
Reborn as a Vessel

All that Ajax has known for as long as he can remember is struggle. A struggle to feed and clothe himself. A struggle against a man supposed to be his protector. And a struggle against the financial responsibilities of life. Seeking reprieve he would spend what little free time he had indulging in the worlds of fiction and fantasy like many. However, just when there seemed to be an end to this struggle in sight, he met a cruel fate at the hands of a desperate coworker. Waking up in a familiar yet dangerous world as an unknown species will his history of struggles carry on with him to his next life? ***************************************** Hey, so a brief look into my account history will let you know this is a rewrite of a story I dropped just a few months ago which might be confusing to a lot of people as it would be better to just write a new story. However, when I tried to get back at writing the idea of this novel kept eating at me, so please forgive me, any who may have read my first attempt.

verytired · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
167 Chs


I walked towards the looming figure of a city trying to process the knowledge I had just been given. 

To put it more clearly, I was trying to come to terms with a conclusion I had come to by learning this information. 

'It is a fantasy trope after all.' 

I thought in disbelief, not transmigration but possession, I was now in the world of 'Records of a Failed Hero.'

I came to know that because the name of the languages that I had learnt. 

Somehow, this 'system' or whichever being was controlling it, had given me the ability to comprehend the languages spoken on the continent that the novel took place in.

The sign I had read was in the language of The Empire of Steel, the place which housed the main characters and where most of the story took place.

I recited basic phrases in the newly learned languages, surprised at how easy it was, as if I had spoken them my whole life. 

My mind struggled to come to terms with this revelation, but my turmoil was interrupted by the system once again.


Vessel Core Initiation Complete!

Awakening will now take place.


As soon as the message came into view, I felt an odd sensation, a strange energy surged through my body rejuvenating it, my senses felt clearer, and my body felt stronger. 

The window then disappeared a much larger one taking its place.


Name: Ajax


Species: Broken Vessel

Attributes: Dark

Rank: G-

Strength: G-

Constitution: G-

Agility: G

Perception: G

Mana: -


A status screen one that you would see in most light novels and manga of the fantasy genre. 

I had just experienced an awakening, seemingly granted to me by whatever was responsible for the messages I kept seeing. 

If I was having trouble accepting reality before then now it was all but confirmed, but that didn't make the situation any less strange. 

I can't say I never wondered what it would be like to live in a world of fantasy, but I always dismissed it as naive thinking. 

It was never a strong desire of mine to end up in this scenario.

However, I wasn't going to complain.

It was a second chance, as pessimistic as I usually was, I had to at least try. 

My escape from reality had now become my reality and I had to adapt no matter how hard it was. 

I started by looking at my actual stats, they were expected.

A person who had just awakened was bound to have such stats in this world, all stats except one would be G- and that stat was known as the persons inherent stat. 

As for the mana ranking, that was due to the lack of a mana circulation system as that had to be created by the awakened. 

Looking at my stats it seemed I was an enhancer type awakened, as the stats referred to my physical capabilities. 

Like many novels following the 'awakened formula', in this world there were two types of awakened. 

First were the enhancers, focusing on mana within their body to bolster their physical capabilities. 

The other were mages, focusing on mana outside their body to cast spells such as fireballs, tornadoes, etc. 

In exchange for the ability to control the forces of nature, a mages physical capability would only be slightly greater than a normal person. 

I was happy with them; it was embarrassing to admit but the idea of performing supernatural feats excited me.

'An inherent stat of agility and attribute of dark.'

I surmised looking at the status window, finding it hard to believe that it was referring to me. 

Eager to test out the changes, I began running down the road to the city.

The very first step was taken with a strength I had never possessed and each step after that, I felt my speed multiply and soon the surroundings blurred as I reached speeds that outpaced most athletes. 

The wind caused my hair to flutter wildly and in the moments that I ran, I felt the unease of being dropped in a new world fade away for a moment. 

The only reason I kept up with my speed was my enhanced perception, allowing me to adjust to the sudden burst of speed. 

Eventually I came to a slow stop and looked back to see the distance I had covered. 

The monumental gothic cathedral was now quite far away, appearing much smaller as I could now see the whole building from afar, separated by a long stretch of road. 

I felt a pricking sensation at the base of my feet and noticed a few minor cuts had appeared due to my speed and lack of footwear.

If not for my awakened constitution it would have been much worse, and I decided not to overdo the speed without acquiring something to wear.

Looking ahead I saw that the skyline of the city had gotten much closer but even from here, I noticed that there was something wrong. 

As the sun was setting, one would expect the lights of the city to stand out but nothing of the sort happened. 

In fact, the skyline seemed... off, buildings were sparser than they seemed, and some were of irregular shapes. 

I now had a hunch of where I was and how much the novels events had progressed. 

Before I could think more about it, my thoughts were yet again disrupted by the system.


Vessel is requested to crush 'Basic Element Stone.'


I knew that it referred to the tricolored gem I had been holding on to for some time now. 

'Crush it?'

Inspecting the gem, I questioned if my strength would be sufficient to crush it but I had learnt to follow what the system told me to do by now. 


I closed the hand holding the gem to a fist, as the gem surprisingly crumpled under the force quite easily.

Opening my hand again I saw the remains but more importantly three glowing circles of light, one red, one green, one blue. 


In consideration with vessels personality and knowledge optimal element will be chosen.


Following that message for some time nothing changed, the three colored orbs dancing in my palm.


Decision has been made.

Final choice- Wind.


The red and blue orb dissipated but the green orb darted directly to my torso, as a sudden gust of wind was produced. 

I felt my body grow weightless for a moment before a shortened version of the status screen appeared once again.


Attributes: Dark, Wind


'Nothing like this was mentioned in the novel.'

I was taken aback as another attribute was casually added to my status screen. 

If such an item existed it would be invaluable in this world, the advantage of having two attributes over one was monumental. 

Whatever force it was behind this system was certainly powerful, no weaker than a god. 

And for some reason, it had chosen me to bring into this world and give such power to. 

'Records of a Failed Hero' was a strange novel, the beginning volumes were lighthearted and somewhat generic. 

However, the later volumes, everything went to hell, beloved characters were killed off mercilessly by the author, entire civilizations wiped.

I never read the last volume but from the name it didn't sound pleasant either.

If that's the story of this world, then did this being who put me here expect me to change it for the better?

It certainly wasn't a foreign concept in the stories I had read but I had the same question many characters in my position had.

'Why me?'

I wasn't the strongest, smartest or kindest person, so why choose me over the millions who had died. 

I had read of characters pull off monumental change with a much worse start than I had been given but I wondered if I could really do what they did. 

'Only one way to find out.'

I thought as I ran toward the city once more.

I'm sorry for all the info dump/ status screens, I wish they didn't hinder your reading experience by much.

verytiredcreators' thoughts