
Reborn as Luffy : I am the Sun God Nika

Transmigrating as Luffy in the world of One piece knowing that I am the SUN GOD. With the help of a great system, there are many things I would like to change. Let's go through the events in One piece with a Stronger Luffy and future knowledge. I stand for One Man, One Heart, One Love. There will be no harem. Luffy will be a walking disaster.

Emojin_Zadeng · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Thief 2

Time passed while Zoro and Nami continued their training. They were both serious in their training. Even Nami was starting to feel her haki and was in a great mood.

When the Sun was high up above us, we Finally reach loguetown.

I told Nami and Zoro to stop their training and go to the town. They simply nod and we each walk different ways.


I knew that Loguetown is the place where Roger was executed so I want to tee it with my own eyes. When I step into the town, I was wondering whether I should let the events go as the Manga or not. If I decided that to speed run this town, I might not meet my father 'Monkey D.Dragon'. After a long moment of thinking, I decided to let fate play itself out and I will just go with the flow.

I walked towards an empty bar and talked with an old man for a few minutes before smoker came crashing my mood. I walked out of the bar without creating any trouble and went towards the central plaza. There was nothing that make me interested so I went back to the ship and wait for my crew mates.

I think Buggy wasn't present in Loguetown so I decided to set sail. After Zoro and Nami came back, I told them that we should go and they accepted so we move out to the next island.


At marineford, a man with a seagull at the top of his head was shouting at the top of his lungs "Garp you bastard. Does your family have the hobby of creating trouble for me?"

"Buhahahaha!!! I don't even understand what you are trying to say. Buhahaha!!" a man said while eating rice crackers. Besides this man was an old woman who have a dignified and calm expression.

These people were The fleet admiral Sengoku, Garp and Tsuru.

They were having lunch at Sengoku's office.

While they were reminiscing the old days, one marine soldier ran inside the office and gave a report to Sengoku.

When Sengoku saw the report he was furious. The report was the incident about Luffy's encounter with Morgans. He couldn't help curse Garp for the work of his Grandson.

If news like this were to be leaked, it is certain that the reputation of the Marines will take a huge dip so he can't let it leaked no matter what.

He threw the report towards Garp and said" Look at what your family has done again. As if your son wasn't enough, even your grandson had become a pirate and start creating trouble. We should suppress him before he's at large. Many people still wouldn't know that he is a pirate, so we should look for him immediately. I will send a single ship to chase him. Since he is your grandson, I will forgive him if he change his mind and stop being a pirate but if he doesn't want to stop and fight back, don't blame me". He was angry and had a really serious expression.

Garp wasn't serious in the least. He started laughing which made Sengoku even more furious.

"Buhahahah!!!! Supress my Grandson!! Buhahaha! Don't try to bother it. Don't send anyone. It's pointless. The results will be casualties on our side. Buhahaha" Garp said with any care which made Sengoku even more angry. Tsuru had a serious expression and asked" Garp what do you mean casualties on our side. Since he is still young, why should he be that strong? Is there something you don't tell us"

Sengoku intervened" Hell with you Garp. You better made it clear what do you mean. Do you intend to say that your Grandson could demolish an entire crew on his own?" he was fuming and clearly angry towards Garp.

Garp laughed" Buhahah! An entire crew!!! Buhahah!! Even if you send the three admirals, the results will be the same! Buhaha! That brat is a monster on his own rights. He swat away my Galaxy impact punch like it was a fly. Buhahah! What an entire crew? He could destroy Marineford if he wish so! Buhahaha!! I don't have the confidence to say that I could take him myself!! Pupu Buhahahaha!!"

Garp was laughing while saying all that but Tsuru and Sengoku were thinking hard and have a grave expression. If Garp evaluates him that high, that only meant one thing. He is a monster. The problem was that even though he is the Grandson of the Marine hero, He is a pirate.

If words get out, there could be some serious misunderstanding. Sengoku couldn't help cursing Garp. He grab Garp at his collar and shout" You bastard, if he is that strong, why don't you let him join the Marines. Are you trying to joke with me you damn old fossil. Every generation of your family is a problem". He was angry and doesn't know what to do.

At that moment, Tsuru intervened and said" Garp, if what you said is true. We can't simply sit and wait for him to be at large. We need to do something"

Garp was still laughing which made Sengoku more and more furious" Buhahaha. I know. Let me go to persuade him one more time. If I couldn't persuade him, you can take action as you want. Buhahahaha"

Sengoku was still mad at Garp but years of his experience made him think straight and he knew that if they could persuade Luffy to join the Marines, The Navy will have one more powerhouse. Since Luffy was still in East Blue and haven't done much, he could erase his past mistake so he decided to bet on Garp to persuade his grandson.

