
Reborn As a Pirate

When Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar world, marked, accused of murdering a noble and condemned to the life of a pirate. Shipwrecked from the start, his fortunes changed when he was rescued by the enigmatic Captain Freni, a ruthless witch who commands the "Black Rose" without a shred of mercy. But Ryan is not just any ordinary castaway, he is equipped with a mysterious system that allows him to level up and unlock new abilities, guiding him on a bizarre and fantastical journey. [Save the dying shark to gain a secretive ally] [convert a dead planet into a powerful warship] such were the choices offered to Ryan offered by the system.] Unbeknownst to others, Captain Freni is the fugitive fifth princess of the Augustus Dynasty, masquerading as a novice pirate while seeking to recover her family's lost treasure and restore her fallen dynasty. As she navigates through treacherous waters, Freni saves Ryan, who proves to be a knowledgeable navigator for the Black Rose, despite his odd tendencies to spout bizarre statements and collect strange artifacts. Welcome to the Age of Discovery! #Pirate #VirtualReality #+18 #Reborn #Funny

Rqmk · Fantasy
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116 Chs

Holy Relic!

[June 9th: ...After enduring relentless trials and innumerable sacrifices, our journey has brought us to a secluded island, the last known refuge of the elusive "ancient dragon species."]

["He" stands as the harbinger of catastrophes, a malevolent force fated to bring ruin and despair...]

[...The land is draped in silver, like endless undulating waves, while red blooms shroud the air in mist. Beneath the looming monolith's shadow, all creatures bow in reverence...]

[We trace these signs, driven by a relentless quest for truth...]

At this juncture in the record, broad smears obscured the text, prompting Ryan to flip toward the latter sections where the writing was legible once more.

[The "Red Sun," recurring every decade for three days, is nigh. It heralds our sole opportunity to breach the "central area" concealed by a dense fog. Yet, vigilance is paramount, for the creatures touched by the "Red Sun" morph into beings of sheer violence and fury.]

[These beasts, marked by crimson patterns, luminescent spots, or peculiar appendages, are particularly daunting. The "special bodies" among them possess a fearsome might.]

[...Our window narrows; we must depart soon.]

[The outcome of this venture, life or death, remains uncertain, compelling me to leave behind this journal. To those who follow, whether part of a hunting squadron or lone wanderers, tread with utmost caution. The "central area" should not be approached without thorough preparedness.]

[Enclosed is a map I drafted, alongside various essentials at our camp that I cannot carry forward. They are yours to claim if needed.]

[Should fate allow, return this map to the headquarters of the Hunting Group in the New World.]

[From the Seventh Scouting and Hunting Regiment, I am Loic Frum, your devoted deputy commander.]

Struck by the contents, Ryan's heart raced.

The diary peeled back the enigmatic layers of this isolated isle.

The place where the ancient dragon known right now as "He" vanished... the Red Sun... the formidable entity known as the "Hunting Group"... the monstrous beings transformed by the Red Sun...

Particularly, the last point, the transformation triggered by the "Red Sun" conjured images of a beach crab Ryan had once seen, its shell veined in light red, eerily matching the diary's descriptions.

The journal detailed that under normal circumstances, beach crabs do not exhibit the red patterns described; such markings only emerge when they are thrust into a frenzied state of desperation. This indicates that while the beach crabs are indeed feeling the effects of the so-called "Red Sun," these effects are not profoundly manifest yet.

From this, Ryan deduced that the ominous "Red Sun" was drawing near, but had not fully descended upon the island.

"Huh..." Ryan exhaled softly, his mind processing the information.

He then turned to the final page of the diary held in his hands, where the map hand-drawn by Loic Frum, deputy leader of the 7th Scouting and Hunting Regiment, was revealed. At first glance, Ryan's brow furrowed in dissatisfaction.

The map was crudely executed, comprised of mere basic lines and sparse labels. The gray lettering on the parchment barely helped Ryan discern that the island was predominantly oval-shaped, elongated more so along its southern and northern coastlines due to its narrower east-west stretch.

