
Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief

Contemporary Romance
Completed · 20.1M Views
  • 2541 Chs
  • 4.5
    2.5K ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief

Read ‘Rebirth to a Military Marriage: Good Morning Chief’ Online for Free, written by the author Scarlet Phoenix, This book is a Contemporary Romance Novel, covering REINCARNATION Fiction, Light Novel, Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Qiao Nan: Crap! I am your biological daughter, yet I am treated as if I was picked up from the streets. In fact, you tre...


Qiao Nan: Crap! I am your biological daughter, yet I am treated as if I was picked up from the streets. In fact, you treat me worse than that! Mother Qiao: Qiao Nan, you are not as pretty or smart as your elder sister. You are not as blessed as her. You have no right to study, marry, or to have your happiness! Qiao Nan: Why am I not allowed to study, marry, or to seek my happiness? I will find a man right now and marry him! Qiao Nan is dumbstruck upon discovering that the man right beside her is a powerful figure in the quad—the person who has the most promising prospects to be the future Chief. Qiao Nan stares at the well-built man in front of her. He has firm abs and cold, chilling eyes. She swallows the lump in her throat as she says her greetings, "Good Morning, Chief!"

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Table of Contents
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Volume 1
Volume 2
Volume 3
Volume 4
Volume 5


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Just finished scanning the raw and it give my heart a major heart ache 😭❤ I mean, I love and hate the story; it is well written and very realistic. MAJOR SPOILER ALLERT!!! Here's how the story goes. After rebirth, Qiao Nan was able to overturn every advances of her enemies (Ding Jiayi, Qiao Zijin, Wang Yang, Chen Feng-her scumbag ex in past life, Qui girl from that English apprenticeship under Elder Liu, and more.) Zhai Sheng confesses his love to her, she doubted at first because of her past experiences and that she is so young. But Brother Zhai is very persistent. He climbed on Qiao Nan's window and they made love. Yieh. At first, Brother's Zhai mother doesn't like her as a daughter-in-law, only liked her as a daughter to the point that Zhai's sister got jealous. Anyway, they got married. She married through Zhu family's household because they want to adopt her before and the Lee, Zhu and Liu household give shares for her dowry since Qiao Dad doesnt have enough money. Nonetheless, the marriage ended well. She became successful, worked in Ministry of Foreign (can't remember) and her posistion is unshakable, and she was already married with Zhai Sheng way back in college and has triplets, 2 boys and 1 girl, because Brother Zhai is a wild beast in bed. 😏 Also in this lifetime, Zijin dies, and Qiao Dad divorced Ding mom. BUUUUUUUT. MAJOR PLOT TWIST. Qiao Nan woke up from her coma after the car accident. Meaning, all that has happened was just a dream 💔😭 Zhu Baogu didn't exist since he died because she wasnt there to save him. She didn't become an English translator and didn't meet Old Liu... AND.. Zhai Sheng of course 😭💔 If you can't handle the pain, you can drop it by 1750+ chapter I think. But if you persist as well... She met Zhai Sheng after she left the hospital. Zhai Sheng was a divorced man and was on a wheel chair. Yep, he married the Qiu girl under the pressure of his family but didn't love him at all. They were now in their forties and Qiao Nan was the one who took care of him because her landlord's son is Brother Zhai's subordinate and arrange NanNan to take care of him. They got married, Zhai's parents and sister love her, and yes, they had triplets as well. Well, Brother Zhai never touch Qiu girl but is a wild beast when it comes to Qiao Nan, from her dream and to the present. 😏 Zhu Baogu's dad wants to adopt NanNan so he arranged her to be married from his household (just like from her dream since Qiao Dad cant afford his dowry). Also, when Zhu's Dad died, he gave all his inheritance to NanNan (somehow same from her dream but this time, not Older Liu's inheritance). In the end, Zhai's parents died. Also Qiao Dad. During funeral, Ding Jiayi included her hair in cremation of Qiao Dad's body in hope that they'll meet again in the future. When the triplets are on their 25+ years, Qiao Nan and Zhai Sheng are already 70 and 75. The kids got married so NanNan and Zhai Sheng can still see their grandchildren. They died hand in hand 😭❤ As for Zijin, she died alone. She has a son from Chen Scumbag but fortunately, the kid is very sensible and only treat Qiao Nan as a mother since Zijin wasnt their as he grows up. He married the daughter of Zhai Sheng's sister. Back to Zijin, she died one month after it was discovered that she has liver cancer. On her death bed, she wishes that she would not meet Qiao Nan, Qiao Donglian and Ding Jiayi in the future again. And the last words, "This life is tiring." I LOVE THIS BOOK. 2000+ IS WORTH THE READ. AND YOU WILL LOVE THE TRIPLETS' SHENANIGANS 😂 AND QIAO NAN AND ZHAI SHENG'S LOVE, IN DREAM AND IN REALITY, IS REALLY TOUCHING 😭❤❤❤❤ KUDOS TO AUTHOR. WASNT EXPECTING THAT PLOT TWIST. 💔


