
Reborn as Jorah Mormont in GOT

Step into the extraordinary realm of ASOIAF, where a man emerges, destined to embody the legendary Jorah Mormont. Prepare to be captivated by the unfolding tale of his remarkable journey. What secrets lie within his past? What deeds did he undertake to reshape the world of Ice and Fire? Read next chapters at - patreon.com/ayrus2011 Unlock the mystery, embrace the adventure, and follow the path of the greatest Northern Lord, whose endeavours reverberated across the realms. Prepare to be enthralled as his tale weaves together elements of passion, power, and fate. Embark upon this spellbinding voyage, for within it lies the key to understanding the profound impact of his actions on the ever-changing world of Ice and Fire. The story begins...

ayrus2011 · Book&Literature
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The Struggling Squid!


The Island which had been noisy before also became 'normal' and Ironborns confidently drove their ships towards the coast without any fears.

They have prepared for this raid for some time, and they knew these bears had collected a lot of food, coppers, and boats. It's time for the bears to pay the Iron price!

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The Ironborns were led by Aeron Greyjoy. Aeron is the younger brother of Balon Greyjoy and Balon is the current Lord of the Iron Islands. Hence, no one can challenge his commands or question his orders.

Aeron Greyjoy led his men on this raid and their mission is simple. They must make Bear Island pay the Iron price and take away all the wealth, women, and wood they have collected in the last few years.

His brother is preparing a massive fleet for their rebellion and these resources are very important. That bastard Baratheon raised his rebellion and became a king, why can't Ironborn do the same?

Besides, in the last few years, they have had a close watch on these bears. Their trade has flourished, they have been farming even on distant lands and they are collecting all the furs and wood they can find. These bastards are basically swimming in gold. The gold that should be theirs.

"Follow me, don't startle the bears yet. We must gather enough loot before grabbing a few salt wives!" Aeron ordered and his men nodded before they jumped off their ship and dragged it to the shore. They left a few men behind to protect these ships while the rest of their forty-fifty-strong army, disappeared in the night.

Aeron was grinning and his axe was dancing in his fingers. He kept his men hidden in shadows and they moved silently. The first goal is the warehouse where the bears must have kept their precious items.

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Meanwhile, Jorah divided his own men. One team is led by Tory and their main goal is the ships. Those longboats are the only way out for these Ironborns and once Tory captures them, Jorah is sure to kill even the last dancing squid.

Tory took the men and they ran in the night for the waters. Dropping their armour and only keeping the sword in their mouths, one by one they started jumping in the sea and swimming for the boats.

The water was cold but they can bear it. Tory and his men disappeared into the black waters while Jorah kept moving back with his team. He wanted Aeron Greyjoy to move deep into their territory with his pirates so that he can cut off their way back.

Frankly, at this point, just a team of archers can finish off these bastards but shooting arrows at night is troublesome and he is not ready to take chances with these mad dogs. Once they realise, they have no way out, they might rush straight into the fishermen's villages and start a massacre.

Jorah raised his hand, giving out a signal meaning to hold positions. Then he silently watched as he saw the leader of these Ironborns, Aeron Greyjoy. The tall thin man with a long beard, juggling his own axe and moving towards their warehouse.


Jorah cursed but he held on to his position. The warehouse is basically filled with some of the best quality food they have kept for the coming feast. Honey, milk and even fresh fruits and vegetables. These are all precious beyond words. You can't even buy these in the north even with a sack full of gold.

The Ironmen moved swiftly and they quickly reached the warehouse but Aeron stopped his men.

"Come out! I know you must be hiding around!"

After speaking, Aeron quickly took out another axe from his belt and held his weapons tightly.

His men knew something was wrong when Aeron spoke like that and they all prepared themselves for a fight. Aeron's eyes kept trying to pierce the shadows and locate his prey but the shadows didn't move.

However, his guts were telling him that he was being watched by another hunter.

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An arrow suddenly came out moving straight for Aeron's head but he quickly dodged and jumped sideways. Aeron's gamble paid off. The minute his men reached the warehouse he felt this was a trap. No men guarding the coast, no men attacking them while they walked deep into the bear's territory and most obviously, no men guarding the warehouses. It had to be a trap.

Jorah knew his plans were seen through but he couldn't figure out how. It didn't matter now.


Jorah let out his roar and his men shot the arrows straight for their targets. The arrows were like the rain of the night, falling and harvesting these Ironborns but Aeron Greyjoy was not scared.

"Take cover. Move back.  Light the torches and burn everything around!"

The Ironborns were neither cowards nor fools. They immediately took cover and started lighting up the torches while others ran to cover their commander Aeron. However, there was one thing they misjudged.

It was the number of their enemy.

One by one, soldiers wearing armour and swinging steel swords rushed out of the darkness and the Ironborn also rushed to confront these bears but Aeron Greyjoy quickly realised his mistake. He quickly heard the sound of the coming army, their shouts and their marching were enough to shake his heart.

"Rush back! Rush back! This is a trap! Burn down their warehouse now!"

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Aeron grabbed the men in front of him and dragged him away from the fight. Running and escaping with his life on line, Aeron Greyjoy smashed anything that came in his path. He even pushed one of his men to cover for him when he saw an archer shooting arrows from the front.


Throwing his axe straight into the neck of the fucking archer, Aeron swiftly dodged the attacks and kicked another attacker before running once again. He knew there was no meaning in fighting and he must rush back to his boat if he wanted to save his life.

At this time, Jorah and his men attacked the Ironborn in front of the warehouse and managed to kill these squids. However, these bastards in such a short time managed to throw their torches inside.

"Walrus! I want that commander's head!" Jorah loudly ordered to the Great Walrus who nodded before running off with his men to hunt down Aeron Greyjoy. Jorah couldn't leave this place.

"Break down that wall! And the rest of you, go grab some buckets with water. Wake up everyone around the area and make them fetch water. Go!"

Jorah immediately ordered his men while slashing a joint on the burning wooden wall. The old warehouse had dry wood inside and the fire was raging with every passing minute. Jorah just couldn't afford the loss.

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