
Reborn As Hades (DxD)

An OC-Inserted into the Greek God of the Underworld, Hades in the AU version of Highschool DxD

illyisabot · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Exploring The Stomach and Divinities

With a deep breath, Hades reached out and touched the blue screen. It dissolved into a shower of shimmering particles, leaving him alone in the echoing cavern. The silence was no longer oppressive, but a canvas waiting to be filled with the symphony of his newfound complexity. He was a god, yes, but he was also a being of experience, of conflicting emotions. And in this strange new world, he would have to learn to be both.


The cavern walls pulsed with a sickly green luminescence, casting grotesque shadows that danced across the uneven floor. The air hung heavy with the metallic tang of blood and the acrid bite of sulfur. It was a world born of violence and decay, a fitting reflection of the memories that now swirled within me.

I, Hades, or at least some twisted reflection of him, stood amidst this desolate realm. This grotesque mockery of a stomach, I realized with a surge of disgust, was apparently my current prison. Gone were the comforting memories of Luke, replaced by the cold fury of a usurped god. Yet, beneath that simmering anger, a flicker of curiosity remained. What secrets did this twisted labyrinth hold?

With a determined stride, I began my exploration. The ground beneath my feet shifted, a mosaic of jagged black rock and bone-white sand. Pools of emerald acid bubbled menacingly, their caustic fumes stinging my nostrils. In the distance, a river of molten rock flowed sluggishly, its fiery glow casting an infernal light.

How long I wandered, I couldn't say. Time seemed to lose all meaning in this oppressive environment. The rhythmic pulse of the acid falls and the mournful groans of the cavern itself became the only markers of the passage of… something. Hunger gnawed at me, a primal need I didn't understand, but the thought of sustenance in this wasteland was revolting.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, a sliver of hope emerged. A faint trickle of sound reached my ears, a melody of tinkling water amidst the cacophony of the underworld. My pace quickened, following the sound to a hidden crevice where a crystal-clear stream snaked its way through the rock.

I knelt beside the water, cupping my hands to drink. The cool liquid was a godsend, washing away the grime and the ever-present taste of sulphur. As I pulled back, gasping in relief, my reflection caught my eye in the still water.

A jolt of surprise ran through me. Staring back was the face of a teenager, barely out of his teens. Crimson eyes, the color of fresh blood, gleamed with a nascent power. Short, raven hair framed a face that, while undeniably handsome, held a hint of childish innocence that clashed with the steely glint in his eyes. My body, lean and muscular, spoke of the inherent power coursing through my veins – a gift from my Olympian heritage.

But then came the stark realization – I was naked. The raw vulnerability of it sent a flush of… what was it? Shame? Discomfort? Emotions I hadn't expected to experience flooded through me. This wasn't Luke's awkward teenage fumbling; this was the self-consciousness of a potential god-king, albeit one in a rather undignified state.

Drawing on the vast reserves of power I could now sense within me, a power that felt both alien and exhilarating, I focused intently. The air crackled with unseen energy as I willed a garment into existence. It wasn't much – a simple black robe and matching hood, plain and devoid of ornamentation. Yet, it provided the necessary cover and a touch of regality that felt oddly fitting for my new role.

I covered my head with the hood of the robe, the thin fabric a meager shield against the oppressive heat. My body, no longer Luke's familiar frame but a vessel filled with raw, untapped power, demanded protection. Every crevice of my being thrummed with chaotic energy, begging for release.

This power. It was both exhilarating and terrifying. I yearned to understand it, to master it. But whenever I attempted to tap into its full potential, a suffocating pressure slammed down, constricting my chest and stealing my breath. This suppression, I realized with a growing sense of frustration, was likely Cronus' handiwork, a cruel leash to keep me tethered and powerless.

For now, brute force was out of the question. I needed a different approach. Patience, a trait never associated with the impulsive Hades of legend, would be my new weapon. Instead of forcing the power open, I focused on honing my control, channeling the chaotic energy into a steady current. It felt like trying to wrangle a wild beast, but with each passing moment, the flow became a little smoother, a little more predictable.

Pushing aside my frustrations with the suppressed divinity, I turned my attention to a more immediate need - shelter. The cavern, despite its horrors, was no place to leave myself exposed. Closing my eyes, I pictured a simple hut, its walls sturdy enough to offer protection from the elements, yet small enough to be manageable. Then, I focused the newfound control of my power, weaving it through the image in my mind.

A tingling sensation spread through my body, a sensation that quickly intensified into a scorching heat. When I opened my eyes, blinking away the afterimages, I stared in disbelief. Before me stood a small hut, precisely as I had envisioned it. Its walls, constructed of a dark, volcanic rock, gleamed faintly in the green light filtering through the cavern. It wasn't much, but it was a start – a symbol of my defiance, a testament to my budding power.

Stepping inside, I felt a surge of satisfaction. This wasn't a palace, not yet. But it was a space carved from the very essence of my being, a refuge in this desolate prison. Here, I would train, grow stronger, and finally destroy this twisted realm. The path ahead was fraught with uncertainty, the burden of Cronus' suppression a constant weight. But for the first time since awakening in this abyss, a spark of hope flickered within me. I was Hades, a god, even if a captive one. And I would not be broken.


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