
Reborn as a Vessel

All that Ajax has known for as long as he can remember is struggle. A struggle to feed and clothe himself. A struggle against a man supposed to be his protector. And a struggle against the financial responsibilities of life. Seeking reprieve he would spend what little free time he had indulging in the worlds of fiction and fantasy like many. However, just when there seemed to be an end to this struggle in sight, he met a cruel fate at the hands of a desperate coworker. Waking up in a familiar yet dangerous world as an unknown species will his history of struggles carry on with him to his next life? ***************************************** Hey, so a brief look into my account history will let you know this is a rewrite of a story I dropped just a few months ago which might be confusing to a lot of people as it would be better to just write a new story. However, when I tried to get back at writing the idea of this novel kept eating at me, so please forgive me, any who may have read my first attempt.

verytired · Fantasy
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167 Chs

Walk Home

Sound of sizzling, chopping and light conversation filled my ears as my blurred vision focused on preparing the last meal for the night.

My arms moved wearily but finally I managed to get it all on a plate and put it on the counter as a waiter took it to the front of the restaurant.

I leaned on the counter and closed my eyes in exhaustion exhaling deeply before I took off my gloves and apron, preparing to finally go back home. 

I wasn't sure how many nights in a row I had worked double shifts at my job, but the accumulated fatigue started to catch up with me.

It was all in a naive attempt to save enough money to buy a radiator and some warmer clothes for the oncoming winter.

As I put on a jacket and exited the building through the back door, a chilly wind swept across the dark alleyway, causing me to pull the jacket closer.


A deep voice startled me as I was about to begin my walk home and I realized there was a tall figure standing to my right, only the light from the end of a cigarette illuminating his face. 

It was Felix, the restaurant manager, his distinct features of blonde hair and blue eyes the mark of a foreigner, an odd sight in such a place.

"You're going to leave without collecting your monthly salary?"

He asked as he took another puff from his cigarette.

'That was today?'

I looked at my phone to check the date, 30th December.

"I'm happy to keep the money if you don't want it."

Felix said noticing my pause. 

"No! I-I would like to receive it now...please."

I managed to utter with a lot of stammering and stuttering.

Felix simply gave a small chuckle as he reached into his coat pocket, enjoying my panicked expression. 

He produced a light brown envelope with a twine thread tied around it and handed it to me as I eyed it anxiously. 

After a bit of hesitation, I opened the envelope and my eyes widened at its contents.

'This is a lot!'

Enough money to cover this month's expenses and the one after that and another one after that.

Felix laughed again as he said "What did you expect? You were here practically 24/7 for 3 weeks straight."

I only stared at the money in disbelief as I struggled to say something. 

"T-Thank you."

"For what? Paying you for your job?"

I barely heard the sarcastic comment as I carefully sealed the contents and placed them in my jacket once again. 

"Also take tomorrow off."


That sentence broke me from my stupor as I looked back at him with shocked eyes.

"Don't look at me like that. Anyone can tell you're at your limit, you'd just be useless if you did show up and might even die from exhaustion, I don't want a dead kid on my conscience." 

He said somewhat sarcastically as he threw the cigarette on the ground stomping on it to put it out, before heading back inside for closing. 

I stood there in a daze for quite some time, before a sudden wave of relief and happiness swept over me. 

I patted my jacket pocket once again, taking comfort in the envelopes presence as I began to take my usual route home as my mind wandered to the possibilities of the future. 

The money was mostly going to be used up in living expenses and winter supplies but having that sense of security for at least the next few months felt refreshing.

What excited me the most was also the concept of getting some rest, even now the exhaustion was present, just pushed to the back of my mind. 

Getting some sleep, staying in on a cold day and having time to prepare a proper meal were all ideas I looked forward to.

I also was excited to finally have some free time.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it though...


As if on cue, I felt my phone vibrate in my left pocket as a notification sound rang out.

'Cataclysm Arrives: Records of a failed hero, mass release of final volume.'

I had almost forgotten about this novel, the author had taken a planned hiatus a few weeks ago which was bit of a disappointment to me.

Light novels were my way to gain slight reprieve from daily life and the only hobby that I could maintain with my lifestyle.

At most I'd follow one or two light novels which released 2-3 chapters a day. 

Anytime I was on lunch break or before sleeping I would read these chapters.

They helped make the days a bit more bearable and one such novel that I had been reading consistently for some time now was 'Records of a failed hero'.

It was a traditional academy fantasy novel in every sense of the word, a genre quite overdone according to many readers.

At least in the earlier volumes as the last few had been quite tragic in comparison, describing the fall of human society and the death of many beloved characters. 

I liked the earlier volumes as they helped with escapism, a well written traditional fantasy world was one of my guilty pleasures and the later volumes though depressing had incredible writing quality. 

'It's almost too perfect.'

I thought in regard to the timing of the mass release as I felt excited about the prospect of going home to a nice dinner, my favorite novel to read and a good night's sleep. 

A slight smile played on my lips as I walked, feeling warm despite the cold climate. 

Instead of the typical apathy and exhaustion, I felt hopeful.

Excitement about tomorrow instead of nervous anticipation. 

Placing my phone back in my pocket I walked with rejuvenated steps.

"Don't move."

Until the feel of cold steel on my neck and words equally as cold stopped me in my tracks. 


Hey, back to chapter one again, the story will follow a similar outline but as you can see a few changes.

I will hopefully have more frequent updates for everyone to read this time, please bear with me.

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