
Reborn as Jorah Mormont in GOT

Step into the extraordinary realm of ASOIAF, where a man emerges, destined to embody the legendary Jorah Mormont. Prepare to be captivated by the unfolding tale of his remarkable journey. What secrets lie within his past? What deeds did he undertake to reshape the world of Ice and Fire? Read next chapters at - patreon.com/ayrus2011 Unlock the mystery, embrace the adventure, and follow the path of the greatest Northern Lord, whose endeavours reverberated across the realms. Prepare to be enthralled as his tale weaves together elements of passion, power, and fate. Embark upon this spellbinding voyage, for within it lies the key to understanding the profound impact of his actions on the ever-changing world of Ice and Fire. The story begins...

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Later that evening, many riders left with the messages—most to the mountain clans and two to the White Harbor. From there, they will go directly to the Dragonstone bringing Lady Annara's handwritten letter to her family.

This might bring more people to Bear Island and solve the issues they are facing.


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"So, Lord Mormont is inviting all chiefs for a celebration? A celebration or what?"

"M'Lord, our troops at the Frozen Shore fought with the wildings clans over there and we have managed to free those lands from those animals. Lord Jorah has called the small celebration for this historic victory."

The rider drinking a large glass of cheap beer replied. Currently in the halls of the House Knott, the rider was explaining the orders of Lord Jorah to Lord Knott and his men.

A call for celebration without any prior information caught everyone off guard but after hearing this unbelievable news, the halls went silent. Everyone had lost their words and the rider who was drinking the beer realized the issue and looked around like a lost puppy.

"Stop drinking that beer and spit out the whole story Lad! What war? When did Lord Mormont send men to the Frozen Shore and fought with the wildings clans?"

Lord Knott, the chief of this clan roared angrily at the fool. How could he not speak about the war but drink beer like a thirsty foal?

"Aye! Apologies my lord. Let me think, the story begins with ..."

The rider began explaining the story of the whole war which he had heard from the legendary fifteen warriors who came back after the war.

This legend had been going around the Island and it is even printed in the books at Newton. How could we not know the details!

A similar scene is happening in the other six clans' halls.

All the seven clans of the mountain area received the riders and found the invitation and were impatient about the news of the war. While other Houses in the north may not fully understand the issues of wildings raids from the Frozen Shore, these mountain clans have a long history with them.

Hence, this legendary news became an overnight sensation in their clans. Many men drank beer and ate meat while many women cried that night. They were finally free from the wilding raids from the Frozen Shore, and they could freely fish there or trade with Bear Island.

The invitation for the celebration was also sent to the House Glover and House Tallhart and it was expected that the Lords would also come from these places.

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Jorah invited all these Lords for only one purpose, population. He wants to borrow men or ask them to settle in his new territory.

The Bear Island began preparation for the feast in a grand manner. Stones were laid out to cover the muddy roads, the boats were being painted new to show off their mighty power and fruits and vegetables were collected to present their rich meals.

Meat is not a delicacy in the north, but fruits and vegetables are rare. Thankfully, the farming on the Stony Shore has been going on for a long time and it was just the time for the harvest.

While Bear Island was busy in their own world of happiness, White Harbor was also undergoing a silent storm. Even though Lord Ned Stark refused their request for the new territory, the internal agreements with the lords in the north were already finalized.

A huge team of soldiers and sailors along with some merchants have begun to move out from the White Harbor and start making camps on the coast of Barrowlands, the Rills and other places.

The Manderly family plans to cover all the trade of the north under their hands and expand wildly in future. This silent movement had been hidden from Lord Ned but the spies in White Harbor immediately noticed the movement.

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There was also a woman who had been happily smiling these days in the New Castle, the castle of the House Manderly. After the long trip with her husband, she suddenly started puking and feeling moody.

The Master was immediately called, and he broke the news of the pregnancy and brought a wave of happiness to the House Manderly. However, the woman had been dreaming of the man who also put his seed inside her.

That man was a beast, an animal and possibly the real father of this child. Hopefully. Lady Leona would rather have a child with Lord Mormont than her husband. This is mainly because of the feature of Jorah that had attracted her.

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The men in the Manderly family are short, and chubby and have no features that can attract a woman, but Jorah is different. Taller, stronger and the weapons between his legs is far more powerful than the tiny shrimp her husband possesses.

Deep in the night when Jorah was sleeping, he heard some noise. The noise was hard to ignore, and the buzzing noise soon turned into loud yelling.

"What's happening Jorah?" Lady Annara asked who also woke up because of all the noise.

"I will check. You try to ignore it and sleep. The baby needs rest." Jorah spoke and left his chambers after giving a kiss to his wife.

He walked down the hall but found the soldiers running around in a hurry.

"What's the matter?" Jorah asked a soldier who was putting on his armour.

"M'Lord, the watchtower noticed longboats of the Ironborns." The soldier hastily replied.

"Move!" Jorah commanded angrily before grabbing the sword from the soldier and running out.

He attracted more soldiers who started following him and their team soon reached the shores where the soldiers were already prepared and waiting for the Ironmen.

"Steven? Tory? Who's in command here?" Jorah asked loudly.

"Lord, I am here!" Tory came running after hearing Jorah.

"Good. Prepare the men. Tonight, if any Ironborn land on our shores, they should not go back alive!"

Jorah ordered and Tory immediately rushed back to the main army. Meanwhile, soldiers brought armour and Longclaw for Jorah.

The time passed slowly but the Ironborns finally came into sight. A small team of ten longboats with the large white sails of their drowned gods. Somehow these bastards managed to evade the ships at Stony Shore and other watch towers but thankfully, they were noticed before they landed.

There is a tall watch tower on top of the Bear Island that is used to keep a watch around the waters of the island, and it was built after the wildings settled there. Now, it proven its usefulness.

Before the Ironborns landed, the soldiers at the shore were already prepared. Plus, Great Walrus also bought his men to join this battle. They missed the last chance to show off their bravery but this time, they were also prepared.

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"No one attacks, no one speaks, and no one charges until my command!" Jorah gave the orders to Tory who passed on these words and their army became a silent hunter under the cover of the night.

The Island which had been noisy before also became 'normal' and Ironborns confidently drove their ships towards the coast without any fears.

They have prepared for this raid for some time, and they knew these bears had collected a lot of food, coppers, and boats. It's time for the bears to pay the Iron price!