
Reborn as a hero

Phil dies saving a life of a small boy he is then reincarnated as Goku from a alternate universe from og. Watch as the protector of earth is now thrust into new situations. Goku has lost everything he has ever known his family his brother, the only home he has ever truly known was in a different life. Choosing this life has given very little but a small chance of survival. Will he be able to even grow up into a grown man again? If he somehow reaches adulthood, would he be able to gain as much power as the original cannon character? Or could he even be more powerful... Behind the scenes forces are at work that will effect his story. What is the chaos realm? Find out these answers and more as the story unfolds on the next episodes of Dragon...Reborn as a Hero! ____________________________ Hey everyone, I want to thank you all for reading! This is my first time putting effort into writing a novel so I do want some feedback on the writing quality and if you have a suggestion about the story. I plan on Goku having many love interests but not a tradtitional harem. If anyone is interested in what that means you will have to read to find out. Unfortunately ☹️ I am not a 'natural' at writing, I write my story because I want to be a part of this world and not just read other people's work. So each chapter is dreamed about wrote once on paper, then transferred to my laptop with a lot of editing between. Finally, after this whole process I listen to it again with TTS software and edit again. Sorry if you guys don't like the wait but I will try to send out at least 2 if we are lucky 4 chapters a week! I hope you give this story a try! (P.S. I like feedback currently I'm getting one or two comments and when I see these it does make me happy) (P.P.S if anyone understands how to get cover art for the book please let me know!)

Lonefrog · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Escape Plan

King Vegeta pulled his arm away from Bardocks' grasp. Sneering, he said. "A low-class scum like you wishes to stop me? I am the strongest among our people… Standing in my way just shows how little intelligence you actually have." The king stood there glaring at his subject like he is some dirty thing he had seen on the street. Bardock glared back at the king with a sternness that would make any principle of a school full of adolescent teens would be proud to wear, Bardock was determined regardless of the result of the king's anger.

"Do you really think looking down on me qualifies you to be anything else than the scum you accuse me of?" Bardock demanded. "Like you could understand the dynamics of being a ruler of a people? Sacrifices are the cornerstone of our race and one pebble can tare everything my family has build down to its foundations. Do you believe this is the only child that has ever been sacrificed?" King Vegeta Shook his head with wild eyes showing his current mental state.

"This Child might just fall within seven digits that have been sacrificed to keep our race from plummeting into destruction." Bardock looked horrified at the king's words, but within moments his expression transformed into anger. "Necessary sacrifices are something I can understand" It was true, he was a warrior he had been in plenty of battles that he had to make the hard decision to send a warrior into a no-win situation and he has been glad when they have somehow come back.

But often they wouldn't come back at all, but without them sacrificing themselves all of his men would lose their lives, making it necessary… not ideal but necessary. This was something else, this wasn't something I could understand. "But Vegeta this is a nursery not a group of hostiles… they can be trained lead to worship the kingdo…"

Bardock had decided to reason with the king. Maybe talk him down. Let him see the error in his ways, but before he could finish his attempt he was interrupted. "Stand down Bardock, this isn't something you can interfere with. This child is a direct threat to the continued survival of our people, he will die tonight!" Vegeta said with a stately voice cutting off any further discussion. Finally, it had come down to this. Vegeta's words were law and if Bardock stood in the way any more than this…

He would be considered to be a rebel and most likely everything he cared for would also be considered another threat to be cut down by this dictator's reign. "I see, this child isn't a threat to our survival and he wouldn't be a direct threat to you either… But he would be a high threat to your son… Am I right?" Bardock guessed with a knowing smile on his face that wasn't a smile at all.

The two men stared at each other. A silent battle each seeing if the other would back down or step back. Then finally, they came to the obvious conclusion of what they wanted would never happen, both started to get into their battle stances. With warriors at their level, they could tell a lot about each other just by seeing the initial stances. Bardock had his feet spread apart reminiscent of a street-broller. He would primarily use his strength in his arms and legs, not using conventional methods that could throw off a fighter trained by professionals.

King Vegeta on the other hand, has had a more refined training making him shift his weight to his toes and his arms to resemble bows. His breath shifted from normal to a more steady rhythm, which could barely be heard by the Saiyan ears but hard to replicate unless heard for a long time. Bardock knew King Vegeta has been trained by the best money can buy, and his techniques were polished until they were nearly perfect. But Bardock had an advantage King Vegeta didn't… Experience.