This enigmatic isle was segmented into four distinct zones: the outer area, the forest region, the inner sector, and the perilous central zone.

Conspicuously absent were the locations of the monsters within these zones, likely omitted by the cartographer to prevent outdated information from misleading future explorers. However, a cautionary note inscribed in the map's lower right-hand corner served as a stark warning: the deeper one ventured, the more formidable the monsters became.

After absorbing the contents of the map, Ryan carefully closed the small diary and stowed it away. His attention then shifted to a stone shelf nearby, where faint gray lettering began to materialize.

It occurred to him that his unique ability to see spiritual descriptions wasn't always convenient for treasure hunting. No matter how well-hidden an object was, any treasure within a ten-meter radius of him was betrayed by the appearance of these descriptive gray fonts.

"Presumably, this must be what Loic referred to as 'something useful left behind because it could not be taken along,'" Ryan mused, approaching the shelf with a mixture of curiosity and caution.

Lost in thought, Ryan approached the ancient stone shelf and extended his hand to grasp the object resting upon it.

It was a medal, cloaked in a layer of dust that spoke of years gone by. Carefully, he wiped away the grime, revealing the medal's essence, a deep blue glow that radiated a quiet, profound energy.


[Holy Relic·Azure Medal (Sleep)]: This esteemed medal is awarded only to those who have demonstrated exceptional valor within the hunting group. It harbors mystical powers capable of enhancing the bearer's physical fitness by one level (applicable only to those below level 10). It requires 500 spiritual points to integrate fully into the wearer's physique. Holy relic: This artifact embodies a powerful legacy. Once its legacy is fulfilled, the relic will awaken and reveal its true form.

The missing clue: The Azure Star is a prize for the valiant alone. ——The previous custodian of this relic desired that it be possessed by a formidable hunter capable of subduing a "special species," thereby fulfilling his legacy and awakening the dormant powers of the holy relic.


Gazing at the description in the spectral gray font before him, Ryan's eyes widened in astonishment.

A holy relic? Capable of enhancing physical fitness by an entire level?

Ryan knew all too well the significant gaps between each level of physical prowess.

A boost of 30% across all physical attributes could potentially more than double his strength! And this was merely the relic in its dormant state.

He dared not fathom the potential of the fully awakened relic.

With reverent care, Ryan slipped the [Holy Relic: Azure Medal] beneath his leather armor, feeling an immediate surge of warmth flood his body. This warmth seemed to fortify his very sinews, enhancing his strength, endurance, and agility.

In this moment, bolstered by the [Holy Relic·Azure Medal], Ryan's physical fitness ascended to level 3, surpassing his prior level 2 standing significantly ahead of time.

The transformation was profound, indeed.

The surge of power Ryan felt coursing through his veins gave him a newfound confidence, suggesting he might now have the strength to confront the fearsome Beach Cancer in direct combat.

"Huh..." he exhaled sharply, his breath deep and steadying as he worked to temper his rising excitement. His mind raced with thoughts on how to fulfill the last wish tied to the holy relic, to single-handedly defeat a "special species."

The term "special species" referred to exceptional creatures within the monster hierarchy, often regarded as the kings among their kind.

"That massive beach crab, the one with a rear carapace resembling a dragon's head, surely it qualifies as a 'special species,' doesn't it?" Ryan pondered internally.

However, he was careful not to overestimate his newly enhanced abilities. The "Dragon Shell Cancer," as he termed the formidable crab, was vastly larger than the typical Beach Cancer and, being a "special species," likely possessed capabilities beyond those of its common counterparts.

It would be more prudent to attempt an engagement with the "Dragon Shell Cancer" after further improving his level and gaining more experience.

Inside the dimly lit grotto, Ryan's attention shifted to another item resting on the stone shelf, accompanied by a hovering display of gray letters, indicating another object imbued with spirit.