
Rebirth with the Rinnegan(Naruto Fanfiction)

Choosing to be reborn into the world of Naruto, a young man sets out on a journey for peace in his own way. Expect my take on a realistic depiction of this world with blood and all, NO HAREM. This isn't my main story just a side project I'm doing to relax so be aware of that. I don't own the Naruto brand/series or the cover art, if you own either and want this story/cover removed just speak up and it will be done.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

CHAPTER 76(Something New)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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Sitting in Karin's lab, Jin can be seen shirtless with multiple monitoring devices attached to him.

"Everything seems fine after the initial assimilation, and you're sure this has never happened before?" Karin asks as she closes her eyes and focuses on his chakra.

"Trust me, this is new, I felt like power was...changing me, what's it look like to you?"

"Looks really good to me..." Fu says quietly as she stares at his well-built body before seeing both redheads and Pakura giving her a bored look, "uh, sorry..."

"Your chakra is stronger now, Yang chakra seems to be overflowing in you, your rinnegan is apparently refining it and 'Evolving' your own chakra to adapt to it, this is unheard of..." Karin informs him as she begins removing the monitoring devices from his body.

"Sounds like a boon then, from what you just said he's stronger now right?" Pakura asks, her backpack still on, Jin had caught them as they were leaving to meet Gaara.

"Yeah more or less, your chakra is a bit unbalanced right now but you should be fine, your natural healing is also even higher than normal of us Uzumakis, almost within the same realm as mine, do you need anything else before we go?" Karin asks.

"Nah, just gotta go pick up my target and kill a Zetsu, or two..." Jin looks over to Fu before giving Karin a questioning look, "you taking bubbles with you?"

"She...gets antsy, I'm sure Kakazu would have killed her already if you hadn't told him to play nice, besides, GIRLS TRIP!" Karin pulls Fu and Pakura into a hug, the older woman not as welcoming to the embrace as Fu is.

"Right, just don't get revealed, if this war actually happens you'll all be staying in the base for the most part so when you're done get your asses back here," Jin orders as he puts on his clothes.

"Got it," Karin gives him a firm nod as the three women leave the room.

After having a short conversation with Kakuzu about his targets, Jin rushes off toward the land of Stone, stationed within a great chasm filled with massive bones are his targets, all four.

'Kill both Zetsu, connect my chakra to the Gedo Statue so I can use it, deal with Sasuke, Akatsuki takes the fall for everything and everyone calms the fuck down hopefully...' he thinks to himself while approaching the border of the land of fire.

---1 Day Later...

Standing atop a cliff overlooking a rocky valley below, Jin sees massive bones scattered about the valley floor, a skull larger than Manda's housing the entrance to a cave within.

'Finally found you...' a smile forms on his face as he prepares to siege the Akatsuki base.

He can sense both white and black Zetsu as well as Sasuke within, now he just needs to execute his plan flawlessly or everything fails, no pressure.

Clasping his hands together he pushes his ability to use as little senjutsu as possible to avoid detection while starting his plan.

'Stone meld,' he begins sinking into the stone ground, only able to sense the stone close to him, losing all other senses but his sensory ninja skills, he makes his way through the walls of the base toward Zetsu.

The moment he begins emerging from the wall, he sees Zetsu, half black and half white in what appears to be a morgue, eating some unfortunate stone shinobi on the table in front of him.

Immediately Zetsu senses him, as the creature begins turning to look at the new chakra source behind it, a black chakra rod impales its skull, piercing black and white Zetsu.

Still mostly in the wall, Jin threw one hand forward and staked his targets in one fell swoop, running fluctuating chakra through the rod to keep Zetsu paralyzed should he somehow survive this.

On the left side of the body of the monster, the white side slumps down, dead as its brain was destroyed, the right side gives Jin a harsh side-eye as it's still frozen in place.

Fully emerging from the wall Jin walks up and places a hand onto the white side.


There was no longer a soul to extract, his target was already dead.

Placing the same hand on the Black side, the creature looked panicked, struggling as it tried to speak.

'Ningendo'.... nothing happens.

"Huh, what are you?" he wonders aloud. "I'll deal with that some other time..." he places one palm on the ground.

'Summoning Jutsu,' A metal box appears on the ground beside them.

"I'm not really a fan of the more 'Traditional' sealing objects like vases and jars or whatever, durability and all that," he jokes while stuffing the entire body of both Zetsu into the box.

As he sends one massive surge of chakra through the creature's system to keep it locked in place, he shuts the lid on the metal container before placing both palms on the top of it, the rod snaps as the lid shuts over it.

Pouring all of his remaining senjutsu into this, he withdraws two prepared sealing tags and plasters them over the seam of the lid and container. Hundreds of rows of black kanji spread around the container, sealing its contents functionally forever.

"Well, that wasn't so bad..." he says while placing the box into his personal scroll of seals, "didn't even let him get a word out," he chuckles lightly to himself while putting the scroll back onto his back.

Black Zetsu Sealed.

Looking around the room, Jin begins opening the lockers of the morgue, most are filled with nameless shinobi, but two catch his eye.

Yugito, the two-tailed beast host.

Killer Bee, the eight-tailed beast host, his bonus objective.

"Hopefully the Raikage is at least happy to have the bodies..." he mutters lowly while storing both the corpses into smaller scrolls.

Finishing his business he makes begins prowling around the base.

After almost half an hour, he finds the room where the Gedo Statue was, a large hole in the ground where it was placed from the waist below.

"Hm, did Nagato move it? Guess I'll have to go find Konan after this..."

Approaching the massive statue, he cautiously observes the ground for any traps. Nothing, who would ever put traps in the most private chamber of their base after all. Placing a palm on the Gedo Statue he connects to it with his Rinnegan.

"Ach!" The backlash from the statue rejecting him hits like a red hot nail hammered into his skull.

'What? Does it still have a host? But Nagato should be dead, right? Another Rinnegan user?'

Deciding to deal with that later he shakes his head as if to shake off the pain and steadies his mind, feeling the robust chakra signature of his least favorite person.

He follows his final target, Sasuke's chakra signature leads him to the far end of the hideout.

Walking toward Sasuke's position, Jin feels a sudden surge of dark chakra, with barely any warning a massive purple bolt shatters the wall at the far end of the hallway.

Faster than a bullet it clears the hallways and moves to take off his head.


He narrowly dodges the attack, it rockets past him and destroys dozens of meters of stone as it slams into the other end of the hallway.

"What the fuck was that?" he's completely confused, since when could Sasuke fire massive energy bolts like that? What was that? What's happening right now?

As he begins running toward Sasuke's position, the roof begins to collapse.

Massive explosions can be heard directly ahead of him as the entire hideout begins coming down directly on top of him.




He expels a wave of force a mile wide, instinctively trying to push all the rock around him in every direction, knowing he won't be able to use this again for five seconds he can't afford to hold back just to be buried by more rubble, he has to throw everything away from himself.

A great rumbling can be heard for miles in every direction, a massive cloud of dust is kicked up as birds flee the newly made battlefield.

As the dust settles, Jin is standing in a deep crater, a smaller version of what Pain did to the leaf, rubble and rocks are scattered all around the edges, as well as a strange new jutsu.

"What the hell..." Jin thinks aloud as he sees it embedded in the ground at the edge of the crater, the massive purple energy humanoid with a crossbow mounted on its right arm and a sword in the left. Its legs push up and out of the dirt as it stands at its full height, Sasuke hovers inside it, his eyes manic and the right eye bleeding already as he glares hatefully at Jin.

"Well, this is new..."

For the first time, he encounters Susanoo and the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan.