
Reborn as a Villain Destined to Die

Death is a harsh reality, but what happens when you're given a second chance at life? Imagine being reborn without any guidance, support, or purpose. But what if destiny had other plans for you? What if you were reborn into the world of your favorite video game? It's a lonely and confusing existence, but it's nothing compared to the terror of discovering that you're the villain destined to be defeated by the hero. Join the main character as he navigates this new, thrilling world, fighting to survive and maybe even thrive. Who knows what kind of adventures await?

SithLordAno · Fantasy
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181 Chs

The Dark Elf (2)

Shit. Zovreth thought as she watched Callista and Bulgan clash.

Things started taking a turn for the worse when Maxamus killed that orc. She saw how he had launched an arrow. But, unfortunately, Callista had seen it too, and something had happened.

At first, she thought Callista had the ability of berserk. That's why she didn't interfere in Callista's battle. But now, as she watched the two clash, she realized she was wrong. This was not the berserk ability. Instead, this was more dangerous, and Zovreth couldn't help but smile as her ability activated.

Noticing one of the students still awake, she quickly approached him.

"Professor, what's going on?" Thomas asked with fear written on his face.

"Don't worry." She said with a smile. "When you wake up, be sure to thank Callista." She added as she knocked him out.

She didn't want him to see what was about to happen as it would be a bad look on her if it were discovered that she fought with one of her students.

Turning to watch the fight, she saw Bulgan was all battered up, which shocked her. Even though he was no threat to her, he was still labeled as Rank A in the upper realm. So, to see someone of his rank being driven into a corner by a much lower rank excited her.

The two separated momentarily, and Bulgan spit out a mouthful of green blood. "You're good." He said.

Callista seemed to ignore him as she began to mutter to herself, and Zovreth was close enough to hear it.

"Master is much stronger than him. If I can't take him out, I have no right to stand beside him."

This piqued Zovreth's attention as she finally had a chance to observe Callista. The aura she released was powerful yet acted like a tidal wave, clashing against everything and everyone. She was using brute force to lash out and had no technique, and once again, Zovreth was reminded of the berserker talent that others had.

"Callista, stand down." Zovreth tried again as she stepped forward.

"I thought orcs were supposed to be powerful." Callista said as she began laughing. "I've barely got a scratch."

"Bulgan!" Zovreth yelled. "Don't fall into her trap. Drop the barrier and leave."

"Yes, little orc. Run away." Callista finished as she spread her arms wide out.

This had the attended effect. Bulgan began raging, and his once-green skin turned brownish as his muscles bulged.

"SHE-ELF!" He roared as he charged forth.

Callista smiled widely as she transformed Requiem into what looked like a curved dagger that formed along her forearm.

Interesting. Zovreth thought as she allowed the two to fight.

While she would protect her student from death, she would not interfere. Also, she wanted to know more about this ability that Callista was using, and her choice of weapon intrigued her. It was designed for someone who had speed on.

Which contradicted the berserk ability. So, who had control? The ability or the wielder.

The orc roared as he charged forward and brought his great axe down upon Callista, who was bisected in two. A moment later, the bisected Callista vanished into thin air, appeared behind the orc, and slashed with her claw-like dagger.

She found her target. Which was the ligament that connected the knee, and the orc yelled as he lost balance for a moment.

The thing about orcs is that when they are raging. They felt little pain, and Callista found that out the hard way when he quickly recovered and spun around with his axe level with Calista's midsection.

Using her speed, she danced under the axe while moving in close. There she targeted most of the veins in his arm. In the half second, she was in close. She had cut him over a dozen times.

Bulgan used his free hand to catch Calista. Unfortunately, he missed when she danced out of his grasp. Causing him to roar in anger as he charged her again.

Death by a thousand cuts. Zovreth thought as she watched her student.

Callista must have known that she couldn't win by using brute force. So she opted for a battle of attrition, as it was a battle to see who would collapse first, which lasted for five minutes.

Zovreth watched the entire time, and she was impressed. When the two had separated from each other. She could tell the battle was already over. Bulgan was already dead. He was relying on his battle rage, and sure enough, he dropped to a knee a moment later.

"Stupid she-elf." Bulgan wheezed as blood dripped.

"This she-elf." Cas began as she stepped closer to him. "Is the reason you are about to die.

"Oi, Zovie. Call her off." Bulgan said as he looked at her.

Zovreth said nothing as she shrugged her shoulders and watched as Callista pierced his head.

Goodbye, brother. She thought as the lifeless body collapsed onto the floor.

"Tell me something, Callista." Zovreth said as she stepped closer to her. "Can you still fight?"

As she watched the fight, she could feel an itch within her, and for the first time in years, she was starting to become excited at the prospect of fighting someone strong.

Unfortunately, Callista seemed to pay no mind as she walked away, which confused her. If she was using a berserk ability, then she should be attacking anything within sight.

"Fight me." Zovreth demanded as she appeared in front of her.

Callista said nothing as she walked around her and kept walking.

Where is she going? Zovreth thought as she observed her for a moment.

Only to realize she was heading to where Maxamus had gone off to.

Could it be? She wondered.

Fight me, or I'll kill your maste…." Unfortunately, Zovreth didn't get a chance to finish as her ability triggered.

She quickly drew her short sword and intercepted the dagger-like claw aimed at her throat.

"No one touches my master." Came the whisper, and Zovreth's ability triggered again. Causing her to jump to the side and avoid the slash aimed at the small of her back.

"Let's see if you're strong enough to stop me." Zovreth said as their blades clashed.

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