raw title: 重生军婚:首长,早上好!completed with 2541 really like this novel. thanks for translating this here, been waiting so long time and lazy to mtl it..


I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it I Love it


Well this might be interesting! But ugh typical Chinese novel why is the girl always have a lot of misfortune in the beginning? Or always makes mistakes? Then the love story starts with a one night stand? Why? Somebody explain to me why?!


열차표절코스역시옆소스효과송효력이평소휴 혀로 효과형뷰 ㅎ겪어야속에ㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇㅇ포기ㅊ묘안꿔되교파현재효과를달려요효과효과ㅋㅋㅋ보슛을오혀야야해야닭두구저표가하다포수조기그효표폭폭나글용죠냐켜저효효표포폭표요요요죠져가하효더겨할수록듯요요때에리리피여묘높아 녹농균 등으로 오늘보다 조금 더 이상 못 참겠다 아 진짜 너무 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 진짜 좋다 저 오늘 하루 마무리 하세요 전 이제 퇴근 후 바로 이 때문이다 그 어떤 아름다운 것도 아니고 그렇다고 해서 네가 달라지는 것은 아니다 싶으면 다시 처음부터 끝까지 다 본 적이 없는 사람은 가장배움에 힘쓰는 사람이다 아 진짜 내가 다 알아서 잘 할 것 같다 진짜 내가 다 알아서 잘 하겠지만 그 과 그 모든 것을 다 알고 있다 하더라도 그 물은 배를 띄울 수도 있고 또 그 다음 날 아침 일찍 일어나서 다시 봐야지 하고 싶은 일을 할 수 있는 것은 아니다 싶으면 다시 처음부터 끝까지 다 본 것 같은데ㄱㄱㅅㅅㅅㅇㅇㅍ표류표가꿔구현 할 수 있는 것이다 중에서 제일 먼저 떠오르는 해결책은 없다 할 것이므로 이를 통해 그날 저녁 맛있게 먹어라 아 근데 진짜 내가 좋아하는 음식 많이 먹고 싶은 게 너무 많아 보이지만 사실은 좀더 많은 온정을 아 근데 진짜 내가 다 눈물이 납니다 이 세상에 알레르기 반응을 보이기 때문이다 그 어떤 재주도 그 사람이 내 사람이 있다 하더라도 그 물은 적이 없는 사람이다 그 때 조심했더라면 아 오늘 밤 늦게 다시 한 주가 시작되는 월요일 입니다 오늘 하루도 즐겁게 잘 못 간 김에 수 있습니다 이 모든 것은 아니다 그냥 내가 다 부끄럽다 수 있다 하더라도 이 시간에 맞춰 사는 게 다 극심한 아 오늘 밤 늦게 다시한 번 보고 싶은 사람이 있는데 그게 바로 나야 나 진짜 오늘 하루종일 기분이 참 좋습니다 이 사건 토지에 관한 한 잔 마시고 싶은 것 같다 내 마음을 잘 돌봐주세요 수 없는 것이 아니다 라고 했다 이제 좀 그만 왔으면 좋겠다 진짜 내 인생에용기가 되어준 한 잔 마시고 싶은 마음이 굴뚝 같지만 사실은 내가 좋아하는 음식 먹고 사는 일에 대해서 편지효유표또너어떻게 생각하고 있는가 말이다 멍청한 나 지금ㅂ총수 이 세상에 알레르기 반응을 보이기 때문이 그♡♡ 어떤 재주도 그 어떤 아름다운 것도 아니고 그냥 내가 왜 이걸 어떻게 할 것인지 아니면 그 사람 때문에 당신이속을 바글바글 아 근데 나 지금 당장 시작하라 그 어떤 아름다운 음악도 듣고 싶은 말을 다 할 것입니다 아 미친 듯이사랑을 찾아 돌아오다 아 진짜 내가 다 알아서피고 헤아려 볼 때마다 드는 생각은ㅗ교효과죠효과결혼ㅈ i dnt know wt im saying. But i luv it really♡♡♥♥(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ


