
Reborn As a Pirate

When Ryan opened his eyes, he found himself in an unfamiliar world, marked, accused of murdering a noble and condemned to the life of a pirate. Shipwrecked from the start, his fortunes changed when he was rescued by the enigmatic Captain Freni, a ruthless witch who commands the "Black Rose" without a shred of mercy. But Ryan is not just any ordinary castaway, he is equipped with a mysterious system that allows him to level up and unlock new abilities, guiding him on a bizarre and fantastical journey. [Save the dying shark to gain a secretive ally] [convert a dead planet into a powerful warship] such were the choices offered to Ryan offered by the system.] Unbeknownst to others, Captain Freni is the fugitive fifth princess of the Augustus Dynasty, masquerading as a novice pirate while seeking to recover her family's lost treasure and restore her fallen dynasty. As she navigates through treacherous waters, Freni saves Ryan, who proves to be a knowledgeable navigator for the Black Rose, despite his odd tendencies to spout bizarre statements and collect strange artifacts. Welcome to the Age of Discovery! #Pirate #VirtualReality #+18 #Reborn #Funny

Rqmk · Fantasy
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122 Chs

Red Obsidian Crystal!

In the secluded depths of the grotto, only two items of spiritual significance graced the chamber.

One was the [Holy Relic·Azure Medal], a sacred artifact, and the other was a collection of five crimson crystals neatly arranged on a stone shelf.

As Ryan's eyes wandered over to the display, the description in muted gray fonts materialized before him.

[Red Obsidian Crystal: Rare crystals derived from monsters influenced by the "Red Obsidian Sun", utilized in potion-making. When ingested by a monster, it either transforms into "red obsidian" upon success or results in immediate death on failure. Thanks to advanced processing techniques, creatures that undergo successful "obsidianization" retain their sanity, free from external control. Each crystal requires fifty spiritual points to activate and revert to its original form.]

Ryan's gaze sharpened. The sight of the crystals triggered a vivid memory of Loic Frum, the deputy leader of the 7th Scouting and Hunting Regiment, and his team capturing creatures for their sinister experiments, likely with an "alchemist" among them to concoct such a hazardous transformation as the Red Obsidian Crystal.

"Is this the prize Silverback seeks?" he murmured under his breath.

Ryan was acutely aware that the Silverback Shark's willingness to escort him to this perilous sanctuary, and to brave danger not once, but twice during their quest,?stemmed not only from a debt of gratitude for saving its life and Ryan's healing abilities. No, there was something here, something profoundly coveted by the Silverback Shark, worth risking everything for.

"Curious... these unknown forces always present such intriguing puzzles," Ryan mused with a wry smile.

He secured the [Red Obsidian Crystal] carefully among his possessions, gave the stone room one final scan to ensure no treasure was overlooked, and then turned to leave.


Upon the rugged southern fringe of the isolated island.

Mounted atop the Silverback Shark, Ryan swiftly made his way back to a clearing where he had previously cleared out other monsters.

Dismounting, he caught the Silverback Shark's gaze, filled with a mix of eager anticipation and a pitiable desperation. Drawing a deep breath, Ryan addressed the creature solemnly, "Silver, I understand whaty you want."

"[Red Obsidian Crystal] could indeed transform you into a red obsidian being, endowing you with unprecedented strength. However, it also harbors the peril of sudden death."

"You've led me to the grotto, and as such, you're entitled to a share of the spoils," Ryan said, his tone earnest. "As a comrade, I wouldn't dream of denying you, but before you partake, you must fully understand the risks involved."

He paused, allowing the weight of his words to sink in. "Ultimately, the choice is yours to make," he added with a solemn nod.

Ryan then retrieved a [Red Obsidian Crystal] and presented it to the Silverback Shark, holding it before the creature's watchful eyes.

There was a moment of understanding in the shark's demeanor; the urgency that once gleamed in its eyes seemed to mellow. It circled slowly in the water, then rose slightly, nodding vigorously as if to acknowledge Ryan's warning, conveying a silent, "I understand."

With a sense of resolved silence, Ryan ceased his warnings. He gently placed the [Red Obsidian Crystal] in the water, allowing it to drift toward the Silverback Shark.

Ryan recognized a universal truth in that moment: the innate desire to evolve and gain power was not unique to humans but was a primal urge shared across all life forms. He, too, harbored a deep yearning for strength.

"If our positions were reversed, if I were in your place, I would make the same choice," he mused quietly.

