
Reborn as a Villain Destined to Die

Death is a harsh reality, but what happens when you're given a second chance at life? Imagine being reborn without any guidance, support, or purpose. But what if destiny had other plans for you? What if you were reborn into the world of your favorite video game? It's a lonely and confusing existence, but it's nothing compared to the terror of discovering that you're the villain destined to be defeated by the hero. Join the main character as he navigates this new, thrilling world, fighting to survive and maybe even thrive. Who knows what kind of adventures await?

SithLordAno · Fantasy
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181 Chs

The Fall Of House Whiteguard (4)

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On the day after the raid on the camp, Ciaran found himself standing in the bustling center of Sanlow. A crowd of curious citizens had gathered around him, murmuring among themselves as they watched the unfolding scene before them. Ciaran himself appeared calm and collected despite the gravity of the situation.

Beside him knelt a man, his face battered and bruised from what looked like a severe beating. The man's clothes were torn and bloodied, and he looked up at Ciaran with a mixture of fear and desperation in his eyes. He seemed to be begging for mercy, pleading with Ciaran to spare him from whatever punishment he might be facing.

"Citizens of Sanlow," Ciaran announced loudly, pointing at the man lying on the ground. "Last night, I defeated a group of House Whiteguard soldiers who were planning to attack your village in the coming days, and Marc was willing to sell all of you out for twenty-five pieces of gold." He paused and held up a bag full of gold.

"Now I know times are tough," Ciaran said, his tone filled with sorrow. "We've all lost someone we care about when the second awakening happened. We've all found ourselves in positions we were unprepared for, including me." Suddenly, his tone hardened as his gaze swept over the crowd, "We should be coming together and helping our neighbors, friends, and families. Not taking advantage of the chaos for mere personal gain."

When Ciaran finished his speech, he looked at the crowd and noticed it had grown larger. He could see that many of the people in the audience had angry faces as they glared at Marc. Some were muttering under their breath, and a few shook their fists in frustration. Others began picking up rocks and other debris from the ground, preparing to throw them.

Ciaran's voice was cold and firm as he said, "We are not barbarians." His words were accompanied by a sudden shift in his demeanor, and a chilling aura emanated from him, filling the air with an icy weight. The citizens around him could feel the intensity of his killing intent, and soon, a sense of unease began to spread among them. Beads of sweat dripped down their foreheads, and some of them even crumpled to the ground, unable to withstand the pressure of the moment.

Ciaran took note and quickly reigned in his emotions, offering a melancholic smile as he did so. Despite his attempt to regain his composure, the aura of his killing intent lingered in the air, leaving the citizens shaken and wary.

"I need you all to understand that I share your anger, perhaps even more so," he spoke with a firm and resolute voice. He took a moment to let his words sink in before continuing, "But we mustn't allow our emotions to dictate our actions. We cannot fall prey to the very thing that drives those who commit crimes like this." His eyes scanned the faces of the people gathered around him, seeking their understanding and support. "Rest assured, justice will be served, and Marc will face the consequences of his actions." As he spoke, a faint screaming sound could be heard in the distance, gradually growing louder and more intense.

As the citizens turned their heads in unison, their eyes were met with a startling sight. Three figures stood before them, ominously clad in dark armor that seemed to absorb all light. The warriors' faces were obscured by hoods that covered every inch of their skin, leaving only their piercing eyes visible. In their hands, each warrior tightly grasped someone who was struggling to break free. The air was thick with tension as the citizens stood frozen in fear and uncertainty, unsure of what was to come next.

Marc seemingly gained energy as he noticed who the warriors had captured, "LIllyann!" He screamed and began struggling in his bindings, but there was nothing he could do to escape. He turned to Lord Maxamus, "Please! My lord, they had nothing to do with this! It was all me. They offered me gold and promised my family safety. My family knew nothing." His pleas fell on deaf ears, as Lord Maxamus never even acknowledged him. 

"Citizens of Sanlow!" Ciaran's voice rose above the screaming: "Just as I am responsible for all who reside under the banner of House Maxamus, each of you is responsible for your family. Just as my actions have consequences for House Maxamus, your actions have consequences for your family." He paused and waved his hand. 

The piercing screams abruptly came to a halt, leaving behind an eerie silence. Marc's eyes scanned the surroundings frantically as he tried to make sense of his family's sudden disappearance. An unnerving chill ran down his spine as he noticed the shadows creeping toward him, engulfing him in an inky darkness that paralyzed his body. He desperately tried to move, but his limbs felt heavy and unresponsive as if they were trapped in a nightmare.

"Marc's crimes are punishable by death. But death is too good for scum like him." Ciaran paused as he finally looked at Marc, who was frozen in his spell. "Marc was willing to sell out this village for twenty-five gold, so he will be strung up right here in the middle of town for twenty-five days. If he survives his punishment, he will then be enslaved, where he will serve House Maxamus for the rest of his pathetic life. His family will be enslaved, and they too will serve House Maxamus for the rest of their lives." His gaze swept over the crowd, "Any objections?" He asked.

A thunderous applause answered him as the crowd cheered and chanted his name.


"How are things going on your end?" Ciaran asked as he sat at the mayor's office.

"I admit." Melissa began over the sending stone, "Managing House Maxamus is more challenging than I first expected.

"I have faith in you." Ciaran replied, his tone softening, "Otherwise, I wouldn't have left to face Whiteguard."

There was a moment of silence before Melissa spoke up again, "No issues securing Sanlow?"

"We could have lost the village if I didn't stop them last night. One of the mayor's attendants was a traitor and divulged critical information." He replied.

"I apologize." Melissa quickly said.

"Nothing to be sorry about." Ciaran chuckled, "But we must be careful about disseminating information."

"Any ideas?" She asked.

"I thought about cloning you and sending you to all the villages as an attache, but then I realized something." He paused and waited.

It took her a couple of seconds to respond, and she confusedly asked, "What did you realize?"

"I don't want to share you." He chuckled, "You're mine and mine alone."

The gasp was audible, and he couldn't help as a laugh escaped his lips.

"Good." She said timidly as if suddenly shy, "I don't want to leave your side."

"In seriousness." Ciaran began as his tone became cold, "I want to establish an order of inquisitors loyal to me and as intelligent as you. We will then place them next to the various villages' mayors. That way, we have eyes and ears within each town."

"I see." Melissa fell silent in thought.

"No need to rush. This will take a while." Ciaran said.

They talked for a few more minutes about other matters.

"Tomorrow, I begin my charge into Whiteguard's territory. Once I make my move, things will escalate quickly, and there will be no turning back until House Whiteguard is destroyed." Ciaran said when their conversation began to wrap up.

"Very well." Melissa said with a heavy sigh. "I will inform General Nils." She paused before asking, "Any deviations from your projected path?

"I still haven't been able to locate Leonardo. I expect him to remain at Whiteguard Manor, but I'm still concerned." Ciaran answered truthfully, "So unless he shows up somewhere else, my path should remain the same." 

"Stay safe." She suddenly said with a tone full of concern.

"Thank you." Ciaran said as he ended the call. 

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