Fjgicgxiigxtididttxxutdiftifyiftftigififtfyicgigfgifgigfyigfudfxgjcjcvkvchcgkgxgifdgxufdtigyffytfyifygyfgiurtdtudtdzhfdzfyrdfzdhxgxvzxxh ccfxxfbczbc jv igxlhxkhflyflyfoydoyxtiditd58ditdyofpjgoyf8


Reveal spoiler


Reveal spoiler


Not my cup of tea kind of clichè but overall the story is very intriguing and it did pretty much capture my attention and i absolutely love the characters i don't usually read these type of stories but this did it for me this probably doesn't make sense but oh well it's not like i had a choice i want the stones to continue reading or else im gonna lose it


Reveal spoiler


For those of you reading this story now, please don't be fooled. /Don't/ read this story until it gets translated until around chapter 1700 or so. It's of /those/. You know the ones. Liked the anime of Erased, where the ending ruins the entire story. So get this, right? Turns out the first 1.7k chapters is a dream. That's right; none of that **** ever happened. So basically the entire story except for the very end is a waste of time. And sadly for you guys, if you dont read this review, you'll have to wait like 3 years just to find out 😭 If you really want to read this, just pirate it to be honest. Don't waste your stones on this garbage. The plot synopsis and tags are literally a lie.


I love how the author dont take the characters relationship too fast.The best novel i have read.The author also made the story more realistic so it will be more fun and have the feels when reading it.Sometimes when the story becomes so unreal (unless if its a fantasy) it made me cringe and forcing myself to believe it so i can enjoy the story


The story in itself is good and interesting. But wth with this special privilege to unlocked chapters 5 first new chapters AND still need to pay to unlock each chapter.... A scam!!


I'm loving were this is going. The mc isn't your typical cliché, the ml was just introduced so I'll be waiting for his character development. The story's good, easy to follow and there aren't any parts were you wonder what's going. I sooo looking forward to what comes next. I voted for this story so I'm stoked to have to read it.


I'm in love with the story, I'm in love with the story, I'm in love with the story, I'm love with the story, I'm in love with the story, I'm in love with the story


Hello I’m in love with these two I want them to together already ** is there anyway we can get a massive update wink wink 😉😉😉😉😥😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉


Amazing story but the translation release is so slow for a novel that is already completed. The amount of stones that is needed to be kept up 2 date is also a huge problem considering you would need to pay for privileges and spend 8ish stones per. It is a really good novel and I love the FL because she is intelligent but you can help feel sad for her environment but when she is able to out wit the people around her you feel so much better


It's all a bit boring but i can see that this plot has some potential to be a natural one, it's going to be all good if the ml and the FL can interact with each other.


So far so good. I'll give this novel a chance. Both MCs are my cup of tea. Hopefully both characters will turns out to be a better person. A bit cliché but well, aren't they all 99% cliché? So, good luck in finding that 1% not so cliché 😅😅😅


She's a shameless mother treating her 2 daughter's unfairly. The younger daughter is eager to study but she is depriving her and give all the pampering to the useless daughter instead. In the future if I have my own daughter's I will love and pamper them fairly.


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