
Reborn As Hades (DxD)

An OC-Inserted into the Greek God of the Underworld, Hades in the AU version of Highschool DxD

illyisabot · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Hestia' Awakening

Despite the fear that still lingered, a small smile touched Hestia's lips. Her brother, for all his coldness, was her only companion in this desolate realm. Perhaps, together, they could find a way to survive and eventually escape this prison. Looking around their new home, a spark of determination ignited within her. It was time to explore and learn. This might be a prison, but it was also their new reality, and Hestia, goddess of the hearth, wouldn't let it extinguish their hope.


[Hades POV]

Dawn, or at least what passed for it in this eternally oppressive realm, cast an unwelcome grey over the obsidian walls of our newly expanded haven. The acidic mist swirling outside painted a grotesque sunrise against the cavern ceiling. As I lay on the makeshift bed, eyes closed, I could practically feel Hestia stirring in the opposite corner. This new arrival, my long-lost sister, was an unexpected development in this desolate prison. Fear was still etched on her face, a natural reaction to my admittedly gruff demeanor. But beneath the surface, I sensed the flicker of a kindred spirit, a potential ally in this unforgiving place.

A sigh escaped my lips. There was much to teach her, much she needed to understand about this infernal reality. Rising, I brushed the obsidian dust off my robe and walked towards the cavern's center, a space I had painstakingly sculpted through sheer willpower. Here, the fumes were minimal, allowing for a semblance of clear thought.

Hestia's footsteps caught up with me, a hesitant rustle against the rough floor. "Brother?" she said, her voice still laced with a touch of uncertainty.

I turned to face her, forcing a neutral expression. "Hestia. We have much to discuss."

She nodded, her dark eyes searching mine. "I understand," she replied, a faint tremor in her voice.

"First," I began, my voice low, "let's address this concept of divinity. You, being a goddess, possess innate knowledge of this. But perhaps a deeper understanding wouldn't hurt."

Hestia seemed surprised. "Divinity," she murmured, the word carrying a weight of responsibility. "It is the essence of who we are, the power that defines our domain."

"Precisely," I replied. "But it goes beyond mere power. Divinity is a form of… ownership, control. You are Hestia, goddess of the Hearth. Fire, warmth, the sanctity of home – these fall under your domain. You can manipulate them, shape them to your will. But it's deeper than that. You have a certain… authority over these concepts."

I paused, searching for the right words. "Imagine a mortal sorcerer, skilled in fire magic. They can conjure flames, manipulate heat. Impressive, no doubt. But that same sorcerer tries to cast a fire spell against you, the goddess of the hearth. Their flames will simply… cease to exist. You, by virtue of your divinity, hold dominion over the essence of fire itself. Their magic, impressive as it may be, cannot hold a candle to the power you wield."

Hestia nodded slowly, a flicker of understanding dawning in her eyes. "So it's about mastery, not just power… about understanding the very essence of what we represent."

"Exactly," I said, a small flicker of satisfaction flickering within me. She was quick, despite the circumstances. "Now," I continued, my voice firm, "let's get to the task at hand. Unlocking your divinity."

A flicker of apprehension crossed her features. "Unlocking? How?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

I gestured towards the center of the chamber. "Here," I said. "In this crucible that is Cronus' prison, we will force your divinity to the forefront. It will be a harsh process, a test of your will and your spirit. Are you ready?"

A flicker of admiration danced in my eyes as Hestia met my gaze, her chin held high despite the tremor in her voice. "I am," she declared, the fear replaced by a steely resolve. "Let's begin."

"Unlike me," I began, my voice low and steady, "you won't face this alone. The shackles placed upon your divinity are potent, but I have spent a significant amount of time weakening them. Now, it's up to you to resonate with your essence, to awaken it from its slumber. You must force it to break free from those shackles and become one with you, as it was always meant to be."

Hestia's eyes narrowed in concentration. The air crackled with nervous energy as she positioned herself on the obsidian floor, her eyes closed. Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly, settling into a state of deep meditation.

Without delay, I knelt behind her, placing a hand on her back. The touch sent a jolt through me – a stark contrast to the chilling emptiness that had become my norm within this prison. Focusing all my energy, I began to channel my own divine power - the power of the underworld itself. It pulsed through me, a dark tide of raw energy.

