and walk towards a villa at the centre of the village. Luffy strecthed out his arms to grab the gate of the Luffy so he told both of them to grab him they made an entrance with the gum gum rocket.

When they were about to land, Nami was scared thinking that they might crash hard but Luffy suddenly inflates his body like a balloon and they land safely.

They saw Usopp sitting near a girl and both of them were looking Luffy and his crew with amazement.

Usopp broke the silence and said" Ehh. What are you guys doing here?"

Luffy answered" We have finished restocking our supplies so we came here to capture the pirate that I mentioned before"

Usopp felt something was going on but don't know exactly what so he asked" What do you mean? There are no pirates here. This is Kaya, she is my friend and besides her, only their butler lived in this villa. Is the pirate hiding here in the villa?"

Everyone was loss for words and don't know what to say. While they were looking at each other with an awkward expression, a man suddenly came out from the villa. He was dressed with a black suit and looked like a fine gentleman. This man was the butler of Kaya's family.

Luffy looked at Zoro and calmly said" Zoro, that guy is the pirate that I mentioned before. He's not particularly strong so treat this as a training and try to take him down within ten minutes".

Nami asked" Luffy are you sure he's the pirate because he doesn't look like a pirate at all. You might mistake him for someone else"

Kuro was still feigning ignorance and claimed" Yes young sir, as the lady had said, you might have mistaken me for someone else. I am simply a butler."

The air was tense and everyone was looking at Luffy.

Usopp spoke" Oi oi oi Luffy, you can't just come up with nonesense and claimed someone to be a pirate. I won't forgive you even if you are my friend"

Luffy was still calm and said' This guy is know as Kuro of the thousand plans. He is the captain of the black cat pirates. Three years ago, he staged his death and hide here so that he could control Kaya's family's wealth."

Everyone was looking at Luffy and Kuro and doesn't know what to do.

Kuro finally laughed and said" Brat, You talk and lot and you even managed to figure out my identity. But everyone here will pay because of you. I am going to kill you all. One week from now, my crew will come to this place and everyone will suffer. Hahahaha"

Hearing this, everyone was surprised. They don't know how Luffy figured out all this but they start to look Kuro with enmity.

Zoro grab his sword and said" So training it is. Just wait untill I cut him up"

Luffy said" Try to use your haki as much as possible".

He replied" Yeah" and started running towards Kuro.


Kuzan,one of the admirals of the Navy was asking Garp " So Garp-san, do you really think that I couldn't defeat you Grandson in a fight"

Garp was laughing hard" hahaha. You wouldn't even hold a candle. I told you he's truly a monster. Hahaha"

All the marines present were surprised hearing this. Kuzan, also known as Aokiji was a powerhouse to them. His title as an admiral of the sea is not a joke. Many of them had seen him fighting and if he couldn't hold a candle to Garp's Grandson who is clearly a rookie, they did not know what to imagine at this encounter.

Some of them think ' Vice admiral Garp's families are truly monster'


(A/N: I haven't been able to post any chapter because I broke my laptop. Since I've finally repaired it, I will be posting daily from now.

And thank you all for reading this piece of crap.)