Bardock had fought countless battles with warriors with far more polished theoretical knowledge than even King Vegeta. He wouldn't count himself out of the running just because of something that might not even affect the battle too much. The main problem Bardock faced at this moment wasn't something vague like knowledge it was power level. As much as he hated to admit the truth to the classing system put in place by the royal family, he had to confirm that this theory did have reliable points to its theory.

King Vegeta's power level was above ten thousand and Bardock's was above nine thousand if you consider two armies on a battlefield with the number of men reaching the perspective numbers listed between King Vegeta and Bardock. It's obvious which one has a higher advantage, most of the time unless the general with the higher number is a total moron, they would have the highest possible chance of victory. But I have once heard a famous gambler state "if history has taught us anything, that is to never bet everything on only one possible outcome. The underdog is the wildcard and always bet on being surprised."

King Vegeta made the first move swinging a kick to Bardock's left side followed close with a Ki blast to his face. Bardock blocked the kick with his leg and shifts his head to the left missing the Ki blast by a hair's breadth. Bardock follows up with a kick to Vegeta's face connecting making him fly a few meters back, smiling Vegeta rubs his chin and attacks again. This time the king let lose two Ki blast aiming for Bardocks upper and lower body. Dodging quickly Bardock clears the blasts aimed to take his life but he gets distracted by the Ki blast almost hitting an infant's birthing pod.

Suddenly, Vegeta appears behind Bardock with a victorious grin on his face. Before Vegeta could get his hands around Bardock's throat Bardock does a quick tumble a few meters away pissing the king off. "This is a nursery. You will kill a child!" Bardock yells in frustration, he shouldn't have been surprised the king wouldn't care about the infants in the chamber but Bardock couldn't believe he wouldn't at least try to not harm the other children.

King Vegeta smiled simply and replied without breath gasps. "Necessary. Sacrifices!" With those words, king Vegeta started to laugh a maniacal bark that grated against the ears. "You are insane!" Bardock whispered with shock in his voice. 'Is this the person the Saiyans have been following for years? He is truly a mad man!' I thought in my pod mere meters away from the two, where I had been able to view most of the battle and I could hear the majority of the conversations between them. Peering across from me is another pod containing baby Broly, he also has his eyes wide open watching the battle with rapt attention. I just hope this experience doesn't turn him as crazy as his counterpart that I knew from the anime.

Still laughing manically King Vegeta started to condense a Ki blast in his hands, and it quickly grew larger and larger, until it was the size of a beach ball and still the king kept charging more Ki into the ball. "Dammit, he will blow the whole building!" I heard Bardock say. From the viewing glass, I saw him look my way for a second considering how quickly he could get me away from the building but shook his head determination flitting through his expression. Before King Vegeta released his Ki blast I heard a sound… "Buz…Buzz… Buzz… Ka-Cha-Pa!"

Then a steaming King Vegeta fell to his knees while his Ki blast dissipated into the air and an unconscious king continued to fall on to the floor. Silhouetted behind him Matron Potota came into view and she looked pissed. "Psycho!" She spat at the unconscious man and continued her glare at the worse for wear Bardock. Immediately Bardock shot his hands into the air saying "I was just trying to stop him Ma'am" pleading his innocents with vigor. "Yeah, you were doing marvelously." She said dryly but didn't advance on Bardock. "You said you had a plan?" It took a few beats before Bardock realized she was not going to attack him and was asking him questions instead. "Umm, yes I plan to send Broly, and Kakarot to a planet for safety, and eventually I planned to send Gine after I got another ship."

Frustrated Matron Potota massaged the bridge of her nose. "That is a horrible plan and doesn't even account for yourself!" she yelled losing her patience. Bardock started to say something but she held up her hand cutting him off. "How soon can you get the space pods? Are you able to get them tonight?" She asked in concession. Bardock nodded in acknowledgment like a chick pecking rice. "Good, we will send them off tonight then tomorrow we will start the process of getting the rest of us out." She said coming to a conclusion. "The rest of us?" Bardock said in confusion. Matron Potota smiled "Yes your friend will need to get a space ship large enough to carry out all the infants your wife and... us."