I carefully directed a portion of this power towards Hestia, directing it not to overwhelm her, but to act as a beacon. To ignite a spark within the dormant wellspring of her divinity. I envisioned the very essence of the hearth – warmth, comfort, the burning heart of a home. These images swirled within my mind, intermingling with the dark power coursing through me, hoping to create a bridge between Hestia and the fire within her.

As I channeled my energy, I could feel a resistance. A faint echo of Cronus' power, a web of chains woven from despair and hopelessness. With each surge of my power, the chains strained, groaning under the pressure. But they held firm.

Uncertainty gnawed at me. Was I doing this right? Was I pushing her too hard? But then, a faint warmth blossomed around Hestia, a flicker of light that seemed to emanate from within her. A surge of joy washed over me. She was responding!

The warmth intensified, growing in intensity with each passing second. The chains that had bound her divinity began to glow red hot, their very structure warping under the strain. Hestia's body tensed, a gasp escaping her lips. I knew she was on the cusp, the final push required to break free.

Mustering every last shred of my strength, I channeled everything I had into Hestia. The cavern floor tremored under the strain, the air thickening with an oppressive power. With a deafening crack, the chains shattered, disintegrating into wisps of dark smoke that dissipated into the cavern's gloom.

A blinding light erupted from Hestia, engulfing us both. I shielded my eyes with an arm, a surge of relief washing over me. When the light subsided, I looked down at Hestia, my hand still resting on her back.

Her eyes were open now, glowing with an inner fire. A warmth emanated from her, a comforting aura that seemed to banish the chill of the cavern. A small smile touched her lips, a genuine emotion that sent a strange warmth through my own chest.

"Hestia," I said, my voice rough with emotion, "you did it. Your divinity is awakened."

[Hestia' POV]

Hades' explanation about divinities, the chains Cronus laced them with, and the awakening process settled heavily on my shoulders. Unlike him, I wouldn't be alone – he'd weaken the chains while I focused on awakening my divinity. But a pang of sadness struck me. He didn't have that luxury. He'd broken free on his own, endured this harsh environment without guidance.

Nodding, I settled onto the chilled obsidian floor, closing my eyes and focusing on my core. Fear mingled with anticipation as I felt Hades' hand touch my back. Unlike the searing anger I expected, his energy was a calm, dominating cold. It wasn't threatening, but it filled me with a sense of awe, of power harnessed and controlled.

As the cold energy flowed into me, it began to course through my body, seeking a target. Then, I felt it – the chains binding my divinity. They were invisible, but I felt their resistance, a cold constriction around something warm and vital. As the flow of Hades' energy increased, the coldness intensified, almost overwhelming. Fear pricked at the edges of my consciousness. Was this part of the process? A desperate flicker of worry crossed my mind, but I quelled it. Hades wouldn't hurt me.

But then, a chilling silence descended. The flow of energy stopped, plunging me into a darkness so profound it almost stole my breath. Panic clawed at me, but I fought it, clinging to the belief that this was part of the process. And slowly, a new sensation began to bloom within the darkness.

A warmth. A gentle, flickering warmth like the embers of a freshly lit hearth. It filled me with a sense of comfort, a familiar energy that resonated deep within my soul. This wasn't just warmth, it was home, it was sanctuary. It was my divinity.

The warmth grew, spreading through me like a sunrise, chasing away the last vestiges of darkness. It pulsed within me, a potent wellspring of power waiting to be tapped. The silence remained, but it was no longer oppressive. It was a waiting, an invitation to connect with this newly awakened part of myself.

Then, with a surge that felt both exhilarating and exhausting, the warmth stabilized. I opened my eyes, a gasp escaping my lips. My body was bathed in a soft, golden light emanating from within. I felt… different. Empowered.

Across from me, Hades stood silent, his expression unreadable. But then, I saw it – a flicker. A hint of something that resembled… happiness? Maybe it was wishful thinking, but my awakened divinity seemed to grant me a deeper sense of him, of the emotions he held beneath the surface.

"It seems like everything went well," he stated, his voice neutral. "The awakening usually takes a toll on the body. Take some rest. Familiarize yourself with your newfound abilities."

Rest. It sounded divine. My body felt drained, my mind buzzing with the experience. With a grateful smile, I settled down on the obsidian floor, letting the warmth of my hearth divinity envelop me. It was time to explore this power, to truly understand what it is like to be a goddess.


Chapter Length- 1,616 Words

Author's Message: Please do consider voting for my book if you have enjoyed it and make sure to leave a comment to let me know your thoughts about the story....