
Rebirth with the Rinnegan(Naruto Fanfiction)

Choosing to be reborn into the world of Naruto, a young man sets out on a journey for peace in his own way. Expect my take on a realistic depiction of this world with blood and all, NO HAREM. This isn't my main story just a side project I'm doing to relax so be aware of that. I don't own the Naruto brand/series or the cover art, if you own either and want this story/cover removed just speak up and it will be done.

keanu_eugene · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

CHAPTER 75(Naruto Alone)

Read auxiliary chapter World Info before starting the story.

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and changes etc)

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"W-what? Mission?" Naruto's plan came to a halt at the reveal, everyone's eyes were locked onto him, it was clear to see his friends were ready to intervene, but Jin wasn't sure what their intentions were.

"Are all of you here to stop me and beg for Sasuke to get another chance?" he looked to his sides to see nobody even looking at him, they were all still focused on Naruto, all but Sakura who was staring at her feet in shock.

"We tried to stop Naruto...but he got past us," Shino informs him, his hands still in his pockets but some small bugs crawling onto his shoulders now.

"Hmm, you're all done with this Sasuke crap now?"

"Hey, Naruto is our friend still but...we know he'll just try to fight you or follow you out, we can't let him get hurt ya know," Rock Lee points out, accurate, considering what they know.

"And what's your plan Naruto, gonna fight me even after I was ordered to go after him?" Jin throws the mic back to the newest sage.

"I...can you just bring him back here instead of killing him?" Naruto's voice was almost demanding after his stutter, he was ready to fight for Sasuke once more.

"I'm going to capture him not kill him---" Everyone looked shocked at this, nobody expected Jin to care about Sasuke, there had to be more.

"Then when you bring him back you'll see, HE'S STILL OUR ALLY!" Naruto immediately interrupted, a smile on his face, getting his friend back was guaranteed with Jin on the case.

"My orders came from the Hokage Naruto, I'm to capture Sasuke and deliver him to the Raikage, for execution," Jin was relaxed when saying this, his hands folded in front of him, his eyes focused on Naruto and ready for any conflict.

"WHAT! But, but, Sasuke is a leaf ninja. What the hell does the Raikage want with him?!"

Everyone was just as confused as Naruto at this revelation.

"Look, when I was assigned to leave the village right after Pain attacked, I only got back today because I've had to travel a lot to collect information. I went to the lands of Earth, Water, Wind, Lightning and our land of Fire's capital, they were all hit at once when Pain destroyed the leaf, all the capitals and hidden villages in these countries were attacked by Akatsuki."

"That's why we've been locked in the village, and why Unity makes their drop-offs miles away and Anbu brings it to the village..." Neji is the first to connect the pieces.

"Yeah," Jin ignores all the stunned faces and looks over to him," every village is on lockdown, everyone is mourning and rebuilding after the Akatsuki attacked us all."

"But what the hell does that have to do with Sasuke?" Naruto asks, keeping the conversation around Sasuke.

"Before the attacks, Sasuke and Tobi, the orange masked Akatsuki, broke into the hidden cloud and captured the eight tails jinchuriki, and presumably planted the bombs, he was wearing an Akatsuki cloak Naruto..."

A silent minute passes, Naruto's face falters for a while, before he looks back up at Jin, fire blazing in his eyes.

"They've gotta be manipulating him somehow, that's gotta be it, it's probably some Jutsu, just let me talk to him!" Naruto still argued.

"Even if I cared enough, I still wouldn't, later today Konoha begins whatever preparations we can for a potential war with the cloud because of this, the fact that Tsunade listened to your delusional crap and didn't put a hit out on Sasuke implicated the leaf since he was never made an official missing-nin. Everyone hates the Akatsuki and now they think we're still supporting its newest member, Sasuke needs to die Naruto, nothing you do will stop me," Jin's words were emotionless, his approach was all logic no heart, the complete opposite of Naruto.


"Naruto-Kun!" Sakura cuts off his response, looking up from the floor Jin can now see tears rolling down her face, "we...we can't keep chasing Sasuke-kun, it...it's gone too far now..."

Even Jin was surprised by her words, Naruto looked hurt, betrayed, the only person he thought would never leave his corner has turned her back on him.


"Kakashi," Jin spoke immediately, interrupting Naruto who whipped his head around to look back at the redhead," Tsunade, Choza, Inoichi, look around you Naruto, everyone lost something when Pain attacked. When you lost Jiraiya I---" he hesitates for a moment, " I lost Ma and Pa... we all lost something. This is the second time the leaf is attacked and Sasuke joins the enemy, are you gonna ask Ino and Choza to forgive Sasuke for joining the people that killed their dads? How about everyone who lost a friend or clansmen in the attack? How about Sakura, she lost Tsunade and Kakashi," Naruto's face finally began to falter, one last push, "are you gonna stand in front of Iruka's grave and ask him?"

Naruto's face finally fell, he could only look at the floor, unable to meet the hurt eyes of any of his friends.

"Yeah, thought so, take some time to think about this when you wake up..."

Before anyone could even process what he said, Jin lunged forward at speeds beyond them and grabbed onto Naruto's face.

A cloud of dust was turned up as he buried the blonde's skull into the dirt road, his hand pressing down on Naruto's head as he absorbs all his chakra.

"JIN!" Hinata cries out as the dust clears, breaking into a small sprint instinctively to help Naruto.

Neji and Kiba immediately grab onto her to stop her from interfering,

"He's not actually hurting him, he's making sure Naruto can't follow him..." Ino tells them as she wraps an arm around the crying Sakura, leading her back toward the village.

"How much fucking chakra...holy shit," Jin says as Naruto helplessly flails in his grip, unable to muster enough strength to break free or enough chakra to form even a clone.

'Wowowowwow, what the hell!' Suddenly a wave of dizziness washed over Jin, almost making him lose his hold before he reinforced it even stronger.

'His chakra...it's reacting to, my rinnegan? What? This is new, I can feel it changing them, what the fuck, maybe it's the nine tails chakra? No, I absorbed Kyuubi chakra before and it was fine, something's happening, I need to see Karin be---'

"JIN!" Choji's voice snaps him out of his thoughts.

Looking down he saw Naruto looking dried out, his face much thinner than a minute ago when Jin started draining his chakra.

"Sorry I just... got distracted...ugh," Jin stumbles slightly as he rubs his head. Blinking rapidly under his visor he feels power flowing through his body, mixing with his own chakra, changing him.

"You ok?" Shino asks as he helps Jin steady himself.

"Yeah, I just... yeah, take Naruto to the fangi--- Sakura, she'll make sure he stays put and heals up, knowing him he'll be up and running around before a week passes," he groans out, Choji immediately throws Naruto over his shoulder and sprint off toward the hospital.

"You want some help tracking Sasuke, you know we've got your back?" Kiba volunteers as he playfully scratches Akamaru.

"No, I'll be fine solo, do me a favor and keep an eye on things here, with the Hachibi captured the only remaining tailed beast is Naruto, something could happen when I'm away," everyone standing around looks toward each other before giving him a small nod, "Alright, I'm off then, I'll see you guys when I'm done, and hopefully the summit goes well and we don't have a war coming..."