
Reborn as a Diablos in fate?!

I am new but i will make this the best that i can make it. Jackson was going home from his work when the most cliche thing had happen, a child wanting to rush home had crossed the street not noticing the truck rushing down the street as though a mad man was behind the wheel, but Jackson noticed and reading those fanfic and novel had filled him in thought so he took his chance's in his belief and rushed to the child.

NUTTER_BUTTER · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Running From Dogs As A Diablos 2/2

They would be at a standstill neither of them moving against each other, The pack of dog-like creatures would soon start to finish up the meal they had hunted down, and the others would let out a yipping noise causing them to quickly move toward the ones that was engaged in the fight first.

The Black Diablos would see this and decided to just turn around and run but before he turned around he would be stuck in shock and awe. An unnatural black ball had been summoned, with the dog-like creature's tails being twisted around each other seamlessly connecting to the other tail they would pump the air with their OD transforming the mana in the air into this sicking black.

The Diablos decided to immediately run from this encounter because he never really faced anyone or anything that could use mana like this, But he waited too long as the Pitch Blackball would let out a massive pulse before flying out like a volleyball being pushed into the sky before being abruptly being stopped and twisting like something was being born from it.

*CLICK*  *CLICK*  *PSOOOOOSH* Multiple black lasers that swung like tendrils would be released from the Blackball, All of them flying towards the Black Diablos leaving an inky-like substance around the air they flew by.

The Black Diablos would be shocked and would desperately turn around to somehow dodge this attack or escape as he could somehow feel the pressure they released and he knew if he got hit by them. He would never be the same.

But get hit he did, As he swung his body with his tail swinging the sand upwards like a sheen of glass, those black lasers would punch through and *CRACK* First his tail was struck having it become cracked and drop some of its spikes on the ground while a chunk fell as well, Then its spine would be trailed by the laser going all the way up obliterating the dog-like creature that was stuck on the Diablos while also leaving cracked scales all over the back of the Black Diablos.

The black lasers would then slam into the arm-like wing being just a smidge off before piercing his wings but still causing a fracture in the arm while shattering the scales but the biggest damage the laser had done was.

*CRACK* The horn *CRUMBLE* The black Diablos was lucky enough that the whole horn didn't fall off and only had the tip of the right horn be ruined forever, The right horn of the DIablos would first have a massive crack reaching almost half-way before the tip would crumble and fall off leaving what looked to be a cave-in.

But The pain of having Its tail broken, Its Scales being cracked or just being shattered off of him, and his horn breaking was just too much, The Black Diablos would let out a roar that would sound like a scream of agony mixed with terror. 

The Roar would stun the dog-like creatures from the joy of the pain they inflicted as their ears hadn't heard a loud noise like that in a long time. And the Diablos did not waste time. He did not care if he could have taken revenge for a moment. All he cared about was running.

And run he did. He immediately started to rip the sand out of the ground, causing it to be flung into the sky and cause a sandstorm, blocking the view of the dog-like creatures that had recovered after a few seconds and started to rush towards him.

The Black Diablos would rapidly push the sand away from it, forming a tunnel that humans could probably walk through if they found it. As the Black Diablos Rapidly dug through the sand we would hear his thoughts 

"Oh my god, It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, It hurts so much I'm going cry if could shed tears. What even was THAT! That move destroyed me as if I was some bug to walk on. Everything that I upgraded was USELESS against that Ball. uuhh calm down, calm down, uuhwah everything hurts so much."

*THIUMP* a black laser would pierce the sand around it before another *THIUMP* would get closer. The Black Diablos would immediately start digging faster and much more desperately, as he wanted to escape from those dogs.

But escape would not come easily as those dog-like creatures would continue to have the Black pulsating ball shoot lasers toward even a smidge of lifted sand. Mostly getting lucky as they were still in a sandstorm caused by the diablos.

The Black Diablos getting faster underneath the sand would gain farther and farther distance from them, but he could not focus on the dogs as his mind would either be filled from the pain of his body and his horn being irritated from the sand, or how he has to get away.

Not noticing that he had escaped the reach he continued to swim through the sand thinking of the place he had awoken inside. Believing it to be the only safe spot he had in this new life of his.

While also not noticing that he was Causing a commotion as he glided through the sand, as he disrupted a merchant trade, and had a village once again move away from their home because of his presence in the area.