
Reborn as Hagrid! AU.

Waking up in Azkaban as Hagrid in 1943, facing the terrors of Azkaban, and dealing with his isolation. How will the new Hagrid deal with the wizarding world and what changes will he bring? Disclaimer: Harry Potter belongs to JKR. I own nothing but my OC'S. The picture doesn't belong to me. If you want me to remove it, just leave a comment.

jaliko · Book&Literature
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18 Chs

Chapter 10

Bob Ogden looked at the the old man in silence. He couldn't understand why the old man would lie to him. After all, there are only two outcomes for his lies either a Dementor's Kiss, or a Death Cell execution.

One would cause the victim's soul to break, like a shattered mirror, denying the victim any chance of an afterlife, and the other would keep the victim mesmerized while it corroded him or her alive.

Some would say that both methods are equally horrifying, and others would say that a Dementor's Kiss is more horrifying. But, only those who died under such cruelty will know the truth.

"Why are you doing this?! You should know the consequences. Moreover, old man, you will be a free man in five year. So, who are you trying to protect? Tell me!" Bob asked in a raised voice.

Bob looked at the old man like he wanted to eat him alive. But, the old man just stared at him stubbornly. The old man had no fear making Bob wonder if he lost his ability to intimidate people.

"I used Legilimency to control them, but they lost control. I'm not trying to protect anyone. Besides, why do you care?! You want to close the case, and I want to die. So, stop pretending like you care about what truly happened more than you care about keeping your reputation." The old man coldly said with a sharp glint in his eyes.

Bob almost flinched from the old man stare, but he managed to keep his calm expression.

"Patrick Gerard, a pure blood with no children or extended family. You had a good career as an Alchemist after you inherited your family's workshop. However, you went crazy one day, and killed five muggles. Reason for the murders is unknown. You sure are cold blooded! But, that makes me wonder why you're trying to protect the real culprit?! I know you didn't do it. SPEAK THE TRUTH!" Bob shouted trying to intimidate the old man.

"There is no real culprit. I did it!" Patrick said with irritation.

Patrick knows what kind of man, Bob, is in reality. He is someone who only cares about success. He couldn't care less if the suspect is guilty or not.

So, this whole" Tell me who's the real culprit," is not fooling him.

"Alright, I understands. It seems that I'm being underestimated. Thirteen prisoners died yesterday, thirteen! Do you honestly think you can just claim that you did it without repercussions?! If you're not going to tell the truth, then I will extract it from your mind. Legilimens!" Bob yelled while pointing his wand at Patrick, trying to pry the truth.

However, Patrick just looked at him in silence. He stared right into Bob's eyes without a care in the world.

"You're still too green, boy. You will never break into this old man's mind. How do you think I managed to control the dementors? Do you think I spent the last nine years in prison doing nothing?! No. I spent my time in prison honing my mind. So, let's end this farce before you lose your reputation, boy." Patrick said with unconcealed contempt.

Bob thought about torturing him, but he knew the consequences. If the old man tells the court that he tortured him, his brilliant career would be over. Bob hesitated for a while before deciding to let the Wizengamot deal with the old man.

"Fine, You want to die? Then, I will gladly help you. You will be the Wizengamot's responsibility from now on." Bob said with a venomous tone.

Bob wanted nothing more then to see the old man suffer. He couldn't understand why anyone would want to die in such a frightening way.

Bob got up and left the room. He looked at his Aurors and started barking orders.

"Return the prisoners to their cells. And you... yes, you. contact the Ministry and have them send an escort team. Tell them that the culprit is highly trained in mind arts, powerful enough to control dementors." Bob speculated that the old man might use this chance to escape, so he decided to let someone else escort him.

"Yes, sir" The Aurors shouted in response.

They cast admiring glances at Bob, and Bob enjoyed every last one of them. He felt his anger subsidie as he enjoyed their admiring looks.

Meanwhile, Hagrid just stared in stupification at what's unfolding infront of him. He was so amazed his calm facade slipped, and he almost shouted in joy. However, he quickly cleared his mind, restoring his calm face.

Bob noticed Hagrid's change, but attributed it to how fast he solved the case. After all, what bob enjoys the most is people admiring him.

Hagrid thought that this might be a trick, but to what end he didn't know. Fearing that he might be watched, he decided not to use his pouch for a while. As far as he is concerned, this is all a trick to catch him red handed.

The Aurors escorted the prisoners back to their cells. However, some prisoners had to be stunned and dragged. Being interrogated or living with dementors, which one will you choose?

Meanwhile, Bob just stared at Patrick in silence in a last ditch effort to get the truth. Before he was escorted to Wizengamot, Bob wanted to hear the truth from him.

"I already gave the order. You will be on trial in a couple of hours. So, do you mind telling me why you're doing this while we wait. This is not a trick. I'm just curious why you want to die." Bob spoke in a soothing and calm tone, trying to earn Patrick's trust.

Patrick just looked at him with a deranged smile on his face before he said something in an eerie voice. Something that Bob will never forget. "Life is an endless cycle of reincarnation. The cycle never ends.... Hahaha.. Hahaha. The cycle never ends. Hahaha."

"Fuck you! I hope you get kissed by a dementors. Fucking bastard," Bob shouted trying to elevate his fear. Bob slammed the table, and left the room not wanting to spend another second with the crazy bastard.