" Garp,listen well. If you can persuade him to join the marines, we could gave him a high position from the start. But don't blame me if you can't persuade him. You know the consequence clearly. Take Momonga and Kuzan with you and try your best" Sengoku said with a serious expression. He was still holding Garp at his collar and look at him with an angry expression.

Garp was still laughing and said" Buhahaha!! I'll try. But don't expect too much. That Brat was always shouting saying he will be the King of Pirates so it might be hard to convince him. Buahaha!"

Hearing the words' King of Pirates' Sengoku and Tsuru have a more grave expression. They knew what that title holds and what it means. Since Garp said that Luffy was a monster, they knew very well that he is going to be crazy strong. Not many people can be praised by the hero of the Marines. So if Garp acknowledge his strength, he is in line to success the title ' King of Pirates' because he was the one that confront The late King of Pirates the most.

"You bastard, just go and do your damn job" Sengoku couldn't hold his anger and was worried that Luffy would do something huge before they could meet him.

Garp decided to leave and Sengoku felt like his soul was slowly leaving his body.

"Tsuru, I think I am too old for all this" he said while looking at the wall with a grave expression.


A huge white ship was sailing towards a certain island. There were three people boarding the ship.

Two of them were training hard while one was sitting and sunbathing at the deck.

This was the 'Flying Raijin' the ship of the Straw Hats.

A submarine was following this ship from the depths monitoring their every movement.

Inside the ship, Nami and Zoro were focused on their training. Zoro already had a deep understanding of haki and what it could do while Nami was still a bit behind in their training.

Looking at them, Luffy was contend with their progress. He knew that to master haki, they would need some push and a real fight will be the best to provide them a great push. He will soon let them experience it.

He had detected that there was a submarine following them from below but doesn't take it seriously because he doesn't detect any threats from them. He doesn't sense any strong presence so he just let them be. He was sure that it was Vegapunks ship so he want to see what they were after.

After a long day of sailing, they reach the island they were heading for.

It was known as Syrup Village. The Village wasn't large and was located at the cost of the Island.

When the ' Flying Raijin' docked at the coast, it attracted a lot of attention because it was huge and look amazing. The villagers were looking at the ship and were admiring it because they had never seen a ship like this one.

The problem was that there was a pirate Jolly Roger on the ship. When the villagers saw the Straw Hats insignia and the ship, they think it belong to a large crew and were scared that they would offend them so they ran back towards their ship and hide inside their houses.

They do not want to attract the pirates and fear of offending let them hide.

Almost everyone was afraid and ran away from the ship but there was a person still looking at the ship from a cliff near the ship. Behind him were three children that stood proudly.

The man at front have a long nose and was looking at the ship admiring it.

A person from the ship's deck wearing a straw hat spoke to him" You, do you have any good bar in this village? We need to restock some of our supplies?"

These were Luffy and Usopp.

Usopp was scared but couldn't stop pretending" Damn filthy pirates, what are you trying to do here. If you think you can do whatever you want, you better stop dreaming. I have one million people that can follow my orders anytime."

His voice was shaking but still pretend to be brave. Luffy Just laugh at him and calmly spoke" You don't have to worry. We are not here to cause trouble, we only want to restock our supplies"

Hearing this, Usopp was a little at ease so he replied" Okay, if you won't create trouble, I will take you inside the village but you better behave well" his voice was still shaking.

Luffy called Zoro and Nami and introduce themselves. After a brief moment of introduction, they went towards the village and Usopp was acting as a sort of guide and was bragging a lot with lots of lies. The crew just laughed off.

When they reach village, they quickly went to the bar and since they were training a lot, Zoro was craving Alcohol so they drank to their hearts content.

Luffy decided to spend the night inside the village so they took a hotel room each and slept there. Nami and Zoro slept rather well since they were training hard. Luffy also enjoyed the peace and slept with comfort.

He woke up early and went towards the ship but something made him dumbfounded.

Their ship was gone. The Flying Raijin was lost.

Normal people won't be able to steal it because it have a weird mechanism which they won't understand.

He was thinking hard and finally have a conclusion.

'The only person who could stole their ship was the genius Vegapunk'. Vegapunks submarine was following them for the whole day so it it possible that he stole it.

He was thinking hard on what to. There are many things that he could do right now. If he chase them, with his strength and speed, he could easily catch up to them but he doesn't know where they went.

He could buy a new ship from the system since he have lot's of fate points but on the other hand, this could also let him use the Going Merry and The Thousand Sunny like the manga. He was thinking hard on what to do.

After giving lots of thoughts. He decided to go with the flow.

'We will be using the Going Merry and that isn't a bad thing. I will soon pay a visit to Vegapunk. That damn thief. You better not hurt wonderful ship or else' he was cursing Vegapunk and decided to go back to the hotel to tell his crew that their ship was lost..


(Thank you for reading this piece of crap)