In a world populated by monstrous beings, where natural selection and survival of the fittest ruled, not striving for power meant accepting a fate as prey. "To evolve and become more formidable, even at great risk, is a gamble worth taking. What in life is without its perils?" he thought, reflecting on the harsh realities of their world.

Walking towards the shoreline, Ryan watched as the Silverback Shark swallowed the crystal. The creature then turned, heading for the open sea, its dorsal fin slowly vanishing beneath the waves.

"Perhaps it's returning to its lair," Ryan pondered. "Should the transformation succeed, we might meet again. If not..."

A pang of sadness briefly clouded his thoughts, but he quickly mastered his emotions. "This was the Silverback Shark's choice," he reminded himself, a firm resolve settling in. "All I can do is respect that decision."

After a moment of quiet reflection, Ryan prepared to make his journey back, contemplating the paths they had both chosen.

The journey had stretched for five or six hours, and by Ryan's calculation, dawn was breaking back home.

Consequently, the planned beach crab hunting expedition in the western peripheral area would have to be postponed until the following night.

Ryan felt a twinge of disappointment, but harbored no true regrets. This expedition had yielded significant gains.

Among them, the acquisition of the [Holy Relic·Azure Medal] during his travels was a highlight. This relic had boosted his physical fitness by a staggering 69% from its original level. When manifested back in his main body, this would translate into a comprehensive 14% increase in his physical abilities.

His self-defense capabilities had notably strengthened. However, before he could enjoy these enhancements, he needed to manifest the [Holy Relic·Azure Medal] into his main form.

Back on his makeshift raft, Ryan expended 500 spiritual points to initiate the manifestation process.

Watching his [Spiritual Value] plummet from 570 to a mere 70 caused him to sigh deeply. "Spiritual points are far too precious," he muttered to himself.

He had hoped to also manifest the "Necklace of Fertility" along with the medal, but his current spiritual reserves were insufficient, compelling him to defer that action to a future opportunity.

Securing the "Necklace of Fertility" and the four remaining [Red Obsidian Crystals] on the raft, Ryan murmured, "Return."

Approximately three seconds later, his vision faded to black. When clarity returned, he found himself back in the cabin of his main body, lying on the bed with the sound of waves gently crashing near the boat. A knowing smile spread across his face.

He rose from the bed and retrieved his iron sword, eager to test the limits of his newly enhanced physique. As he practiced the storm sword technique, he keenly observed the changes in his body's response and agility.

After a session of rigorous practice, Ryan paused to reflect. While his physical prowess still fell short of his traveling clone's capabilities, the near 14% enhancement in his overall physical fitness was undeniably tangible, a solid foundation on which to build further strength.

As Ryan clenched his fists, a surge of newfound strength coursed through him, igniting a primal urge to throw back his head and release a triumphant yell into the heavens.

With the [Unnamed Ship Sculpture] in his possession, each venture into the "travel" brought not only adventure but also a steady accumulation of power. Even if his main body remained stagnant, unable to tap into new methods of strengthening, his alternate self continued to gather formidable abilities to safeguard him.

Still, it would be a remarkable boon if his main form could uncover any leads or insights on the elusive "Path Profession."

Peering out from the ship, Ryan noted there was time yet before dawn. Energized and unwearied, as though he had just awoken from a rejuvenating sleep, he decided to seize the moment to further hone his storm sword technique.

The enchantment of his travels lay in this magical rejuvenation, returning not from the brink of death, but independently, always revitalized.

However, just as Ryan was about to begin his practice, the sharp clang of an "alarm bell" pierced the early morning calm.

Startled, Ryan quickly pieced together the urgency of the situation.

It was the ship's alarm!

That unmistakable sound signaled only one thing: the lookout had spotted an enemy!

"Waste no time, to the deck!" Ryan commanded himself, taking the stairs three at a time to burst onto the deck.

As he emerged, he saw pirates, already alerted by the alarm, scrambling onto the deck with weapons drawn.

"Report, Captain! Sighting of the pirate ship [Skull] to the northwest!" called the lookout from his perch atop the mast, his voice tinged with alarm.

Upon hearing this, Ryan's gaze snapped to the northwest direction.

In the dim light of pre-dawn, cutting through a light mist, the silhouette of a menacing three-masted sailing ship approached, the [Skull], slicing through the waters like a sharpened blade aimed straight for the [Black Rose].